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Everything posted by Adarian

  1. A step in the right direction Not just an excellent search engine, but one mangaged with a touch of sense. This post being in the spirit of illegal data harvesting by governments.
  2. To quote a song by, I think, Tom Waits (but I could be wrong about the artist): "Give me absolute control, over every living soul,............. Give me Christ or give me Hiroshima................................ I've seen the future baby and its murder". The government of the end of the age will need all of its toys.
  3. The nations have forgotten God, and prayer, therefore people behave in a lawless fashion, displaying hatred, scorn, contempt, violence, theft, and utter lack of respect for the law and for other people. So, in the absence of faith, we must have grievously invasive public monitoring, to pander to the desire of the ungodly to not be caught doing wrong, and to provide security to everybody else whose desire is to be left unmolested by the yahoos. I don't particularly like the cameras, but there have been many times that I have wished I had a dashboard camera, just because people do so many stupid, rude things.
  4. I believe we are allowed a number of errors, being found in sinful flesh. Billy Graham has won who knows how many souls to Christ, so how is he worthy or reproach?
  5. I am sorry to hear of your plight rosietoes. My take on biblical grounds for divorce is a little less lenient than most. I base my thoughts on the difference between the concepts of fornication and adultery. Fornication is normally thought of as sex before marriage, with neither sinner married to anyone. Adultery is a married person having sex with one who is not his or her spouse. Joseph was betrothed to Mary, but had not gone to the altar with her when he decided to "divorce her quietly" when she was found to be with child. God considers you married from the point in time that you and your partner "agree to marry", even though sex is forbidden until after the formal ceremony, and to call off an engagement to be married is divorce by biblical standards. Fornication would be sex outside of the marriage before the ceremony, adultery would be sex outside of the marriage after the ceremony. Divorce is allowed for fornication before the formal ceremony, but not otherwise. However, the question of faith enters in. Is your husband a believer. If so he is obligated to forgive you, and to love you as Christ loves the church. If he is not a believer, and he wants to leave, and if you choose to let him, you are not bound, this scripture having been posted by AvinJade (1 Cor 7:15), But I pray for the healing of your marriage. That Our Lord should bless you and restore your marriage.
  6. The nice thing about the iPod is that it will play mp3 files as well as AAC files, (Apple Computers audio files) and I have both varieties on my iPod at the same time. The music selection on iTunes is very good, and unlike some other digital online music vendors, the downloads always work. I like it lots.
  7. Adarian

    Choosing a Bible

    You might wish to use the term Apocrypha instead of Septuagint, since the Septuagint was a Greek translation of the Hebrew old testament done before Jesus was born. The Apocrypha were the unofficial extra books that neither the Hebrews, nor currently the Protestants take as inspired works. The comparison of Babylon the Great to the Roman Catholic Church predates the NIV by some time and, as I recall is a product of John Darby's Dispensalist interpretations. The church I used to believe in preached it heavily and also preached King James ONLY real heavy. ALL the references I've ever seen equating the two have always been KJV Only churches, or cults using their own translations, like the JW's, so I would beg to differ with you about the NIV being the Bible responsible for that particular belief. Hi Cephas: Some people out there use the NIV verse from Revelation 17:9 which uses the phrase "seven hills" on which the woman sits. The only literal city on earth which fits the desription is Rome. So of course by this it is sometimes thought that the Vatican City is the one which rules over the kings of the earth. I find that absurd. The NIV is not the beginning of the thing, but is sometimes used as a propagator, hence the phrase "partly responsible". You are quite right about "apochrypha" vs "septuagint". Wires crossed:
  8. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. This verse 9 is from 2 Peter 3. If the Lord is not willing that any should perish, absolute predestination as a concept is null and void. This reveals emphatically that all who are in hell are there contrary to the stated will of God. Blessed be His name forever. God is able to save men from every nation and tongue, Greek and English notwithstanding, nor standing in or out of the way between God and men. God knows all languages as He created each, and is able to produce His word for all. I think that at least is self evident.
  9. Adarian

    Ecumenical Harlotry

    Was it Spurgeon whose simple message was Look to Christ and be saved? Or Moody, I always get them mixed up, but every man who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. That faith is the membership card. The Lord our God takes His believers of every nation, people, language and tongue. Given the nature of man to do that which is wrong in the sight of God, that the preparation of the heart in man is of the Lord, and that man's goings are of the Lord, I expect that all denominations are created individually by Him for His good purpose, and that we are kept apart for a reason. We shall all be as one at the marriage supper of the Lamb. I think it impossible to cause more than a superficial unity among more than a couple, or a few demominations at any one time, because in my heart I feel that God will not bring the whole body on earth together in unity. Ultimate unity is for the time when all of us are looking upon Christ and not at each other.
  10. These conditions are appalling. I will pray for the salvation of these people, and their deliverance from this hopeless poverty.
  11. Adarian

    Choosing a Bible

    If so called errors are to be "exposed" please prove these "errors" from a solid expositionary examination of the Greek and Hebrew, as they correlate to the English language, with clear explanations of why each item is considered an error.
  12. I have no love for Islam, the doctrines that is, but I can't find anything wrong with the Iranian approach to drug trafficking.
  13. Adarian

