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Da Servant

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Posts posted by Da Servant

  1. http://youtu.be/jDUiuk-12Zg    About 3 1/2 minutes or less

    President of the World?  Democracy doesn't mean, "the people rule."  Democracy means "to rule the people."  What this video is encouraging people to do is to vote for the promotion of fewer rights for people, promotion of abortion, hyper-sexuality of all forms, and "the government is god."


    Also, the initials of President Of the World are POW.  These same initials are also shared by the term Prisoner Of War, which is exactly what is being declared on the peoples of the world by this, war.

  2. First Use Of the Cross At Tell Khaiber?

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent

    TELL KHAIBER EXCAVATION SITE, Ur, Iraq (WorthyNews) - An even more amazing discovery has been found at Tell Khaiber in Ur, Iraq. Professor Stuart Campbell of Manchester (UK) University's Archaeology Department found the remains of a "sprawling complex" near the ancient city of Ur along the Euphrates river in southern Iraq. Ur is the birthplace of the patriarch Abraham.(1)

    Various artifacts such as bowl pieces made out of alabaster and gaming pieces (ancient version of checkers?) made out of diorite have been found there as well as fragments of unbaked clay containing the names of Babylonian men and their fathers, providing some nice genealogical information.(2) The most amazing discovery, however, is the remains of the building that was found there.

    For more information, please go to: http://conspiracyprophecyguy.blogspot.com/2013/04/ancient-building-found-at-tell-khaiber_15.html

  3. Ancient Stone Structure Located Beneath the Sea of Galilee

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent

    SEA OF GALILEE, Israel - An ancient stone structure has been found in the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel. It rises almost 32 feet (10 m) high, has a circumference of about 230 feet (70 m), and weighs an estimated 60,000 tons. As a comparison, Stonehenge is only half as big around, the tallest stones don't reach as high, and the structure weighs more than most modern-day battleships.(1)

    It was first detected during a sonar survey of the southwestern portion of the Sea of Galilee in 2003.(1) Yitzhak Paz of the Israeli Antiquities Authority and Ben-Gurion University believes the structure could date back more than 4,000 years.

    "The more logical possibility is that it belongs to the third millennium B.C., because there are other megalithic phenomena [from that time] that are close by," he said in an interview with LiveScience.(2) Paz also said that the structure indicates that those who made it were a "well-organized society, with planning skills and economic ability."

    Story continues at: http://conspiracyprophecyguy.blogspot.com/2013/04/mysterious-structure-beneath-sea-of.html

  4. Ancient Building found at Tell Khaiber near Ur, Iraq

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent

    UR, Iraq (Worthy News) - A rather unusual find was uncovered today, April 5, 2013 in Iraq. Professor Stuart Campbell of Manchester (UK) University's Archaeology Department found the remains of a "sprawling complex" near the ancient city of Ur along the Euphrates river in southern Iraq. Ur is the birthplace of the Jewish patriarch Abraham.(1)

    The site of the dig, Tell Khaiber, means "mound of Eber." What is interesting about this building is that it belonged to Eber, the father of all Hebrews. Eber, or Heber, is the 4x-great grandfather of Abraham, the father of Isaac and grandfather of Jacob, who changed his name to Israel. Eber is also the great grandson of Shem, the son of Noah, from whom we get the name Sumeria, which means "land of Shem's light."

    The genealogical and historical information in the Bible has long been disputed, with some even questioning whether or not it was all fake. It is a known fact that the Assyrians (named after Asshur, a descendant of Shem) put the letters 'Gh' and 'Kh' in front of names that sounded like they began with vowels. Thus, Eber became Gheber or Kheber, or, as it is in this case, Khaiber.

    For more information, please go to: http://conspiracyprophecyguy.blogspot.com/2013/04/ancient-building-found-at-tell-khaiber.html

  5. I just can't take it any longer. She is trying her hardest to make things as unbearable as possible for me. She says she want a divorce and I'm ready to give it to her. It takes two to continue and I can't form a relationship by myself.

