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About Melissa.T

  • Birthday 02/06/1991

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    God, The will and plan of God, Jesus, Prayer, Answer from God, Miracle, Relationship, Travel, Language, History, Art, Music, Book.

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  1. Recently, I discussed with my friends on the subject " How can we recognize the answer of God". There were so many different ideas from each of my friends. I said that It's by the situation. Sometimes we see the situation changed after praying. (My friends expressed their concern " But we can misunderstand the situation with our own desire.". When I said " God will prevent us from our wrong decision by things like a sudden accident.", they answered " Maybe, but God allowed us FREE WILL.") My friend A insisted that It's only by the mouth of other people. (I asked her " But what if each people gives us a different advice? Even sometimes each teacher in Chruch have a different opinion on the same subject. How can we distinguish the best one? ") My friend B had a different idea : When we find or remember some lines from the Bible after praying, because everything we need is already mentioned in the Bible. (But It's really hard to find the exact one with the subject like " Which one do I have to chose, staying with my Fiance who just got really good job in my city and want to marry me soon as we planned, or Studying abroad with unlimited time for a sudden but my old dream opportunity?") My friend C mentioned her experience : She recognized the answer of God when a sudden idea came across her mind with confidence. (Yes,we said " It could be just a delusion caused by your desire from deep inside, but was matched with your problem by chance. We can't believe our own idea because of desires.") My friend D pointed that : All of those things can be possible, because God has many ways to express his will. (What if each of them has a different answer? For example with the case above, the girl got a sudden scholarship for her study. Every people advised her it's not a good idea. She just found some lines related to " Patience" in the BIble. She really want to go studying abroad but isn't sure because she loves her fiance. which one does she have to follow? ) Some people suggested us that we can be sure about the answer after receiving same thing more than 3 times. How about you guys? How do you recognize the answer of God?
  2. Does God punish his people who did wrong? Each of my friend has a different idea on this subject. One of them said God never punishes anyone but let people realize his fault by himself and become to regret. Is it real?
  3. Does God punish his people who did wrong? Each of my friend has a different idea on this subject. One of them said God never punishes anyone but let people realize his fault by himseld and become to regret. Is it real?
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