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Everything posted by LOVE SONGS

  1. I just got word from the hospital that my son needs to be in a home. They are sending him there today. I am so heartbroken. His brian condition got worst on him. I am so heart broken and crying .
  2. I agree with you Tinky ... I am guilty also. Love you guys !
  3. People are racing out to buy handguns and rifles ...what are they going to use them on , I wonder ?
  4. http://news.yahoo.co...-164928637.html Different Usages About Your Computer Mouse
  5. I posted the article from our local newspaper...a photo ..a cop holding the rifle AR15 and people are buying them before gun laws go in effect. http://www.houmatoda...121229637?tc=cr
  6. Yeah you are right ... I went and corrected it.
  7. I just googled it... the assault rifle is prohibited to the public. there is the semi-automatic and a full- automatic rifle.. holds a cartridge ( bullets)
  8. isn't an assult rifle like a machine gun..firing several bullets then reload. But, they said as of first ..it was a rifle that holds many bullets . Thoses cops know exactly.... what type of gun those type of bullets came from. It doesn't take them a month to figure that out. Now they saying it was now a rifle ... why did they change their story. Something wrong there. oh and by the way ....some kids saw Adam with a long gun as they were interviewed. The cops said he was found dead and had the rifle.
  9. The police should know what kind of gun was used from the type of bullets taken out of those killed. Why would they want to change their story... ?
  10. Where are you finding this information? from what Im seeing they havent released that information yet, and whats out there are conflicting reports. I read one article that said it was pistols and there was a AR-15 in the trunk, another said he used the AR-15 and it was a saiga in the trunk. Here you go ... the doctor did say the gun used was from a long rifle. http://newtown.patch...school-shooting <----- in the article of the interview with the Doctor... he says the bullets came from a rifle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctors' interview that was on t.v.
  11. You are right ..neb... I heard it myself when it all happened on t.v. that there were 2 gunmen. They interviewed a young boy with his father..at the scene...the boy said there were 2 men with guns.
  12. Where are you finding this information? from what Im seeing they havent released that information yet, and whats out there are conflicting reports. I read one article that said it was pistols and there was a AR-15 in the trunk, another said he used the AR-15 and it was a saiga in the trunk. Maybe you can google it...the interview of the doctor that removed the bullets out of the victims. It was on t.v. news. He said he took several bullets 4-5 out of each person. That the bullets were from an assult weapon. I will try to get the interview. That was about a week ago...on t.v.
  13. But, the bullets they took out of the people indicated it was from the rifle.
  14. yeah..you are right ..Patriot. They do need to give out the correct information at this time... If he had no assult weapon as he did the shootings as the news is now saying , then he must have had others gumen with him to do the shootings. Most all those who were shot, each had multiple gun shot wounds. Adam couldn't do all that alone in such a short period of time...with a hand gun. Only if he used an assult weapon. The bullets they removed from the bodies should have indicated what type of gun that was use . That was solved ...now its a different story .. ? humm
  15. People there and here are not aware of Islam beliefs.
  16. (quote) from the article.. Pope Benedict XVI anything other than a call for a dictatorial New World Order guided and controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am difinately not following the catholic churches teachings ... praying the rosary, divorced people cannot received communion the host (bread) unless they get their marriage anulled , if you are not a registered member of their church and you die ...you cannot have a funeral from them...etc. I was once catholic most all my life ..up until I got saved,in a christian church when I went up for prayer, when I visited there ...12 years ago. I found out a lot of truth about God in the non-denominational church. I refuse to go back to catholic. The catholic church is corrupted with their homosexual priest . Some are not in prison for raping young boys ...they just move the priest to another state or parish.
  17. Everyone who died in the OT went to Hell, the grave. The OT doesn't teach anything about two sides of Hell. The idea of two sides of Hell might come from Jesus's parable of the rich man and Lazarus, addressed in my previous post in this thread. One side would be called Abraham's Bosom, where the righteous go. The side for the wicked is a place of torment. The two sides are separated by a chasm which can't be crossed, but can be communicated across. This can't be a real description of Hell because it implies that the dead are judged at the moment of death. But, the NT teaches that judgement isn't until after the dead are resurrected. Parker said that . I was just repating what he said. That hell had 2 sides. Pick up the whole post please .
  18. Not to be argumentative, but sin was never forgiven in the OT. The sacrifices were to cover the sin. When people died, they all went to hell, which had two sides. One was for those whom God considered "Rightous" where they awaited the Messiah, the atoning death of Christ; and the other side for those who were lost who suffered pain and torment. When Christ rose again and went to "sheol" he took those awaiting their "Savior" with Him into Heaven and the lost stayed in hell to await the Lake of Fire. (quote) Parker Not to be argumentative, but sin was never forgiven in the OT. The sacrifices were to cover the sin. When people died, they all went to hell, which had two sides -------------------------------------------------- People that died all went to hell and hell had 2 sides . Where is that in scripture ?