    I know what you're going through, InfoCentral. My wife and I went through the same thing some time ago. Keep yourself seeking after God first, no matter how much it hurts. God loves you and will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in him.

    P.S. Do not seek a divorce lawyer unless she actually serves you with divorce papers. Satan is working big time to try to destroy your marriage. He doesn't fight so hard unless there is a threat.

    P.P.S. We are glad that we did not get divorced, my wife and I. We now have three very beautiful children that God has blessed us with and our relationship is stronger.

  6. Can anyone relate?Everywhere I look people are doing just what seems to feel good to them.They do not care about values,character or morals.I feel like a fish out of water.I am longing for my real home.

    I've been weary of it myself, so you are not alone. Take heart, though. Our battles are almost over. The Lord Jesus's coming to catch away his bride is so very soon, even at the doors. So do not faint, nor be weary in well doing. He (in your case, she) that endureth to the end shall be saved.

  7. Matthew 10:23

    When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

    27 "For the Son of Man is going to come with His angels in the glory of His Father, and then He will reward each according to what he has done. 28 I assure you: There are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."

    I can't get myself past these verses. I've tried convincing myself it could mean the transfiguration, but frankly, I feel that is a go to when hitting a brick wall. Is there any possibility we are in the 1000 years? I know there has been no time of peace. But these verses sound so immediate.

    Jesus was speaking of when he returns to judge the world. The other part refers to one thing that I can think of, but it will be very hard for many to accept: That there were standing there two or more people either from our time or the very near future that wouldn't die until the Lord returns to earth to make war on Antichrist and claim his heritage.

  8. I feel I was recently chastened and I received a spirit of fear. I did not fully understand what was happening. I think I also received "the word" (wheat and tares parable). I felt close to God for weeks, but was worrying about some cares of the world and allowed "the word" to be choked out. Looking back, I know I should have ignored the world while this was going on and should have been reading my Bible when I was awakened at night (rather than trying to go back to sleep). I see this now. I feel "carnal" again. It is my understanding that you need to "keep the word" and that this is the time that the Holy Spirit renews you. I assume that receiving the word is a one time shot. Is there any recourse now or am I doomed to Hell. I can't imagine walking this earth as a zombie with a spirit of fear (waking me up multiple times each night) simply waiting for death and Hell. How long can my body hold up? Any advice or prayers would be appreciated.

    Don't even sweat it. You were just being human. Remember, living in God's grace doesn't mean behaving perfectly. It just means you are choosing to have faith that his grace is bigger than your sins.

  9. BREAKING NEWS! State of South Carolina Involved In Massive Personal Data Confiscation

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent

    Columbia, SC (WorthyNews) - The State of South Carolina on August 27, 2012 experience a 'data breach' in its Department of Revenue files. It experienced two more breaches in early September, and two more data breaches in mid September, according to an official press release issued by the State of South Carolina Department of Revenue.

    South Carolina Department of Revenue (DOR) Director James Etter said that on October 10th of this year, DOR was contacted by the South Carolina Division of Information Technology and informed them of a "potential cyber attack involving the personal information of taxpayers."

    "We worked with them throughout that day to determine what may have happened and what steps to take to address the situation," he said. "We also immediately began consultations with state and federal law enforcement agencies and briefed the governor's office."

    For the full report, please go to http://conspiracyprophecyguy.blogspot.com/2012/10/breaking-news.html

  10. BREAKING NEWS! State of South Carolina Involved In Massive Personal Data Confiscation

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent

    Columbia, SC (WorthyNews) - The State of South Carolina on August 27, 2012 experience a 'data breach' in its Department of Revenue files. It experienced two more breaches in early September, and two more data breaches in mid September, according to an official press release issued by the State of South Carolina Department of Revenue.

