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Posts posted by franciskelsey

  1. Anyone have info about what length of time transpired between Moses first meeting with Pharaoh and the departure from Egypt? Or the duration of the plagues?

    Tough question. Moses was 80 years old it appears when he first talked to Pharaoh (Exodus 7:7) but how long was he in Egypt before he spoke to Moses? Could of been months. Also not knowing for sure if this mention was for the very first time Moses spoke to Pharaoh or the second time, when God performed wonders recorded in chapture 6. And how much time passed after the first encounter? It was seven days for the blood water event, but no time frame set regarding the frogs or any other event regarding this time frame.


    A: The Bible does not tell us the answer to this question, and as a result,

    there are numerous guesses. These range anywhere from about a month to about a

    year (the Jewish Mishnah says 1 year). Based on my studies, I am guessing about

    4-5 months. Here is why.

    We do know several facts for sure. First, the Bible says in (Ex 7:6) that Moses

    was 80 years old when the 10 plagues started after he spoke to Pharaoh. After the

    plagues were done, and Pharaoh finally let the Israelites go, they wandered in the

    desert for 40 years (Num 14:33-34, 32:13). Moses died at the end of the 40 years at

    the age of 120 (Deut 34:7). Therefore, if Moses was 80 at the start, wandered 40

    years, and died at 120, the plagues had to have ended in under a year.

    The rest of this interesting article can be found here http://jesusalive.cc/ques219.htm


    So I guess on all the sites I have come across, it had to be or was believed to be about around one year, though their are some who put it as low as 40 days, but this seems very unlikely to me. In many cases, I do like to stick with the Jewish traditions. I too, after tonights web searching, am concinced it was between nine months to a year, but could of not been any more because of the ages of Moses shown above.

    God bless and I hope that helps a little.

  2. 1 Corinthians 12:13

    Weymouth New Testament

    For, in fact, in one Spirit all of us--whether we are Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free men--were baptized to form but one body; and we were all nourished by that one Spirit.


    1 cORINTHIANS 12

    27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members of member. 28 And God indeed hath set some in the church; first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly doctors; after that miracles; then the graces of healing, helps, governments, kinds of tongues, interpretations of speeches. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all doctors? 30 Are all workers of miracles? Have all the grace of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But be zealous for the better gifts. And I shew unto you yet a more excellent way.

    What this does not mean is that we cannot have more of a fullfillment temporary or a better gift, as we are told to seek likewise. I have heard many stories of those filling a new power over them in prayer often linked with a special task at hand. There are not different levels as to if one is baptized in the Spirit or not, but through our Christian walk God gives us what we need when we need it such as praying through the Spirit, speaking through the Spirit, giving through the Spirit, which we would not of or could not have done with out the Holy Spirit. I do not question experiences but just stick to the word of the Lord concerning doctrine, with nothing adding to it.

    God bless

  3. I have had a feeding tube over five years now. GED got my muscles in my throat pretty good I guess. Trouble is, sometimes, like this last month and still ongoing, as it often results in effections or tube twisting and thus causing bad pain and obstruction. I will say one thing MorningGlory, a person never gets use to not eating. :)

    In saying all of that, I belong to God, in this life and the next, however long it is that I remain here. God has blessed me with more than the richest buffet on earth, more than the wealthiest man on earth. He has brought my inner most self to Himself to be able to present me holy, only through His blood of course, to the Father.

    I hate to be in so much pain, but I would hate soo soo soo much more to be without my Jesus!!

    God bless Morningglory

  4. In detail, this was for the Israelites, but it does have a general stance for all humans. Keep in mind, the bible is full of generalities, meaning we can not read into the bible in detail concerning every person. Take the USA for example. We were derived a Christian nation. Many say the USA has been the most blessed nation on earth. Comparing to many countries, our deseases are exceptionally fewer and our food is never in short supply. Does that mean no one gets sick? Does that mean no one starves? The book of Proverbs has many such generalities. So more over, many times we can asume as a whole, and not so much every person, and this can be prooven and/or shown countles times in the bible. The bible reaches all of us on a personel level, but often it implies as a general rule over all terms or settings, realizing that in every book of the bible, there has been suffering amoung the rightoues just like the wisest man in history said there would be. Hope that helps. God bless.

