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Everything posted by gozreht

  1. Yeah, he's one of my best friends who gives me a hard time about stuff. You and he had the same type of answers. Also you do not have to sign up to do any voting. It just records your vote and you can move on without even reading anything or signing up for anything. Thanks, Tim
  2. Thank you Botz. I also had another friend say that if you really read straight up then we will see that God was talking to Moses about the Israelites when he said "bring your livestock in". And even the Israelites who did not obey the LORD who be punished as well. But I really like the way you presented it. Thanks you again. Tim
  3. I would say yes that demons were angels. Below is actually a study I did when someone asked me about satan being an angel. I said satan was a veryhigh angel that would have been "in charge" of others. The following may be helpful, this may be mean nothing to anyone but you are free to check it out either way. It comes in two parts. Part 1. http://ideasoftimreligion.blogspot.com/200...nic-verses.html Part 2. http://ideasoftimreligion.blogspot.com/200...es-part-ii.html
  4. I have a friend who posed this question to me and I need a little help. You will also see the answer I gave him. My answer: "There may be some kind of translation problem such as adjective/noun relation that does not have a direct translation from Hebrew/Greek to English" Anyone got an answer?
  5. Satan only is allowed into the presence of God but why was he there? To do his duty!!! He has to still obey God. I love that passage in Job...he came to present himself too just like the other angels. He could not enter on his own! He has no power in heaven whatsoever. He also has no power over us on earth either. We allow him into our lives. Greater is HE who is in me than he who is the world! The original question......I think 10 minutes of heaven would be too much to witness and as someone already said, I don't know if I would want to come back. 10 minutes of hell and I would be too depressed to go on. I guess hell if I had to take one because then I could tell people what it was like and when someone says "how do you know?" then I can tell them because I've been there. Good question though.
  6. Alan, I have tried everything but no dice. If I change the template as a whole it might work but then I woul dhave to change some color schemes and everything. It's like my wife who wants to change the color of the room, then decides the carpetr is wrong and the curtains and then the room next to it. In other words it may me too much work. BTW, I got an intetresting comment tonight by someone anonymous. I believe an atheist actaully paid me a compliment and may have shown signs of hope on the christian thoughts one. Let's pray it keeps moving. Tim
  7. One Light, I can not see a place on the page that lets me do what you asked. It is not a self-made page. They give me certain things I can add but that is not one of them. I hope that will not distract you or cause you not to participate any. Thanks for trying to help make them more appealing. Tim
  8. Cool! I love polls! As for my thoughts on Christmas, I voted "other". No one knows when the birthday of Jesus is,and if He wanted us to celebrate His birth, He would have told us to. Instead, He wants us to "remember His death and resurrection" as we take Communion. And after learning about the pagan roots of Christmas, I just don't have anything to do with it unless it is to find more ways to help the needy on that day. As for the decorating, Christmas trees, etc....it totally disgusts me. I can't stand commercialized holidays, especially a day that is supposed to glorify Jesus, but instead, is a greedy holiday for stores to make more money. Last year I celebrated Hannakah and bought a Menorah, but that didn't feel right either. So I just don't know. All I know is that I do not want to have anything to do with a holiday that has pagan roots that celebrated the birth of some "sun god", even if Constantine did try to convert it into a Christian holiday by claiming that it was the birth of Jesus Christ,even though there is no indication of that being in the Bible anywhere. As for the demon one.....yes, I know that demons can possess the unsaved, and they can oppress Christians, and can probably harm people physically too, like how Job was harmed. Only good comes from God, so it only makes sense that bad comes from Satan and his demons. Not real sure on the water baptism one though, because of the thief on the cross who Jesus said would be in Heaven with Him. I've been baptized 3 times myself...once when I was a kid and my parents forced me. The next time, I was saved, but then backslid for 25 years, and then the next was when I rededicated my life to Jesus. That is probably very wrong to do, but God knows my heart, and He knows that I just wanted to do it right, for the right reasons, and not because I was forced. Anyway-keep the polls coming! I enjoy them! Are you "No Doubt"? I really appreciated these comments. Again these are the things I use to teach. When the poll is closed make sure you stop by and comment there too. I have about 50 followers locally that love to hear these things.
  9. Thanks for the comments and testimony. This is exactly why I do the polls. Now I have some inside thought and I can comment so that people will understand what the truth is. I have a friend who comments as "No Doubt" on my site that says Christmas has been so distorted by even Christians that the meaning behind it is actually lost. He has some comments I am sure he will post once the poll is closed on Dec 31. We argue all the time . I say it still has meaning. He says since it's not even his real birthday then we shouldn't celebrate it then. It will be interesting to see what he says.
  10. How do you do that? I am 39 and starting to become obsolete in this world. I always dreaded the day that technology would pass me up! I will mess around with the site and see if I can do that for you. Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. I am hoping I am in the right place for this one. I have polls on my blogs to get people's opinions. Not because I need the answers but because I want to hear from people. Part of who I am is studying those around me so I can be a better witness and teacher. So if you are interested please go to the sites below to help. If you are not interested then that's okay too. I hope if you go you enjoy the things you may read as well and you are welcomed to comment on any of them. New polls are up and running until the until the end of the year. www.ideasoftim.blogspot.comWhat are your thoughts on Christmas? www.ideasoftimreligion.blogspot.comWhich of the following can demons do in today's world? www.ideasoftimbible.blogspot.comIs Water Baptism necessary for salvation? Thanks and take care, Tim
  12. That's not the same text that we are referring to. The one David Stern has done keeps names in the original sounds. Such as Moses is Moshe. Matthew is Mattiyahu and Jesus is Yeshua.
  13. Read the whoe thing. I mean the inside cover too. He has great background knowledge and historical facts and stuff about our roots. It is a great tool! I even post the picture of it on my blog. Once you read the inside stuff you will like it and him even more.
  14. Yes I do. I bought it ten years ago. I also have the commentary that goes with it. It is fantastic because it brings new life to old passages. What it does is put terms in the original Hewbrew point of view (not Greek like most people are incorrect as saying). But it leaves in very important terms, orginal sayings of Hebrew that any Jewish person would recognize to make it more personal for them. But it also connects Christianity with its roots in Judaism and perhaps bridges a gap. i would recommend it to at least be on your shelf for reference.
  15. There are false miracles as with Pharaoh. And when that happens the real ones that you testify about are scoffed at because of the lies that are out there. This is why Paul warns us of flase teachings and prophets and in the end false miracles. Christians have become cynical and have fallen into satan's trap of falsery that we can't believe in the God of miracles even though we claim to be fully devoted believers. I believe in them. I believe that everything the Bible says is for all Christians not just those in "biblical" times. A promise is a promise. If He said it was for them then it is for us as well. A little mustard seed goes a long way.
  16. I think since Paul called himself an Apostle of Jesus Christ then he knew the "separation" he had from the layman. In a way Paul was telling people his words were from the Holy Spirit and they should listen to him. He also made comparions to his writings and those of false teachers. I think he felt his writings as well as the Original 12 had authority but knew whatever they said was not from themselves. So I do think Apostolic title was a prerequesite for being "scripture". Does anyone know the Greek word for it? It may shed some light on the subject. Since the word in Latinis scriptura and just means "writings". But it is still an interesting question that I honestly asked someone else just two days ago (I just joined here on August 21) on another forum.
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