    South Carolina Department of Revenue (DOR) Director James Etter said that on October 10th of this year, DOR was contacted by the South Carolina Division of Information Technology and informed them of a "potential cyber attack involving the personal information of taxpayers."

    "We worked with them throughout that day to determine what may have happened and what steps to take to address the situation," he said. "We also immediately began consultations with state and federal law enforcement agencies and briefed the governor's office."

    For the full report, please go to http://conspiracyprophecyguy.blogspot.com/2012/10/breaking-news.html

  11. Hezbollah Drone Incursion Into Israel Linked To Downed American Drone In Iran

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - (WorthyNews) The unmanned drone that made its way into southern Israeli airspace, and shot down, last Saturday has been tentatively linked to an American stealth drone that was downed in Iran late last year.

    Israel has stated that the drone was sent by Hezbollah,a known terrorist organization and lawful heads of state in Lebanon. This was confirmed by Sheikh Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, head of Hezbollah.

    Nasrallah seemed to gloat that this incursion into Israeli airspace was done.

    "The resistance in Lebanon sent sophisticated reconnaissance aircraft from Lebanon. It penetrated the enemy's iron procedures and entered occupied southern Palestine," he said. The drone "flew over sensitive installations inside southern Palestine and was shot down in an area near the Dimona reactor." (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/11/us-lebanon-israel-drone-idUSBRE89A19J20121011)


    There has been speculation as to who made the drone, that is, who fabricated the parts. Russia is one candidate, while Iran is another. Hassan Nasrallah personally states that the drone "is not Russian made. This drone was Iranian made."

    Micah Zenko, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and specialist in drone technology proliferation and the Middle East at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., says that this was a regular occurrence and is of no real importance.

    "That it happened again is absolutely insignificant," he said. "The type of drone shot down on Saturday cannot be piloted until someone has "line control" of the device, or is within 50 kilometers of it," he said.

    This suggests that Hezbollah agents either had direct sight of the drone (line control means line-to-sight control, a.k.a. laser sighting) or were withing 31 miles of it when the drone was shot down. It also suggests that Mr. Zenko had direct, personal knowledge of that specific make and model of drone, indicating that Mr. Zenko had direct, personal knowledge of that specific make and model of drone, indicating possibly connections to both Iran and Hezbollah. (http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/11/world/meast/israel-hezbollah-drone/index.html)

    While there is no direct link as yet to the United States, it must be remembered that back in December, 2011, a United States drone, model RQ-170 Sentinel made by Lockheed Martin, was downed in Iran and the "wreckage" kept by the Iranian government, much to the chagrin of the American citizenry.

    Iranian officials at the time said that the drone was either shot down or crashed due to a hack attack on the control systems by the Iranian military. American officials deny this, saying "The stories are fanciful and that the drone was lost due to a malfunction.

    The loss of the drone occurred more than 140 miles from the Iran/Afghanistan border. The RQ-170 Sentinel has been in service for some time now, having seen action in western Afghanistan as far back as 2009. It was also said to have been used in the raid on "Osama bin Laden" before he was killed.

    A statement from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan said Iran "might have recovered an unarmed reconnaissance aircraft" flying a mission over western Afghanistan." Experts in this field have noted that the stealth technology of the RQ-170 "greatly reduces the chances that the drone can be directed by radar," but that they had little use in western Afghanistan because the Taliban have no radar to detect flights."

    If the above statement is true, and I believe it is, this indicates a willful and intentional direction of the RQ-170 into Iranian territory specifically for the purpose of being spotted by Iranian radar.

    It is quite possible, even likely, in light of the evidence and case presented by yours truly, that someone in the U.S. military purposefully flew the drone into Iran for the express purpose of delivering American military technology into Iranian hands. It is also highly likely that Presidents Obama and Ahmedinejad are recently working together to destroy or enslave the people of the nations of Israel. (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/08/world/middleeast/drone-crash-in-iran-reveals-secret-us-surveillance-bid.html)

    When the intrusion happened, reports indicated that the drone, when confronted by Israel Air Forces (IAF) turned from its course, which was heading to the Dimona reactor. The drone made its entry into Israel from the Gaza Strip, and was shot down about 22 miles South East on the city of Beersheba. The only solutions for given what we know is that the plane flew for a long time by itself, or that it had someone "close by" at all times.

