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Everything posted by LOVE SONGS

  1. But...the thing is ....all these things are happening more frequently... like every month .
  2. Yall...this is really getting scary about all what is happening with the weather and earth.
  3. Breaking News Report http://usnews.nbcnew...astern-kentucky http://news.msn.com/...y-43-earthquake Earthquakes in the coal-mining region of Kentucky are rare. The tremor was felt from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Atlanta, Ga., geophysicist Paul Caruso told NBC News.
  4. Old news yes ...its still going on. Now it is going to court , this is news about less, than 2 weeks ago. ... But, i think when it goes to court they will more than likely win, in Massachusetts. Just like the gay rights did. The U.S. may as well revise the whole Constitution.
  5. No that is for real... it is caught in action when it began to jump up for the chicken meat. They will jump up too. When they are in the water ... they jump up ... to the get on the bank.
  6. Yes, but In God We Trust means different things to different people. Catchy phrase though. Yes...they love the American money. They will probably want to remove .." In God We Trust" off of the money.
  7. http://www.huffingto...hp_ref=religion Massachusetts'Supreme Judicial Court The family, who are secular humanists, claim that the phrase "under God" in the pledge is a violation of the state's constitutional ban on religious discrimination. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Massachusetts has a history of leading the vanguard in discrimination cases. In 2003, the same court ruled that it was discriminatory, and therefore unconstitutional, to prohibit gay marriage, becoming the first state to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
  8. Guess they wanted to make money somewhere. Smart as they are... Didn't they think for one instant that they might get caught ?
  9. http://www.dailymail...est-Africa.html The relationship between villagers and Nile crocodiles mean that the animals are tame enough to allow people to walk amongst them and even hold their tails.
  10. Now what in the world ? They should know not to disclose any information about U.S. that is secret.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/source-7-navy-seals-punished-secrecy-breach-011057932.html Sorry made a mistake on the Topic Title...it is... 7 ...Navy Seals... A senior defense official says seven members of the secretive Navy SEAL Team 6, including one involved in the mission to kill Osama bin Laden, have been punished for allegedly disclosing classified information. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/08/15030898-seals-punished-for-role-in-developing-medal-of-honor-video-game-official-says?lite
  12. Since it is behind closed doors... tells us that . They will... Cover up ! Cover up ! Cover up !
  13. http://news.yahoo.co...--election.html The Intelligence Committees of the Senate and House of Representatives will get testimony from those officials and others at a pair of hearings next Thursday. Both sessions will take place behind closed doors. Some Republicans complained about scheduling the Senate hearing after the November election, which saw President Barack Obama swept to a second term. The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee is run by Republicans.
  14. You made the right dicission. In the book of Romans speaks of homosexuality...God is against it. Muchless same-sex marriages and.... abortion is murdering babies. Obama is for abortion and same-sex marriages. God tells us to beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing.
  15. http://news.yahoo.co...-132344622.html Born on Wednesday Millicent Owuor told the Kenyan news outlet her sons' names will always remind her of the election in the United States.
  16. (quote) from the article Iran wants Obama to force Israel to get rid of its nuclear weapons. Ha! ... already 2 days Obama is re-elected... Iran was just waiting til after the election. If Obama complies to that ... that is some sad. How will Israel defend themselves against Iran.. Iran wants to wipe them off the map ?
  17. If I have to bow down... I will be secretly naming Jehovah , not Allah.
  18. God destroyed Sodum and Gomorah because of their wickedness and homosexuality. What makes people think He will not destroy America ? God is the same and He never changes. God is not agreeing to these sins . He is against all these things. God may be turning this nation over to their wickedness ...by the hands of a Leader who is for such things. (Obama) America is being destroyed by their very own wickedness. Could this be Gods' judgement on America ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing is clean anymore...I was flipping the channels on t.v. the other day . All I saw was... a guy in a lab coat... talking to the other guy...then, they were kissing passionately . How sick ! I quickly changed the channel. It was on a soap opera.


    Heres a woman with guts... but she is wearing sunglasses... Romney should have put this on T.V. for his campaign.
  20. Why are they bringing up lack of money to get more security .....to protect the men in Benghazi ? Why don't they stop spending money on sending space crafts to mars..... to pick up rocks on mars. They should be spending money on the protection of our military in the middle east ...rather than picking up our military's dead bodies. Those men took it upon themselves and gave their lives to try to help the ambassador . The U.S. is at fault... and are blaming that, the lack of money was the problem, rather than to save our military that is in dire need of assistance against terrorists attacks. How sick ! Then one is saying it wasn't a budget issue... I would say the issue is lack of interest of our militarys' lives in the middle east . No one cared...or cares. The Government in charge, to them they take lightly human lives.... when they get killed. They will come up with so many lies about the Benghazi attack... to cover up their high paying jobs and positions . They wouldn't dare speak the truth...as to why the men did not have assistance in Benghazi.


    Obama should have put this on T.V. for his campaign.
  22. That is partly because the NBC, CBS, and ABC refuse to cover the issue much at all. They are in the tank for Obama and they are sitting on it until after the election. Had this happened to Bush, the liberal media would be calling for impeachment by now. Yes... you are absolutely right about impeachment. Regardless of who is President.... Benghazi will not be forgotten . These men suffered a horrible death. Some people... take it so lightly. This is no gossip talk at a kitchen table, someone is responsible for these 4 mens' lives . A letter sent to Hillary in August from Stevens saying that , Al-Qaida was all over the place over there. She ..or Obama did not send them any extra help in security that they needed. All involved could be in the supreme court soon.
  23. They needed to get this news out earlier and not 1 or 2 days before the election.
  24. The with held information by CBS in an effort to assist President Obama in his re-election campaign. The Benghazi attack. The Daily Caller ironically posted an article Monday morning titled ‘Wave Goodbye To The Obama Media’ where, among other things, Tucker Carlson wrote the following: By tomorrow night we’ll likely know the name of the next president. But we already know the loser in this election cycle: political reporters. They’ve disgraced themselves. Conservatives have long complained about liberal bias in the media, and with some justification. But it has finally reached the tipping point. Not in our lifetimes have so many in the press dropped the pretense of objectivity in order to help a political candidate. The media are rooting for Barack Obama. They’re not hiding it. http://legalinsurrec...hazi-terrorism/ Someone at CBS probably will be fired over this. Not for holding the segment back, but for publishing it at all. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.teaparty....vered-up-15291/ CBS News, in an effort to assist President Obama’s re-election campaign, corruptly concealed information about two critical issues–namely, a terror attack and the president’s dishonesty about it. When the players in the Libya scandal face investigation, so, too, should CBS News and those in the mainstream media who have wantonly assisted the administration’s shameless lies.
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