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Posts posted by LadyKay

  1. I still don't get how it is my fault. Care to explain that ?



    Pee Wee Herman did a marriage ceremony on his playhouse show to a bowl of jello    Do we take these matters seriously or not?

     I have never taken Pee Wee's playhouse seriously, (actually I hated that stupid show when I was a kid) Nor do I take jello seriously.


    Stay out of the "red light district." we all know what goes on there. :shocked:

  2. It would depend on what you define as "immodesty". Grandma thought it was "immodest" to wear shorts in the summer. I have even heard of some people who believe men should not wear short sleeve shirts. We all have our own personal believe about what is consider " immodest." And it is a personal thing.   And what do you mean by saying " You tolerate it in others?" Maybe I do but then what am I suppose to do? I can not force the rest of the world to believe as I do. (I wish they would but they don't) I can not go around town trying to cover people in layers of clothing because I think they are "immodest". I hope no one does that you may get arrested.


    Since fear is not of the Lord, why purposely make it part of your life?

     It's not really fear. It is more like ridding a roller coaster. You go down that first big hill and your screaming for your life, but it is the most fun you have ever had. And as the coaster comes to a stop, your laughing and crying wanting to go again.


    That is what watching a good horror movie is like for me.

  4. I can not give a simple yes or no answer to this question. It would depend on the reasoning behind it. What was done. Rather or not the person owns up to what they did. And what harm has it caused you and much more. Lets say if someone caused you harm in such a way that you can no longer earn a living. And they refuse to help you or own up to what they did. Then I would say you have little other choice then to sue them. Yet this is one of them very personal issues. It may or may not be in God's will for your life to sue so and so for the wrong they did to you. The right answer for what you should do would require prayer and much thought.

  5. Should a man be disqualified from the ministry especially youth ministry because he is single?

     If your asking me this question I would answer no. But different churches have different rules.  Just because he is a single male does not mean he is going to be seducing our teenage daughters after prayer meeting. If he is then he has more issues to be concern with about if he qualified to be a youth pastor  or not.

  6. This week was breastfeeding week. Feel free to discuss one or more of these questions... :)

    A. What do you think about breastfeeding? Cover or no cover?

    B. What are the social norms in the culture/country you live in?


    C. Do you know the laws in your country/state regarding breastfeeding?




    A. What do you think about breastfeeding? Cover or no cover?  It does not bother me either way. I see nothing dirty or shameful about a women's breast.


    B. What are the social norms in the culture/country you live in? I don't really know.


    C. Do you know the laws in your country/state regarding breastfeeding? Do we really need laws for breastfeeding? I don't think so.

  7. I am a Christian. If for some reason I walk into a bank and decided to rob that bank and run out with a bag of money. I am still a Christian. Though I have made a very bad mistake and should immediately ask God for forgiveness, turn myself in, and give back all the money. If I refuse to ask for God's forgiveness on this crime and refuse to turn myself in, which I think God would want me to do. Then I have now turn my back on God and forsaken my Christian faith.


    This may or may not have anything to do with the topic I don't know.




    The abortion doctor who was an elder of his church comes to mind.


    Well that's interesting. Still though I would like to have a one on one conversation with this person before judging if his faith is true or not. I really don't want to turn this topic into an abortion debate so I will leave it at that.


    If this person performs abortions, they can't possibly be saved?  Have you ever seen an aborted baby, even in the first trimester?  If not, I suggest you do a search, and take a look at what this so-called doctor looks at each and every day.  You won't see blobs of tissue.  You will see arms, legs, and a human head.  No Christian could do such a thing.  There isn't even the possibility of ignorance in such cases.  I understand to some degree this fear of being judgmental, but there are certain times where it is obvious someone isn't really a true Christian. 




    I'm not going to answer this because I do not want to turn this into an abortion debate. That is going down a road I just cant go down at this time.




    so if he or his wife and children, fail to live a good and Godly life he should be removed from his position, as he has failed to meet the biblical criteria for the job as pastor

     So....what you are saying is if a pastor has say a son who choose to reject all the teaches he has learn about Christ. Then his father who is the pastor should be removed from the church because his son made his own choice to go his own way by his own free will?  Dang I guess being a pastor is hard when you are responsible for the choices that others make. Be them good or bad.


    the bible teaches that if a man can't keep his own family in the flock, he is disqualified for leading a larger body of believers,

    in todays Christianity the bible is hardly used as a guidline for such criteria, maybe thats why the church is in such a state apostasy


     It is just that when I was a child the pastor of my church had an adult son who had a criminal record of robbing stores and what not. Its hard to remember details because I was just a kid. But I remember this going on. He had 2 other children. Two daughters one was around 20 and the other still in high school. They both seem to turn out alright and the older daughter married a pastor. I don't think anyone blame the pastor for the way his older son turn out. Every family has its drama and I have no ideal why his son did what he did.  Over all the pastor and his wife seem  Godly and his wife was my Sunday school teacher.

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