    Choosing a Bible

    KJV is my favorite because of the clarity of the English in it. Because of the consistency of the symbolism in it, and because of the consistency of the metaphor in it, although you need a pretty good command of the English language for it, but a good dictionary helps a lot. If you are interested in having a bible that is truly its own encyclopeadia, this is the one. I used to be in love with the NIV, but had to do too much research and "other translation" reading to get meaning out of a lot of the text, as it falls into ambiguity in many places. The English is of a poorer quality. The NIV is partly responsible for some people thinking that the Catholic Church is "Babylon the Great", also known as the mother of harlots spiritually speaking. The idea is utterly false. I have over time come to quite dislike the NIV. It irritates me. NASB is okay, and the Catholics have a couple of really good bibles. (RSV and Douay-Rheims are popular among the Catholics) Note that the Catholic bibles contain the septuagint, which are seven books that the protestant reformers cut out of the bible during the sixteen hundreds because it was felt that they could not be supported as the Word of God, also called canonical scripture. The first editions of the KJV authorized version contained the septuagint, but these books were removed early on. One thing that bothers me about study bibles, is that many of the comments are not necessarily what the bible teaches. If you were to become seriously knowledgeable from reading the text of the bible over time instead of study bible comments, and after having gained the proper knowledge in study and prayer, you will read the study comments in the study bibles and wonder what the authors were thinking. Read God's word, and pray for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding. Take the Berean approach in all things purported to be scriptural. From the book of Acts, chapter 17: 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. They searched the scriptures, not the comments in the half pages of a study bible.
  14. To be politically correct is most often a way to ban truth in the guise of good manners. It is a means to a political end.
  15. Have you ever confronted anybody who has done something utterly wrong and offensive? Then watched and listened to the song and dance, and the absolute inability to admit the truth, or wrongdoing? Its pathetic. The Gitmo prisoners are among the most dangerous men on earth. They are terrorists. They want you dead. Why defend them, as if they would extend us some rights instead of sawing off our heads with a buck knife.
  16. It forever amazes me how rabid the choicers are in pursuing the creation of pregnancies and then killing them off. They are like addicts at the crypts of death getting a fix. Conceive and kill, conceive and kill, ad nauseum.
  17. In Somalia, the "Islamic Court System", in the absence of any coherent government is moving to take over the whole nation, now closing theaters, shutting down public radio, imposing sharia law in a Taliban style of control, and creating a new haven and training ground for terrorists. The utter flattening of society and total oppression is the way of Islam, now they have nukes. Joy. According to the BBC today, Iran is obtaining training for thousands of nuclear technicians via Russia and China, and the "real" deal is that as Iran develops its nuke program, North Korea field tests the products under the guise of having their own development success. Islam and communism in total cahoots. Such a totally gross cooperation, and such a great danger to freedom and the Christian way of life. The West should have walked with God. Now the price of apostasy grows in the east. Pakistan is only part of the movement.
  18. I used to read the NIV, but now I think of it as the New International PERversion.
  19. Part three: put on flak jacket and duck behind wall. Do you make this up as you go along or is there some science to this all? I hope the scientific process isn't just - Step 1 - Come up with fact Step 2 - Change the rules so science supports the fact Step 3 - Profit! Ok, perhaps you leave out Step 3. Also, geologists take into account natural events (such as a volcanic eruption, of which there is plenty of evidence.) They can tell you if there was an eruption, when it occurred, how powerful the eruption was, just by studying the area around a mountain. If the universe was really as young as you say it is, scientists would actually have really good evidence to show it.
  20. The only sensible way to approach people is through Christ. See them as objects of His affection, and utterly corrupt, coz we are utterly corrupt. Life is found in Christ, not in the withered ways of men. From Romans, Chapter 8: 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. 18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Acts, chapter 17: 10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. James, chapter 1: 26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. This is the only kind of religion that God approves of.
  21. If the Spirit of God dwells within, He witnesses to our spirits, confirming to us that we surely belong to God. I know this witness, I receive it daily. (Unbelievers just don't get that one) So, having been confirmed by God as belonging to God in eternity, I cannot reject His description of the origin of all things. A day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and He took six days to make all of creation, or six thousand years as we mark time, and we have been here on the planet for about six thousand more years for a total of roughly twelve thousand years. The four hundred meters missing from Mount St. Helens since the big blast in the eighties, if mistakenly attributed to normal erosion would indicate that it took millions of years to wear off the missing height, when in fact it took about a second to blow it off. Similarly, when Adam sinned he threw all of creation into decay. This did radical damage to all things. The rate of carbon decay does not in any way indicate the true depth and reach of that damage, nor can it therefore indicate the true age of the earth or anything on the earth. Carbon dating reveals the current rate of decay, but not the day that decay actually began, nor the amount of damage accomplished in the original catastrophic event.
  22. For sure, you are quite right buckthesystem, England is considering mandatory chip implants lately. There have been a number of broadcasts on sattelite radio talking about it, and Worthy news has posted articles on it. Islam is simply one of the forces in play that will bring about the result of the desire for security at any cost, part of that cost being the freedom of autonomy being lost. Not long ago a policeman was sent to travel the world, beginning in Europe and ending up in the USA, staying on the move until a computer program found him via public camera using facial recognition software. He went through a few European nations, then came to the USA, where he was tagged by the computer system. Freakin' scary. But that is already the new reality. It is not coming, it is here. Any government can find a criminal or other undesirable on the run anywhere in the industrialized world where public surveilance cameras are installed.
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