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Everything posted by dailynewsflashes

  1. For me being baptized is very important. It is the start of having a christian life and also removing the original sin you've had before you were born. But actually, it's up to you or your family if they would like you to be baptized.
  2. Why do i believe and what he is done for me... In my early age, i really don't believe in him or I don't have enough faith for him. But then when time passed by when i experienced problems with my life. I feel him that he's always there for me. I can feel his presence, his power and his guidance. Until such time, I realized that to myself that how great he is for helping me with everything and guiding me to the right patch. That is the time I believed in him and my faith grows until now...
  3. You should not compare being christians and being rich. I do believe that God give you a blessing (rich) and not a hindrance. It's how you will take care of it.
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