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Fr Chuck

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Everything posted by Fr Chuck

  1. We have to look at it from two view points, First all early Christians were Jews, or had to convert to Judism to beocme a Christian. This was latter changed by the works and teachings of Paul with approval from Peter. Many of the early Christian customs, some of which we still continue was the blessing of the baby at the temple. It would be expected that this custom would continue for the new Christians as they had families. And in the bible, we see that when someone converted, they and "all" thier household would be baptised, We beleive this would have been all the family including children. Next, baptism was not uncommom to the Jewish people, they had a act of purification, in water by immersion for purification. Baptism, phsically was the same act, but now it from for more than purification of the physical, but now for the soul also. So for the early Jew, the purification or baptising of the infant into Christ would have been a logical idea.
  2. Many religious groups believe that the name of God is so scared and so special that they can not take a chance of using it improperly, even in writing. So they leave out part of it, as not to fully use God's name. It is a practice where the physical act ( ot the mental act or thought behind the act) is of the most importance.
  3. "JR" for the oldest he was of course Junior "BO" for the next, it is a southern thing "Ham bone" ( not used in public offen) for the next, he was so sweet chewing on a hambone when he was young "Little One" for the youngest not so little now.
  4. I was in the "Jesus Movement" we had a downtown coffee house, had a large trailer bed that was used in a field for a stage for weekend performaces. I remember the songs more than anything. ( and alot of funny clothers) It was a wonderful time of Christianity and freedom of worship. Chuck www.servants-of-the-good-shepherd.com
  5. We have more attacks when we are following God's will and joining to the fight. Those that are not in fellowship with God, or those that may be Christians, but are not part of the battle are no problem for Satan. It is only those who God knows and sees going into the battle. So what if there may be a few errors in a few interpurations of the bible. While of course I would stay away from many of the modern bibles, As you learn, you can start learning more and more about the bible, how it came into being, and how you can look things up for yourself. Next these are the tricks, where doe a few eorrs ( if there are any) has to do with there not being a Jesus, Even other writings outside of the bible, show of a Jesus. Even the Muslems claim that Jesus was born of a virgin, just denies he was God. There is little doubt that Jesus lived. Faith come by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Read your bible, pray, and if you continue to be attacked, speak to your pastor about it and have him pray with you, and for you to be protected from this.
  6. First, there were not during Jesus time, a "Christian" wedding, as a matter of fact, a wedding was not done at the temple, but nomally in the home. But the entire thing was different, at the time they were enganged, then the legal requirements took place. Normally the goom would wait a year while he build and made ready a place for him and his bride to live. Then he would come with his friends to get the bride and take her to his home. The actual "contract" was between the family of the man and women to arrange the marriage. What is a sin, is to live togehter without being married. It does not matter if it is a civil marriage or a church wedding. A wedding by its nature is civil, the pastor is merely the one who is allowed to sign off on the legal agreement. Now, if a couple are Christian, they should want the marriage blessed by God, why would they not??? So a Chriistian couple would want the marriage performed by a minister, But often these are done outside, in a park or about anywhere you can image.
  7. There is no inbetween. If you like candy, go out and buy some. If they want to have dress up costumes to play in, buy them some. If you want to celebrate Halloween, go "trick and treat"
  8. Being a Christian is not just a Sunday thing, and not just preachers are suppose to preach. We are suppose to live our lives to the glory of God, and be an example in word and deed for others to want to be like us. My boss knows very well that I will never work on a Sunday, don't ask, the answer is no. Next, I will not cheat a customer, not bend the rules or alter the truth.. Now that is suppose to be just the way things go, but we all know manycompanies that prefer only half truths to get customers. And if your company is doing things that are just wrong, are you willing to leave, change jobs ( even if it is at alot less money) for the principle. It is in your everyday work that shows if you are really a Chrsitian or not,
  9. Yes, of course witches will be offended when the truth comes about about them. They have spent years making the world beleive that they are lovely people that are hear to help the world. We have a teenage witch TV show, and now movies that make witchcraft appealing to the young. How sad that an evil cn be percieved as a good thing and be desired by anyone. Yes there is power in witchcraft, and yes they do exist, and yes, they don't want us to know the real truth, they have thier own level of PR now to deceive the world into what they are doing. And so many that enter into thier practice don't even realise the real truths till they are already to far into it, to really care. As Chrsitians we don't have to have any fear from them, because yes, God is much stronger and more powerful, but it is when we don't take them serious, or don't accept the power that God has for us, that they can and do spread thier lies. And of course they are of Satan, where do you think thier powers come from, And of course they don't want anyone to know this, they say it comes from the power of nature, from the spirits of the world. Who do you think this is??
