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Posts posted by B3L13v3R

  1. In agreement with Alan (OneLight.)

    He is speaking the Truth to you found in the Scriptures.

    If we look to find truth outside of the Word of God or wrangle the Word, Satan's standing by, looking to give you a really big show.

    It is not as you said "a learning tool for myself and others."

    It is in fact a New Age lie...

    If you are a Born Again Believer through the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of this sin and ask Him to cleanse you by His blood from these demonic "out takes."

    1828 Webster's Dictionary on "Repent"


    1. To feel pain, sorrow or regret for something done or spoken; as, to repent that we have lost much time in idleness or sensual pleasure; to repent that we have injured or wounded the feelings of a friend. A person repents only of what he himself has done or said.

    2. To express sorrow for something past.

    3. To change the mind in consequence of the inconvenience or injury done by past conduct.

    Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return. Exo 13.

    4. Applied to the Supreme Being, to change the course of providential dealings. Gen 6. Psa 106.

    5. IN THEOLOGY, to sorrow or be pained for sin, as a violation of God's holy law, a dishonor to his character and government, and the foulest ingratitude to a Being of infinite benevolence.

    Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Luke 13. Acts 3.

  2. Great movie. Enjoyed many of the truths that were presented along side of the many lies that so many hold dear to.

    Hope Ben Stein as a Jewish man one day comes to find Jesus Christ the Messiah (Yeshua HaMashiach) as his Messiah/Savior one day.

  3. Should be the same love 24/7 for every Believer.

    When the Christian looks to obey the first and second greatest commandments of the New Testament, true love from God works through the Believer. By loving God first and foremost, only then can we truly fulfill the second commandment, with God's love working through us towards our neighbors.

    Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    (Mat 22:37-39)

    Much of the world is more receptive this time of year though as Botz has said. So look to take advantage of the mindset pointing the lost to Christ during this time.

    However, we should look to do the same through the rest of the year as well!

  4. Sounds like a combination of things.

    As your Pastor mentioned, Satan condemns. When we have repented of sin towards God, and we continue to have condemning thoughts, it's the enemy. Other times, we have done no wrong at all, and he looks to condemn us anyway.

    The Holy Spirit lets us know when we are doing wrong, as well as right. What He tells us will always line up with the Word of God.

    Your care for the homeless man was fine. You gave him a hot cup of joe, and were generally concerned for this person, even to the point of looking to drive him to a shelter after work. The pizza certainly will take care of a meal or two for the time being.

    I might add, keep these folks in prayer, which you probably did anyway.

    When at work, and time does not permit one to talk much, you might keep a few small Christian Tracts on hand to pass out.

    Quote: "So what was this? Was this the Holy Spirit disciplining me for not doing more for the guy, or was it Satan condemning me, making me feel bad and worthless for not buying the guy more food?"

    Neither, sounds like you did just fine. Glory be to God. :whistling:

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