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  1. Anyone who believes his death was God answering prayers is blind for scriptures clearly state that God does not take delight even in the death of the most wicked of men. I have no doubt that if left up to God he would have rather given Bin Laden ever second up until the time of his second coming to see the light not lose another lost soul to Satan. Though I rejoice with everyone else over the fact that Bin Laden's reign of terror on this earth is over we should not rejoice in the fact that he died without knowing the real GOD for Ezekiel 33:11 says:
  2. I understand that but who says they are Illegal Us or God ?
  3. I am also of the belief that if you raise them correctly when they are young and impressionable there should be no problems as they get older. Personally for me I would choose home schooling or a christian school to send them to but no necessarily catholic school unless that's what you believe in. I firmly believe that most rebellion that takes place in the teenage years is either because the kids weren't raised correctly when they were young or is due to outside influences such as friends from non-christian homes at public school. If you surround their lives when they are young with anything and everything related to God then there should be no issue. But you have to make sure that you are 100% practicing what you preach as well and not just tell them you should do this because it's what God said and then turn around and do the opposite yourself.
  4. Not to hijack the thread in any way or to start an argument but I don't get the whole " This is our land and that is your land and you can't come here unless we say you can " stuff. In the bible days people traveled from country to country all the time and when they arrived in a new land for the most part they were welcomed with open arms and if they so chose they could settle down there and work to make a living for their family and what have you. God made the earth for all men it was man who later decided that certain pieces of it belonged to him and only him therefore the idea of borders came about. He didn't tell Adam and Eve I have made you rulers over all the earth but you can only rule part of it this other part over here belongs to the lions and this part here belongs to the deer etc... I understand what happened at the tower of babel and as a result different lands and countries were founded because of it but it doesn't say one group of humans speaking one language wasn't allowed to settle down in an area where a group that spoke a different one was also they just wouldn't be able to understand each other. Some folks claim it has to be that way to make sure the U.S. doesn't become overpopulated but again I don't ever remember God telling folks " Sorry you can't live in Israel it's filled to capacity you'll have to move on down the road some place ". * Shrugs *
  5. The biggest threat to the church is from within not from the outside world and I firmly believe that.
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