  12. BREAKING NEWS! Iran has enough uranium to start making a nuclear weapon!

    Nukes, Anyone? Iran Now Has Enough Enriched Uranium To Begin Making A Bomb

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent

    JERUSALEM, Israel - It's official. Quiet, but official. Iran now has enough enriched uranium to begin making a nuclear weapon.

    In a radio interview on "The Schnitt Show," broadcasting out of Florida, United States, on 17 September, 2012, former ambassador to the United Nations (U.N.) John Bolton was discussing Iran and Israel's response to Iran's continuing production of enriched uranium. Among the different aspects covered, one stood out: The subject of drawing a 'red line' for Iran concerning its nuclear enrichment program.

    At about the 48 minute mark of hour three of the program, 3:00 to 6:00 EST, Ambassador Bolton stated that for the sensible man, "Iran has already crossed that [red] line." Although he tried to make it sound benign, it was clear that he was talking about Iran's nuclear enrichment program and their desire to make a nuclear weapon.

    Mr. Bolton apparently did not intend to reveal this information because as soon at it left his mouth, he immediately went into damage control, trying to deflect the listener away from the obvious conclusion that Iran had sufficient nuclear material to make a bomb. The note of fear in Mr. Bolton's voice during said damage control is obvious, as is his comment that Iran has already 'crossed that line,' being a shot at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's desires that the leaders of the world draw a 'red line' regarding Iran's nuclear weapons program.

    Over the course of the past week, Mr. Netanyahu has called on President Obama and other world leaders to clearly state at what point Iran would face a military attack if it doesn't cease its ambitions of making a nuclear weapon. President Obama and some of his top aides have repeatedly stated that all options are "on the table," and that there would be time for action beyond toughened sanctions already in place. One should read into President Obama's statement of all options being on the table as a military strike on Iran is not an option.

    President Obama and the Iranians are not Israel's only enemies. Anne Flaherty, a reporter with the Associated Press, called Mr. Netanyahu " hawkish," and said his remarks concerning the American public "needing to elect a president willing to draw a red line" concerning Iran are "an impassioned election-season plea from a world leader who insists that he "doesn't want to insert himself into U.S. politics" and "hasn't endorsed either candidate." The effects of Miss Flaherty's statements present Prime Minister Netanyahu as unnecessarily aggressive, a war-monger, and a drama king who wants to try to control the outcome of US elections. What this also does is spread anti-Semitism around the globe, as it makes Mr. Netanyahu in particular, and Jews/Israelis in general as wanting to control the world to the subjugation of everyone else. Perhaps Miss Flaherty should look to the Muslim community when presenting a picture so evil.

    Whatever your feelings are for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israelis, and Jews around the world are, the facts are clear: Iran was, and is, actively developing nuclear material for use in a weapon; they intend to use it against Israel; and, Israel needs to make a decision soon, with or without U.S. or international backing.

    Israel does have the right to defend itself. Israel does have the right to survive. Israel does have the right to exist as a Jewish state.

    "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure." Psalm 2, verses 1-5, King James Version Bible

    (The Post and Courier contributed to this article)

  13. President Obama Supplying Weapons To Syrian Rebels For Use Against Israel?

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News US Correspondent

    (Information for this article is from www.rt.com and published on 06/21/2012)

    TEL-AVIV, Israel - American secret service operatives are delivering anti-tank rocket launchers, illegal assault rifles, and ammunition to Syrian opposition forces, according to a report issued by the New York Times.