  10. Assumeing I have read the correct orginal post, From John 19:11 therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. There are various words used differently. The term sin, has to be viewed in light of the language and useage of the people of that time. The tern Hamartia comming from the term Hamartema can mean more than just the mere act, but goes on to show the emphasis on the resulting guilt. In this term, while Pilate would indeed have blame as to what was happening, the true guilt of the act feel upon those that brought Jesus to Pilate. It was one entire act or "sin" in the bringing and trying of Jeus. So it was not indeed seperate "sins" but one sin, Jesus was indeed showing to whom the real blame of the act was to fall on. Charles Good Shepherd
  11. Of course there are great differneces between Mennonite and Amish. And for those Mennonites I know, some differences between groups within thier own. The Mennonites in the many areas I know of, use autos, work, have jobs although many do have thier own business. One group I know have all sorts of automotive repair businesses. I recently delivered medical supplies to a group of Mennonites. They do raise alot of thier own food, live a more simple life style. And are very wonderful people. I have only slighly meet some Amish, and of course like most non-Amish I looked on them more as a tourist attractoin, driving up to the store in town in a horse drawn carriage. And of course when they block traffic, I am less than pleased. But how devolt they must be, As other Christians, we can't stop ourself from watching TV and our kids many times from the evils of MTV and satanic vidio games. But these people have shunned the entire outside world for thier faith. If we could all be that true to our faith, the entire world would be saved by now Charles KlughartGood Shepherds, Independent Orthodox Church
  12. As I have read down from some of the orginal posts, first we can find many, many things in common, it are those commom bonds that we can use to worship God together. IN most cases it has little to do with how we are saved as much as how the Church is governered and how worship is done. First almost all of the Churches believe that we are saved from our Sins by faith in Jesus Christ. Some teach you have to be baptised also, others have additional requirements, but all that I know of have Christ crucified for our sins and belief in him as the major beleif. Next the Bible, all of th groups have and use the bible. Some only use the KJV, others prefer other versions, but the bible as the word of God is central to all Christiians. Gather for worship. all groups desire to have a regular fellowship, some on Sunday, some on Saturday. We all beleive that God created the world and man. Exactly how we disagree on, but the fact he did. And in a nut shell this is Christianity, The bible is the word of God, he created all of us, and his Son Jesus came and died on the cross for our sin. Anything else is of much less importance and man has adapted to fit his needs more than God. All groups, I do'n't care what denomination have alter or only accepted parts of the NT or OT writtings. Do you see any women in any Protestant church with thier head covered in prayer ? Not hardly in any Catholic Churches any more either. So how do we worship God, we first beleive, then we try and follow the one, that from or best beleif correctly follows the bible Charles Klughart Servants of the Good Shepherd
  13. As I read many of the comments and perhaps down right hate filled comments from those that should realise we will never change someone to Christ is we attact them. We have to show them a better way, and honestly most Christians today are not doing a good job of that. We talk about the JW or the Church of Jesus Chrsit of Latter Day Saints ( heck we don't even like to use thier real name) we attack the flaws in thier religions without ever taking time to see some of the good they also teach. If we take it from the good points and show them something better, would not most peeople want the better. If you merely tell them they are wrong, and do it in bitter tones, how will that ever attact anyone. Even Christians. I visited one of the other boards, and saw where the discussion was keeping the head covered for women in church. The almost complete agreement was that people were free to choice how they followed Christ. This has been the trouble for 1000 years, people have chosen thier own paths, declaring they are free from doing things as the New Testement declares. They want to pick and choose which part of the New Testement, they want to follow. Or they will pick one verse over another verse as being more important. And of course worst of all, take the verse at face value as to how it is used in todays English without looking how it is used correctly in the orginal langauge. How can we ever show the JW or the CJCLS, the correct method of Christianity, if we as Christians can not even descide amoung ourself, or even worship together. We locally try to have some joint services, and at one month a year, a visit, where people from all the downtown churches visit the church of other groups on a Thursday at noon. Well guess what, certain denomnations will not go to other churches because 1. Some use music instruments ( surely of the devil) 2. Others speak in touges ( surely of the devil) 3. Others have statues of saints ( of the devil) 3. Some have women ministers ( of the devil) 4. Another allows homosexuals into the church ( of the devil) Get the idea, it is easy to set back and declare someone we learn about fom other hate forums, or believe everything we read on web sites of hate. How many people ever actually went into a JW service ???? Actually read , not what someone else said, but actually read the Book of Mormon. I would say that in many ways, most denominations have about as much bad to say about other christian goups as they do these groups also. I am saying, why should we talk like a bunch of old "wash women" about someone else, let us show them by example what Christian love and being a Chrsitian is all about. To them, they believe they have something better than we have. And to be perfectly honest, I would find some of the teachings and acceptance in some so called Christian churches much worst than that of some of the cultss Look perhaps not at thier doctrine for a moment, but at thier "works" I would say that those cults are acting, at least to the outside world, as much better Chrsitians than almost any of the christian churches, in their teachings on family, good works, helping one another. This does not of course save them, or even justify them, But it does show that we as Christians will have to work very, very hard to show them a better way of life than what we are doing in the world today, and esp on this board.
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