  5. Selene, I believe you are right on with a very simple answere. God knows all in advance but only He has been around forever. Our souls are placed in us at birth, it would seem, or conception for that matter. Not before though.

  6. I have did quite a bit of research on this study myself. The above post has some good points. I have debated ex-Christians for a long time but not with great results. Many believe once you have accepted Christ you will never fall away, and if you do, you were never saved in the first place. How sad. If so, the sinners prayer is a fake because when we tell all who pray it that they will go to heaven, when we know some will not (not really saved) than we make the bible to be untrue.

    However, to be breif, this is not about making a mistake, or backsliding a little bit. This is about a continues rebelling of the call from the Holy Spirit once you have accepted Him in your life. Over time your heart will become hard and you will never come back to Christ Jesus. What it does not mean is that someone who has gone astray can never be brought back.

    When I was a kid I got saved. Through the expetation of trying to be perfect I gave up. It was not until 12 years later when I accepted Jesus in my life again, but taking it one baby step at a time. Many have their own reaons why they give up on God, rather they feel God let them down, or they could not make God happy, or false doctrins that God would not comply with, such as ask in His name and it will be done for you, and taking it to mean if it is not you did not have enough faith. God knows our thoughts and hearts. That is GREAT news. He will bring us back to Himself if our reasoning was not out of rebellion. I believe this.

    I want to share a couple of verses for better understanding of what I believe is being talked about.

    1 John 5:16-17

    16If you see another believer committing a sin that doesn't lead to death, you should pray that God would give that person life. This is true for those who commit sins that don't lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I'm not telling you to pray about that. 17Every kind of wrongdoing is sin, yet there are sins that don't lead to death.

    Different opions about this verse but I tend to believe it is not "a" sin but a sinful life brought on by a hardening and rebellion of the heart over a period of time, which if continued, will lead to death. I believe this is the sin that leads to death.

    James 1:14-15

    14Everyone is tempted by his own desires as they lure him away and trap him. 15Then desire becomes pregnant and gives birth to sin. When sin grows up, it gives birth to death. 16My dear brothers and sisters, don't be fooled.

    I believe this is how the downslide begains. I have had many times in my life where God said, "Here you are, at the cross roads. It is your call, Me or your lusts." I chose God, but sometimes it wasa hard choice, surprisingly.

    Ezekiel 18:26 also goes along with this. We must never harden our hearts toward Christ because those that do may never come back to safety.

    Anyhow brother, I hope that helps. It is not about our sruggles, but about our heart. As Christians, we love Jesus because He first loved us. When we took the offered gift of salvation we also took on our cross. To be a follower of Jesus, we must be willing to give up all, though this is a life long learning process and I have yet to reach that goal. God HATES to see the wicked die, but rather that they would turn and live. God wants to see us all come to Himself.

    We were made to fellowship with God (Acts 17:26-27; Gen. 3:8-9)

    He has put eternity into our hearts. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

    He knows all of our days before we were formed. (Psalm 139:1-16)

    One last verse I will leave you with is this. Hebrews 7:25 Jesus always lives to make intercession for us believers.

    Hebrews 6:9 shows that we do not need to fear going the way of death provided we do not harden our hearts and always fear and look up to God. The last thing God wants to do is not let someone in heaven. His last prayer in the garden shows this as He asked God if there was any other way let this cup not fall on Him to bear, but there was no other way. That is why Jesus is the only way. Those of us that have recieved this great love and the Holy Spirit to guide us, then turn our backs on it all (again, not a struggle or slip up but a prelonged hardening of the heart) we are putting to shame the blood of Jesus. We will be worse off than a sinner that never believed.

    Anyone that repents, changes their mind about Christ Jesus, and calls on Him to be saved will be saved. Only those who turn their back on the one Who gave them life will have to worry. Thus, stay humble and obedient to the Holy Spirit, and let us never harden our hearts against God, and live in sin as we once did. This is a harsh matter, as God cannot allow those who rebell against Him in the gates of heaven, for if He did, He would have no justice, and for that matter, no love for those with eternal life because heaven would become like hell.

    God bless brother. Stay true

  7. King Obama. He can do no wrong. Just watching the media in the last many years has shocked me. The Republican Nat. Convention brought nothing to the news but the "lies" that were told or facts that were not quite as they viewed them. The Democrats, however, the news is how Clinton's hand signals signified even more intense hate for Romney. Amazing. What bad news have you heard about Obama on the news? Remember when Bush was in? Not a day went by without th bashing of Bush, and the very things he was accused of, like mone spending, Obama has broken all records.