    According to the report, American (C.I.A.) officers based in Turkey have supervised the flow of illegal arms for weeks to numerous opposition factions, supposedly for use against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They are being brought into Syria over the Turkish border with help from Muslim Brotherhood members operating in Syria. Expenses (for the weapons?) are being shared by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

    The source of the New York Times report is an Arab intelligence official According to the source, the officers are collecting information on Syrian opposition groups and recruiting informants among their ranks.

    The Obama administration is reported to be considering sharing its intelligence data (no mention of with whom), satellite images and detailed information on the location and maneuvers of Syrian troops. The State Department has also reportedly set aside $15 million in medical supplies and communication equipment for anti-Assad opposition groups.

    While it would seem that President Obama is trying to help the rebels overthrow President Assad, we must remember that in the past he has supported known enemies of Israel like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad in his violent suppression of the citizens of Iran protesting for more rights and freedom (his unwillingness to even voice sympathy for the people of Iran should be seen as support for Ahmedinejad and his actions), and the Muslim Brotherhood in their overthrow of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. President Obama supported them in this by sending military aid and using NATO bombing runs against Mubarak and his army. Both of these groups have the express intent of destroying Israel.

    President Obama is not alone in his desire to destroy Israel. Russia, while not assisting the rebels, is supplying the nation of Syria with material and technical support in the form of maintenance of Syria's MI-25 assault helicopters and anti-air missile systems. Since the rebels have no air assault capabilities, the only reason for Syria having anti-air missile systems is to sue against Israeli jets and attack helicopters.

    Reportedly, the US Pentagon is considering establishing a no-fly zone over Syria, as was done in Libya and Iraq. This is nothing more than posturing on the part of the United States, the sole purpose of which is to lull Israel into its confidence to make them more vulnerable to attack by Syria, Iran, Russia, or some faction like al-Qaeda and Hezbollah. The only purpose for a no-fly zone in Syria must be to attack Israeli military aircraft that might enter Syrian airspace since the Syrian rebel groups, again, have no air assault vehicles.

    Recent (as of August 19, 2012) statements by Assad threatening to expand the civil war beyond its borders if Western military action against Syria happens is nothing but a veiled, yet direct, threat against Israel.

    Israel should not listen to anyone telling them when to attack, as in an 'October Surprise'. You know what you have to do. Do it, and may the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel be with you.

  14. Is The United States Helping Iran To Get Nuclear Weapons?

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News US Correspondent

    (Information for this article taken from www.israelnationalnews.com. Article is titled "Dempsey, Panetta Play Down Israeli Strike in Iran", published on 15 Aug 2012 by Elad Benari)

    On Tuesday, 14 August, 2012, two senior U.S. officials tried to downplay the likelihood, and success, of an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear processing facilities. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint chiefs of Staff, spoke to reporters at the Pentagon on the matter.

    "I might not be aware of all their capabilities, but I think it is a fair assessment that Israel can delay but not destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities," Dempsey said during the joint press briefing with Panetta. This appears to indicate that General Dempsey has a thorough knowledge of the situation and is leaning in favor of Iran in case Israel decides to strike. It also indicates that General Dempsey has a sizable knowledge of both Iranian defenses and Israeli attack strength, and doesn't think that Israel can stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear device for use against Israel and then America.

    Israel has recently stated that if they (Israel, and other nations) don't act soon it may be too late to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Defense Secretary Panetta, however, has a different view:

    "The reality is that we still believe there is room for diplomacy. The new sanctions are beginning to have an impact, the international community is unified in its resistance to Iranian nuclear development," he said. "The Prime Minister of Israel (Benjamin Netanyahu) has said the same thing: "Any military action should be the last and not the first solution.""

