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Everything posted by Dawn1974

  1. Feeling pretty down today. Wondering why I can't get the right man in my life to marry. I know a guy that I grew up with who I started to like. But there is only one problem, he is in a serious relationship. So I just keep a certain distance. As a Godly woman by no means am I trying to manipulate the situation. I chose to let God take control in that situation. Pray for me.
  2. First of all, treat them the way Christ will treat them. Loving them, staying humble towards them, and having much compassion. Most important of all, do not be quick to judge.
  3. I have a strong desire to get married. I am so tired of disappointments after disappointments. I will become 40 this year. Over the last 5 years I have had the worst luck with me. It seem like every man that I become attracted to and interested in are men who are already in serious relationships. I desire to meet someone who truly loves the Lord and is single and available. Feeling very discouraged.
  4. Thank you these are some wonderful suggestion that I look forward to trying in my class.
  5. Wow Butero! I think you hit on the nail. I will take all that into consideration. I do admit that apart that apart of my problem is that I do worry about what other think of my work, which causes me to make more mistakes.
  6. Thank you all for your prayers. This my first time working in a daycare setting. I was working in a elementary school for 11 years with older children. So this is all so new to me. Thank you clean for your suggestions. I will try them.
  7. I am having a challenging time at my new job at the daycare center. This is week #4. I am having a hard time catching on to the fast pace environment. The children are challenging to deal with. I am challenged with having classroom management with them. Some of my co-worker are becoming impatient with me. I need help. I need prayer. I need advice.
  8. I worked for the Chicago Public Schools for 11 years. The last 4 years they were starting to really push common core. That was a part of my breaking point for why I did not want to stay in the public school system. I now work at a daycare. I do not miss having to assistant with teaching the test. It was so stressful. I thought is was ridiculous that children who are in 3rd grade who were taking the ISAT test was being asked to not only solve the math problem, but they are also asked to write in detail how they got their answer. It was already bad enough that they are taking the test for the first time. Many of them still have not grasp the concept of how to use the answer sheet to grid in the answers. So, now they have to write in detail how they come up with that answer? I sensed much frustration with the 3rd graders. Common Core has taken away from the teachers own ideas. I pray for our school system in this country.
  9. Praise God! My medical papers came. I start work Monday morning. Thank you all for your prayers. May God bless you!
  10. As many of you all know I struggled for months to find a new job. I was blessed two weeks ago with a new job at a daycare. I might be in danger of losing a job that I have not started yet. Because the medical center has not releases my medical forms that I request for last Monday. Without this form I can not start my new job. I was told that it will take 7-10 business days. Today is day #9. I need to start next week. My job is looking for me next week. Pray that my form will be release today. I have been through so much. It has been nine months since I have worked. My unemployment is gone. I have no money. However, bills are steadily coming in.
  11. Continue to pray for me! Yesterday I went to the medical center to request my medical records for my new job. I was told that it will process in 7-10 days. Pray that my paper work processes sooner. I need to work now. The daycare needs me now. Keep me in your prayers.
  12. I am so excited about getting started.
  13. To God be the glory! I got the job! I will be teaching Pre-K in a daycare center.
  14. Thank You all for your prayers and support! The interview and the observation went great. Pray that the director will hire me.
  15. I have an interview with a Daycare today. The director will be observing me with children in a Pre-K classroom. I am so anxious right now. As many of you all may know I have been out of work since June 2013. God is finally opening up many doors for me. I just pray that God will put me in the right place. My unemployment has ran out. There are no extensions. I really need a full-time job with benefits.
  16. Oh Wow! I am so glad that I didn't waste time on that. When I am home from church I spend most of my evening watching some of church programs that I record on Sunday Mornings.
  17. To make matter worse, I found out that they are closing the Sears store downtown in Chicago. Another company will be buying that building. Then I found out that 2,300 people will be losing their jobs at Sam's Club Store. The Sears building was huge downtown in Chicago. It was a three-story building. I guessing about 500 people.
  18. What I don't understand is if your state is doing a state of emergency why would your boss even attempt to be out driving. Especially if you can get in trouble for it?
  19. Just the other day I went to a daycare center to inquire about a Teacher's Assistant position. The director said she would give me a call at the end of the week. Pray that the director will give me a call today.
  20. I read that JC Penny's will be laying off 2500 people. There will be 33 stores closing. It was said they are trying to save money. So by doing this over 65 million dollars is supposed to be saved.
  21. Amen! Chicago will reach a heatwave today. We will have a temperature of 39 degrees.
  22. As I continue my job search I am at a crossroads. Sometimes I am concern about the wages. Other times I am concern about weather the job will offer full-time and benefits. I have medical challenges and I can really use the benefits as well. Then there are days where I think about both. Sometimes it becomes hard to figure out which is more important.
  23. To add on to the drama, I just found out that 2,500 employees will be laid off from Macy's Department store. Stores located in Arizona, Kansas, New York, Utah, and Missouri will be closing. There was a grocery store in Chicago named Dominicks that just recently went out of business. Over 2,000 employees lost their jobs.
  24. Pray that I can success in carrying out my goal.
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