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Everything posted by tevis7

  1. Melissa, How to discern the answer of God? Great question: My answer would be through prayer, meditation on the word, and following the examples not only in the bible, but those of other believers in God. The word and prayer are our direct connections to God and I feel that when both are truly followed then understanding God's answers for us will be easier to come by. Also, the connection humans have with each other and the wisdom of older believers has always helped me find my direction when life gets in the way. Don't forget give to God what is God's and give to Cesar what is Cesar's. That passage always stands out for my because the world we live in has rules for us, but God has rules too, love the lord your God with all your heart soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Remembering that with God's wisdom, the bible, and our connection to Him through prayer we will do what is right in the eyes of God.
  2. That is very impressive by UW. One is the world ready for it and two would the fossil fuel companies that we rely on for power now allow it???
  3. Hamletcat, For me I communicate with God through prayer and reading his word. To me if you are sincere with your prayer and true to the messages of the bible then your communication with God will be true. Also, communication with other believers and prayer for clarity could help to give you a more solid foundation and improve your communication with God.
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