  19. (quote) from the article It’s not just (Lanza’s) heart; it’s not this one man – Adam – that we should be looking at,” Foster says. “It should be ourselves. What do we allow our children to sit in when we send them to a public school that doesn’t teach them moral principles? What kind of character do we have as a people, not just looking at Connecticut, when we allow a government to steal our wealth and money and allow babies by the millions to die in abortion, and when we allow the basic moral precepts of Christian civilization to be destroyed in a couple of generations? “What kind of moral character do we have, and is it not ultimately our sin?” Foster asks. “We’ve got to own up to it – especially the Baby Boomers. Of all generations, there has never been a more blessed, physically blessed generation, than the Baby Boomers of World War II, and that’s my generation, and we are the most accountable. I believe we’re going to have to face God Almighty for what we have allowed to happen to our country.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this man is saying is that we are something worst than Adam Lanza . "to look at ourselves" . Then saying about Baby Boomers ..in which I am a Baby Boomer... that we are held accountable for what is happening to this country. That is sick thinking to me. That... we have to face God for what we allowed to happen. I am not going to be made to feel guilty and taking on the sins of this country corruption. By this mans' article. So ..Parker you are agreeing with this article ? I don't . Plus the only reason that I brought up about mental illness of the homeless is because ..Bryan did in his article .
  20. Hi Lady C....yes, you are right...I currently live in Canada and I am Canadian. However, I've lived in the US for about 8+ years and my husband is American...his parents were missionairies (he's a pk) and he was born overseas but came to the US later and basically grew up in Michigan I do know who the Westborians are (like how could you not know, right LOL) and that they are family I understand they do hateful things and hate filled things. But God does not hate them. I don't mean to sound religious or passive or holier than thou but I do not believe God hates them. They are, IMO, a strange group and I have to ask God...What's up here? Why do you allow this? Signs of our times I think...but I have not stopped to put it all together..God has allowed them and we have allowed far too much sin that passes for Christian behavior I have to look more and more with spiritual eyes at what is going on around us because otherwise, I would despair I hope this makes sense...in no way do I chastise anyone for their own feelings regarding this, and I do understand, but for some reason, I think my mind is changing about things...I have had so much unrest and pain over the actions and words of those close to me in my family, that I have cried out for peace and this, I believe, is God showing me how to live...or part of it My mother has caused so much pain that without God I think I would do her in by now. Seriously it does make sense, and i hope what i said does too. i really think that as a group, as an organization, God hates what He sees, which is pure evil. that's not the same thing as seeing them each as an individual person within that group. I think God allows evil to persist because it will eventually bring about His ultimate will. if evil didn't exist, there would have been no need for a savior. if earth was a state of utopia instead of chaos, there would be no need for the battle at armegeddon, no need for God to come set up His kingdom here on earth. God allows evil because He allows us to choose freely between it and Him. as for the WBC people... have any of them freely chosen? clearly one of them has... but who knows in what generation that one existed, and whether he or she is still alive? maybe the ones running it now freely chose, or maybe they were victims of the same brain washing that everyone else is a victim of. can they be redeemed? God could orchestrate things so that one or more could escape the clutches of the group and learn to know the true God. but throughout biblical history, God has chosen to allow some hearts to become and remain hardened, because they served a purpose in His bigger picture. i suspect the phelps family fits in that category. they serve a purpose, but God has allowed their hearts to become and remain permanently hardened against Him, and there likely will be no redemption for any of them. but again, i'm not God, and my suspicions are just that... He may have something else in mind, and if He does, i'll rejoice. LOL, i'm glad i at least got part of it right, that you didn't live in the US. but i had forgotten that you had lived here and that your hubby was american. i was thinking you were from across the pond somewhere over in europe... and i figured the brits may have less knowledge about the phelps. anyway, i'll try very hard to keep this conversation in my dusty old brain somewhere so i can pull it out in the future and remember that you do have first-hand knowledge of all things american! (quote) LadyC I think God allows evil to persist because it will eventually bring about His ultimate will. if evil didn't exist, there would have been no need for a savior. if earth was a state of utopia instead of chaos, there would be no need for the battle at armegeddon, no need for God to come set up His kingdom here on earth. God allows evil because He allows us to choose freely between it and Him --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awesome words ...sister !
  21. yes...we are saved by grace. But, this protesting is misleading the people all over the world about christianty . They show hate and judging people ...especially at funerals. That made my stomach churn when I saw this on the news on the t.v. Com'on ...that is too far fetched . This is a a group of cultisum .
  22. Morning Glory ...I notice you have multiple posts. That just happened to me when I hit the quote button ...it took a while to get the page ... then I saw mutiple posts of the other member .... I just erased them ...to leaving just one...quote...it worked. Don't know what did that.
  23. LOL ...man... why sign the petition . I do think that this group is cult ....it surely is not of the Spirit of God.
  24. yeah and I wonder why God did not destroy the devil when he rebelled against ...instead God created a place for him the place called hell. In the old testament peoples' sins were forgiven by God only through the sheading of blood. ( an animal sacrifice) In the new testament peoples' sins are forgiven by God only through Jesus. His dying on the cross, through His blood shed ..He was the lamb of God that takes away the sins of people. Jesus is the only way to get to heaven. (quote)..Tinkys' article How can you believe in a God who would condemn people to suffer the torments of hell eternally? God made hell for the bad, satan and the bad. Bad people send themselves to hell, those who don't change and won't accept Jesus as their savior. Jesus saves us from the pit of hell. Thank you Jesus !
  25. First of all this group of protesters are something like a cult that blows a whistle on people like as though they were appointed by God to do so. Those who disrupts funerals with their protesting signs ... to me are not of the Spirit of God.
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