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Everything posted by Josephus

  1. In view of the forgiveness of God, in view of the fact that my sins are as far as the east is from the west and not remembered, I see success as the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
  2. The Word of God is plain in that it informs us to look not to the things which are seen, but to the things which are unseen. Jesus said where your treasure is there your heart is also.Peter informs us to live our lives here as foriegners. Are we living as foriegners or natives?
  3. If one is not eternally secure, one is eternally insecure. This was the problem with the Galations, they sought to add to the finished work of Jesus. Gods promise is a new heart, an obediant heart given by His soveriegn grace to all who have been born again. No, salvation is once and for all.
  4. We are not called to love the Bible, but to love Jesus.
  5. There is, and always will be controversy as to which Bible translation is most accurate. The whole point of the Bible is to show that man is inherently sinful and spiritually dead, but God in His mercy provided a cure called Jesus. If you obtain a Bible that illustrates this point, then you have an accurate translation.
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