    The problem with Mr. Panetta's statements are these: 1) He well knows Israel has tried diplomatic solutions with Iran and other Arab neighbors and they always fail. 2) Every time a peace treaty is 'desired' by Israel's neighbors and various members of the international community, Israel must always give up something before talks can even begin, usually with land being given up back to pre-1967 borders. 3) Mr. Panetta is either naive or he is lying. Anyone who has followed the situation knows that if Israel does not act now, Iran will have nuclear weapons and won't hesitate to use them.

    The comments from Mr. Panetta and Gen. Dempsey come as speculation about an Israeli strike aimed at stopping Iran from getting their hands on nuclear weapons has increased over the past few days. Some people have speculated that such an attack may come by September or October.

    Mr. Panetta's remarks closely resemble those spoken by White House Spokesman Jay Carney on Monday, August 13.

    "We continue to believe that there is time and space for diplomacy," Mr. Carney said. "The opportunity remains for Iran to take advantage of this process by taking the necessary steps to come into compliance with its international obligations."

    Given President Obama's treatment of Israel, wanting them to give up land back to pre-1967 borders, his condemnation of Israel's decisions to build apartments in East Jerusalem, which the Israelis own, and his support of anti-Israeli leaders and organizations like the Palestinians, Egypt's new President Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood, and President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran, it is clear that Mr. Carney is lying.

    The only time Iran wants to come to the negotiating table regarding its nuclear weapons is to buy more time or be able to operate under the radar for a while longer without having to seem like the bad guys they are. And with the world community never failing to give Iran what it wants, it appears that the whole of the planet, with a few exceptions, wants Iran to have the time to develop nuclear weapons so they can hit Israel with one.

    During the press briefing at the Pentagon, Mr. Panetta made remarks concerning recent events in Egypt along with President Morsi's decision to replace the country's military leadership: "I spoke with Egypt's new defense minister, General al-Sisi. He said he was committed to the principles of the peace agreement signed at Camp David and ensuring security in the Sinai Peninsula," said Panetta, adding that al-Sisi "is a highly qualified officer who spent much time training in the U.S. General al-Sisi expressed his great commitment to the relations between Egypt and the United States."

    What training? Why? Has America been secretly serving as a training ground for Israel's enemies?

    What Israel needs to do now is humble themselves before the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, seek his face, entreat him for deliverance, and then prepare for war.

  15. Ezekiel 38 is the famed attack against Israel from her enemies that is sometimes called the Gog-Magog war, or the battle of Gog and Magog. In it Israel is attacked by enemies from all around her. The ten principal nations are Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, the "house" of Togarmah of the north quarters, Sheba, and Dedan. The "merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions" are also mentioned.

    I believe now that the article I posted is referring to the war prophesied in Psalm 83, because Israel at this time does not "dwell safely," as mentioned in verse 11 of Ezekiel 38. In Psalm 83, Israel is attacked by her Muslim neighbors and driven back by God. It is believed by some that it is a precursor to Ezekiel 38. Hope that helps.

  16. Are the Russians Getting Chemical Weapons From Syria?

    By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News US Correspondent

    July 15, 2012

    DAMASCUS, Syria (Worthy News) - As has recently been reported in US and other media outlets, it appears that the nation of Syria is moving at least part of its stockpile of chemical and biological weapons from its capital of Damascus to the city of Homs, approximately 87 miles, or 140 kilometers, to the NNE. While the fighting in Syria was initially started as a result of the 'Arab Spring,' the conflict appears to be getting more serious with the addition of Russian attack helicopters and now the transfer of Syrian chemical and biological weapons from Damascus to Homs.

    On Friday, July 13, US officials said that Syria has started to move part of its chemical weapons arsenal out of its storage facilities to the city of Homs. A report issued said that they are nervous because of Syria's undeclared stockpiles of sarin nerve agent, mustard gas, and cyanide, believed to be the largest in the world. They are divided on the meaning of the moves of the arsenal with some saying Syrian President Bashar al-Assad may want to use the weapons against rebels or civilians, while others think he is trying to safeguard them (the weapons) from the opposition movement.