    But no, you wil not hear this much, if any. It would be nice if we had real news instead of public Democrat support groups. What ya going t do? This nation needs much prayer. Too many hidden things in which we do not know.

  8. Perhaps, little Lamb, I can accept your meaning of Jesus and His preaching to the disobedient, and perhaps there could be many possibilities with that one, and so I do not really have much else to stand on concerning scripture accept a different meaning than the first thoughts in my head. However, I would differ from you concerning NDE as a little research has shown millions of people have had these. Many many Christians as well.

    Do we take them at their word? What about all of the people in the bible that was brought back to life? Did they not die a second time? What about those who rose from the dead when Jesus died?

    I am not saying that all NDE are real, nor am I saying most of us will ever get a second chance, but it does seem that God has this right to determine how He brings certain lost people to Himself. Many people have accepted Jesus Christ because of their NDE. It has been reported that these people (many of them anyway) see things going on around them that no science can explain. They see everything and remember much of it. I cannot usually even remember a dream I might have. lol

    I guess, all I am saying, as I cannot with a clear heart and mindset, just rule out all NDE just because they do not all support the bible. I do believe in some cases Satan is involved, as he can and does appear as an angle of light. I also believe that some are made up or that there may be a medical reason in some cases that may not be a true NDE. Saying all of this though, it appears even Paul had a near death experience, and so how can we as Christians just dismiss these just like that, not even believing our own brethen.

    I suppose though, that would be a good discussion on another thread. Other than that though, good job on your post and I pretty much agree with the rest of it.

    God bless

  9. Thank you Littlelamb for that great article. I have done a bit of study myself in this area and have generally come to believe just the way you nicely presented it. I think the only hard part for me to understand, though you could be right on target, as when Jesus preached to the disobedient in hades. Was He allowing those who believed to have another chance? That would seem to be oppiite from certain other passages, and just as you stated, you question the NDE that have popped up in the thousands. Probably many more.

    I do wonder, however, if there is truth to at least a portion of these, which very well could be, could it also be some in Hades were given another chance? I mean, why would He preach to them. Preaching seems to imply a choice to believe, at least from my own understanding. There is no other scripture I know of, however, that seems to support that idea. Just one of those question verses that always gets caught in my mind. LOL

    Great layout, and I believe you are right on th target with the word of God.

    God bless

  10. Hi Rachel. I do not know too much about OCD for sure, though some claim I have had signs of it. I often feared doing anything in odd numbers, or stepping on cracks (I had to watch out for my ma LOL) but through time I forced myself to do everything I felt terrified of doing. I always did things in odd numbers, always stepped on cracks, ect. Anyhow, I have no idea if hat is part of what you may go through, so instead of trying to be an expert on that, let me focus on doubting.

    If any Christian tells you they have never had doubts, I certainly would question that. For me, God has slowly taught me some of the highlights of the OT relating to such things. It seems part of the problem is that we forget the blessings, miracles, and the goodness of God so quickly. In the OT, they built alters for every great event. They built to sacrifice to God and to always remember what God had did. Thus many of the Jewish holidays are for the same reason, as they were mandated by God.

    In short, take the advise in the other post before mine, as they all seem quite helpful and true. My advise would be, if possible, to keep a journal with you and record every time God blesses you (to list your current blessings you would run out of paper but that too may help). Every time you see God working in your life write it down. Every time He performs a wonders in your life make note of it. As others have stated, the best thing you can do is to read, read, and read some more of the word of God until it sts in your heart always. This is the key to what Jesus used to combat the temptations of satan, which by the way, ofcourse, also used scripture for the testing.

    They always say it is easier to count what we do not have than what we do have and what we have been blessed with. If we can remember what God has done for us in th past, and remember that all His promises have always come true, remember that He has never left or failed us, I think it would always be easier to stop satan right in his tracts.

    Many lessons God has been working on me for years about and I know it will be much longer before I get them all down pact. :)

    To God I give all th credit, as without Him, and His continues presence, who or what human would be a match for satan? The word of God is certainly our sword.

    God bless sister

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