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Everything posted by freeman2008

  1. People always fear the unknown. It is not reasonable to cast judgment upon this woman without first knowing the truth. Jesus himself was born with gifts. I don't think it's automatic that all spiritual gifts come from Satan. In fact, I think that is a very weak position to take. The spiritual gifts the demons possess were given to them by God in beginning before they were cast from heaven. They do not come from Satan, he only has the power to deceive. The Father and the Son have known us from the beginning. They know our needs, and sometimes those needs require spiritual gifts. A good example would be the apostles being given the ability to speak in languages they never learned so that everyone present could understand them. A lot of people don't really understand the nature of demon possession, and that gives rise to many superstitious beliefs. Demons come in many forms and strengths, just like people. Some are stronger than others. It true for people as well, some are stronger spiritually than others. It has more to do with our spiritual soul than any inherent physical qualities. The Holy Spirit protects us from spiritual gifts of others who would use them for evil. But Satan and his followers can no longer find their place in heaven. This means they can never know the light of heaven nor enter into it again. But they try and find life through ours. In essence, they try to steal our lives from us. It is not theirs by right and this is why casting out demons is acceptable, but not considered the work he sent us to do. The work he sent us to do is bring others to the body and promote harmony through the spirit of love. That is why he said "though you cast out demons in my name, I know you not." Casting out demons is not credited to us as righteousness. Loving and helping others is. It is best not to dabble in the supernatural because it leaves you open for malevolent spirits to enter in. To be a part of the body of Christ, and thus a part of his light, protects us. Having spiritual gifts in itself is not evil, it's how they are used that makes the person or entity evil. It's something that this woman should be taught. Bring her to the body of Christ so that she may find a purpose for her gifts that brings harmony to the spirit. She should use her gift to help others out of love. This is the message I was bid to give you.
  2. If you are part of the body of Christ, you are never alone. When Jesus was asked about Judas, he said "What is he to you? I have made you fishers of men." He doesn't want us to dwell on those who refuse to accept Him. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Reach as many as you can in the time that is given to you. Remember that Jesus said the student is not greater than the master. If the world hated him, it will surely hate you as well. Keep your faith until the end and your reward shall be great.
  3. Do not be afraid. Keep love in your heart and remember the words of Jesus. Live for today.
  4. I prefer not to judge others. I uphold the right to freedom of religion and refuse to dictate to another what religion they should have. This is not only the premise our country was founded on, but within the teachings of Jesus as well. In addition, Jews and Muslims all come from the same earthly father; Abraham. I also would like to point out that, at some point in history, you can accuse the church of doing something Islam has done. I would prefer not to judge either one. I can forgive them both. It's my right to do so, and it's what Jesus taught us to do. Jesus said there would be many false prophets in the end times. I think that probably applies to both sides of the isle. My thought is this; stop using religion to promote hatred and discrimination. Those things are against the spirit.
  5. http://www.cuttingedge.org/NEWS/n1144.cfm I think it's true for the most part. But I also agree that it does no good to focus on it. We can do more for the Lord by building his body. By unifying everyone in the spirit of love, because in love there is strength. Chaos is violent and overwhelming, but love endures forever. All they can offer is death, Christ offers us life eternal. The problems of this world are temporary, don't give up having faith in God's love over them. Christ commanded us to be not deceived, we are not. So, like Christ said of Judas, what are they to you? Do as he sent you to do and don't concern yourself with what they are doing. And pray for your daily bread, his love, his body. Be a part of it.
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