    What is interesting to note, however, is that Russian warships are moving into the Mediterranean Sea to the port of Tartus in Syria where they have a refueling station, the only one outside of Russian sovereign territory. The city of Tartus is only about 45 minutes to 1 hour's drive from Homs.

    Russia and Syria haven't always been on speaking terms, but in recent years, Syria has been the recipient of Russia's favor, as has Iran, in the form of military sales and Russia's blockage in the United Nations of sanctions against these two nations for human rights abuses committed by them.

    While it may appear speculative, it is a possibility that Russia has brokered a deal with the Syrians to purchase chemical and/or biological weapons to help President Assad with his war campaign, not only against rebel forces in Syria, but also, and mainly, against Israel. With the 'democratic' election in Egypt of Mohamed Morsi, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the recent addition of Russian attack helicopters to Syria, German tanks in Lebanon since at least 2009 among other events, it appears that Israel's enemies are getting ready to stage an attack against her.

    The Russian warships headed to the region include the Admiral Kutnetsov, an aircraft carrying ship, two marine carrying Black Sea Fleet landing craft: the Nikolai Filchenkov and the Tsezar Kunikov, and three Arctic Ocean marine carrying landing craft escorted by an antisubmarine ship, the Admiral Chabanenko. The official story is that they are going there for maneuvers, and to send a message to any people and and nations supporting the Syrian opposition forces that are trying to topple President Assad's rule. However, it may be that events in the region indicate that Israel, Russia, Syria, and a host of other nations are heading for a showdown of biblical proportions.

    nytimes.com, democraticunderground.com, news.sky.com, worthynews.com contributed to this report

  17. Is War About To Break Out In the Middle East?

    By: Marshall Ramsey II - WorthyNews US Correspondent

    (http://www.worthynews.com) Syria conducting large-scale military exercises, Lebanon may be attempting to divert water from Israel, Iranian nuclear facilities have produced enough weapons-grade plutonium for at least four to five nuclear weapons, and Russia sending attack helicopters into Syria. It seems to be the stuff a nightmare movie is made of. Yet this is the reality that faces Israel today.

    Life in Israel is just like any other nation: People go to work, go home, spend time with their families, go shopping. You can find scenes like this in any other nation on the planet.

    However, every other nation on the planet is not named Israel. No other nation on the planet is an outspokenly Jewish nation. Every other nation does not seem to have the entire world wanting them to be destroyed like Israel. Israel is not without allies, but even then it has to be careful. With anti-Semitism on the rise, things can get out of hand quickly.

    Take the situation in Syria: Israel and Syria get along about the same as hot oil and water. The same goes for Israel and Lebanon, Jordan, the Palestinians, and now Egypt, since the Muslim Brotherhood won the recent election. With the current civil and political unrest in Syria, all it would take is someone saying that the violence is caused by Israeli saboteurs trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad and would do the same to the Syrian resistance army, and they would turn on them.

    Lebanon may be about to wage a quiet, but active war against Israel by diverting the water from the Hatzbani River. This appears to stem from the construction of a large tourism center on the Lebanese side of the river near the Israeli town of Metulla. A senior office with the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Northern Command said that construction of the center needed to be "closely tracked" due to the possibility it would be used to diver water from the Hatzbani, which supplies 25 percent of the Jordan River's waters.

    "It has our attention and we are keeping a close eye on what is happening there," the officer said. "Our concerns rage from the diversion of water to the possibility that the tourism center will be used as cover to launch attacks against Israel." Indeed, about two weeks ago Lebanese military troops were standing about 20 meters from the border aiming their weapons, including a rocket-propelled grenade, at Israel's Paratroop Brigade, patrolling near the river, withdrawing only after an Israeli soldier who speaks Arabic heard the Lebanese commander "dividing up targets for his men," called for backup which quickly arrived on the scene.


