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Everything posted by StartingToday

  1. Dave Thank you so much for your post. The holy spirit convicts me a lot. There have been times in life I have literally felt God touch me and then times when I feel that He has left me because I haven't changed my ways. Your words of encouragement makes sense. I am in a constant battle with myself, I always call it a tug-of-war between God and me. I want to put complete trust in Him, then I start doubting that He is even there (not existing, just with me). I just need to change the way I think, but it is very difficulty thing to do. Again thank you so much for all of your postings. It's very exhausting this war I have raging inside of me. I know if I can learn to trust God completely I will feel so much better. God Bless
  2. I have forgiven him over and over. Just when I think we are going to make it work he goes back to his old routine. I think he just gets bored. To be completely honest with you though, I honestly gave up 2 yrs ago. I just became emotional exhausted. I told my husband back in Decemeber I have given all I have and have nothing more to offer. We are now living as roommates. I make no attempt whatsoever to make ammends with him. He recently told me he knows the marriage is over and he accepts it. This is where I am having most of my problems though. Because I am not being a Godly wife and I feel horrible because I don't want to be. I guess I need assurance God is going to forgive me for not being the wife He expects me to be. God Bless
  3. If I can give a hypothetical scenario. Wife has actual "transcript" of a very explicit conversation between her husband and another female, not just one conversation and not just with one female but many. Does this prove he had lust in his heart? Wife confronts husband and he states he was just messing around and meant nothing by it, then also throws in there he knew she was recording what he was doing, so he did it on purpose to teach her a lesson. As stated, I believe up above, only God knows what is in ones heart. But is the wife to turn the other cheek and let him slap that one too and if so how many times? Obviously this husband isn't taking his vows seriously. As much as women need to follow this verse Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Shouldn't the husband be following this one? Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; Obviously the above is not a hypothetical but what I have actually been dealing with since the first yr of our marriage. There are other things I had discovered as well over the past 12 yrs of our marriage. Do I have concrete proof? No, I have never actually caught him in the act myself. I have what I have been told by others and also the "womans intuition". In our first 6 yrs of dating I had inklings of dishonesty but they were put off as me being a very untrustworthy person.
  4. I have asked my husband several times for us to go to marriage counseling. His response every time is "There is nothing wrong with me, it's you!" He really likes telling me that I have the issues, that I am a miserable person and I just like making other people miserable. He has told me to seek counseling for myself because I need it. As far as reconciliation, I honestly don't have it in me. I started working on my salvation 4 months ago. He kind of mocks me with my religion. He has told me the Bible I am reading is doing me no good. I then responded maybe he should pick up a Bible, his response was if reading the Bible turns a person into someone like me, why bother. I believe he holds a grudge on me because I have seen him for who he really is.
  5. When we were first married no we weren't christians. We both believe in God, but in all honesty I didn't know what it meant to be a true christian until later. We started going to church about 10 yrs ago, we were both baptized and became members of our church. This lasted for about 2 yrs, those 2 yrs were the best yrs of our entire relationship/marriage.
  6. I know I'm sorry. I had actually decided to keep this to myself and I deleted my entire posting with the exception of what ended up getting posted, which is truly beyond me how it posted! Like I said, sorry. I really probably should just deal with this on my own
  7. Forgive me if I misunderstood your statement, but I don't think anyone enters into a marriage with a "Plan B". I certainly didn't think 12 yrs down the road I would be feeling like I'm "doing my time" (for a lack of a better term). And unfortunately thats exactly how I feel, I am just doing my time. Please don't get me wrong, I am not looking for permission to leave and I will not make excuses for why our marriage failed. It failed, first and foremost, neither of us allowed God to take charge over the marriage, we didn't seek God when we needed Him the most. Secondly we didn't grow together we grew apart. I was 15 (he was 20) when we met and he was my knight and shining armor; he literally rescued you from the hell I was in. But over the years, his true colors started shining, unfortunately they didn't start shining until after we were married. Yes I know the truth hurts. Regardless, to say someone entered a marriage with the "I might" instead of the "I do" is just not a fair statement.
  8. Unfortunately a lot of people say that but instead mean "I Might".... Thats not a fair statement, not all situations are the same
  9. Point of return hopefully?? LOL not quite, debating whether to post or not
  10. SHOOT! ops that wasn't suppose to go through!!!! Is there a way to delete? LOL
  11. If you have a Best Buy close by they usually run some pretty good deals on their digital cameras. I've heard the Kodak EasyShares are pretty good, but I haven't priced them.
  12. Any time wine was used in a good context, or where its clear a believer is using it will be automatically changed to 'grape juice'. Any time wine was used in a bad context it is 'wine'. I do not agree with the above assessment, mind you. I am merely telling you their means of interpretation. And yes, they WILL say that the weddings guests were commenting "why did they save the best grape juice til last?" Welcome to the discussion. You might want to get out now while you still have your sanity. I might fit in here, I've never been sane
  13. I apologize if I am off topic, forgive me I haven't read all the post. But just to comment on drinking being a sin. Jesus maybe have never drank wine (not sure if He did or not) but why would He turn water into wine then offer the wine to His followers if they weren't to drink it because it is sinful? And what was served at the last supper? Wasn't wine offered to represent His blood?
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