    Iran appear to be in active preparation for war against Israel. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, seen by many as the real ruler of Iran, is telling his nation for the first time openly that it "must prepare for war" and "the end of times" while it continues to develop nuclear weapons.

    Until now, the Iranian media mostly quoted clerics from seminaries on the issue of the last Islamic messiah, the Imam Mahdi, in order to avoid being seen as messianic. All of that changed Friday as Khamenei's statements received wide publication concerning the controversial figure and Iran's need to "prepare for the end of times as it confronts the West over its illicit nuclear program," a statement that has alarmed Western leaders.

    "The issue of Imam Mahdi is of utmost importance, and his reappearance has been clearly stated in our holy religion of Islam," Khamenei said. "We must study and reming ourselves of the end of times and Imam Mahdi's era ... We must prepare the environment for the coming so that the great leader will come."

    Shiite theology states that great wars must engulf the earth in which one-third of its population will die in the fighting and another third from "hunger, lawlessness and havoc." It also states that in order for Mahdi, also called the 12th imam, to appear, the nation of Israel must be destroyed. Only then can he kill all the infidels and spread Islam around the world.

    On the Russian front, Moscow was accused of "dramatically" escalating the crisis in Syria by sending attack helicopters there last month by US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton. Already owned by Syria, the refurbishment of the attack helicopters seems to indicate that Russia is in league with Syria concerning the killing of resistance fighters from the air.

    Given that Russia has attacked Israel in the past, during the 1967 Six-Day War, and the increased persecution of Jews still in Russia, it may be that the conflict in Syria is being used as a cover-up to hide Russia's true intentions: a military assault on the nation of Israel. Indeed, increased hostility toward Jews worldwide, including in America, would indicate that military conflict is inevitable. If war does break out, only divine intervention from Israel's God would keep Israel from being wiped off the map.

    ynetnews.com, jpost.com, and wnd.com contributed to this article.

  18. This has been bothering me alot lately. If God numbers our days and sets the time for our deaths, does that mean God meant for aborted children to die when they did?

    If so, for what purpose?

    Thanx in advance!

    It is true that God has our days numbered, and this can be very distressing when it comes to abortions. However, we must also remember that God gave us free will, and that includes whether or not to "cut short" the life of another. The Bible says that children are an heritage from the LORD. However, not everyone follows the prescribed route for getting that heritage, i.e., they commit fornication. When people do this and children are conceived, they take God's heritage to us early. Thus the days of God's giving us a heritage are cut short. This means that someone messed up God's plans. Still, even with abortion, God can use that to save someone's soul. It is a testimony of Jesus coming to die for us. God knows that these babies are going to die when he forms them in the womb, but he also knew that his Son Jesus would also die if when sent him to earth.

  19. Who are these people who are being diveded into groups of sheep and goats....

    Matt 25:31-26:1

    31 "But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him,

    then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32 "And all the nations will be

    gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd

    separates the sheep from the goats; 33 and He will put the sheep on His right,

    and the goats on the left. 34 "Then the King will say to those on His right,

    'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you

    from the foundation of the world. 35'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something

    to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited

    Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in

    prison, and you came to Me.' 37 "Then the righteous will answer Him, saying,

    'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You drink?

    38'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe

    You? 39'And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 "And

    the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that

    you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it

    to Me.' 41 "Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me,

    accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and

    his angels; 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty,

    and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me

    in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit

    Me.' 44 "Then they themselves also will answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see

    You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did

    not take care of You?' 45 "Then He will answer them, saying, 'Truly I say to

    you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did

    not do it to Me.' 46 "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the

    righteous into eternal life."


    This passage is referring to the churches, Christians who were able to make it through the tribulation period. Them that are counted as sheep are true Christians who shall receive blessings of God. Them that are counted as goats are Christians who were Christians in name only. They profess Christ and even have signs and wonders to "back up" their claims, but in reality they are not, and shall be cast into hellfire. Thus, this is what Jesus meant when he said, "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven."

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