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Everything posted by Chris.

  1. Itsir m chofr u YUETAer L Idont think the mark if the beast if unknowingly implanted can separate you from Jesus or salvation. Imagine if they get eyes or ears up and running properly. In saying that circuitry to match my brain would only need an Atari console lol.
  2. This is giving me mind pictures of a first person shooter with a sensitive well dressed skinny guy or a cross dresser in heels holding a machine gun. What's sexuality got to do with games? We live in a funny world at times don't we?
  3. I wonder if you can get blond and brunette versions of it and if they have speed differences?
  4. I see it. In order to have an iron rod we need manufacturing facilities and mining. The slavery is figurative for a wage slave maybe?
  5. You can buy ones like it at chemists. I got those off eBay. What a briliant solution, avoid the music and roll up before the sermon! A good all round peacefull solution. Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God..and still be able to hear it!
  6. Some days I think the sound guys in some services are attempting something like communication with the dead making sure it can be heard in heaven and below the church.
  7. I don't think you understand since I am still in saving mode for the future I have yet to start living above my means.I am talking about how to balance between savings and living expenses. My income is still above my outcome at the moment especially when calculating how much I have saved. I am saving for the rent and the bed and the possibility of other expenses. The job I am getting will be well over what I am saving and the rent for the apartment that I am getting will be fairly under what I am saving but it is my first apartment. The $2000 is not living expenses it is savings for the things I think I will need for my first apartment which would be the first months rent, deposit and a bed. The money is so that I will have enough to pay for rent until I start getting set up for my new job. I am worried that I am being more concerned with saving as much as I can rather than believing that God will work things out since I really don't know the future. While I commend you for living in a mobile home the mobile home site would be quite far from my job and I would have to calculate in costs for gas which if I were to get a home closer I could possibly alleviate. And I'm not sure if both you and your wife were married but the extra income from a spouse is something I don't have at the moment. Also the place where I am at now does not have a kitchen (it is a dormitory since I'm still in college) so groceries and the occasional eating out has to be a possibility. At the end of the day my question isn't really about budgeting but if I am balancing the future (something I don't know) on my shoulders rather than place the burden on God? When you were going through your first home did you always feel your future was secure despite monetary troubles? OH...... I get it now.... Actually when we got married I was not a real Chirstian..... I was a believer so to say but I had not turned my life over to Jesus to run...... and no I wasn't secure about anything... I was a typical southern redneck husband that should have been beaten every day for the first two years of our marriage..... but that's a whole other story. The question you are asking about trusting God for furnishing your needs is a real tricky one from my point of view. He will furnish you for what you need..... trouble is in deciding if what we are attempting to do is a need or a want.... he does not always furnish what we want. I don't think I could even wager guess at whether or not the two thousand might be enough for I have no idea what you are looking for in an apartment, or a bed. I do understand that your apartment cost should not be more than about 25% of what you will be making 30% if your rent includes utilities.... I don't think you understand since I am still in saving mode for the future I have yet to start living above my means.I am talking about how to balance between savings and living expenses. My income is still above my outcome at the moment especially when calculating how much I have saved. I am saving for the rent and the bed and the possibility of other expenses. The job I am getting will be well over what I am saving and the rent for the apartment that I am getting will be fairly under what I am saving but it is my first apartment. The $2000 is not living expenses it is savings for the things I think I will need for my first apartment which would be the first months rent, deposit and a bed. The money is so that I will have enough to pay for rent until I start getting set up for my new job. I am worried that I am being more concerned with saving as much as I can rather than believing that God will work things out since I really don't know the future. While I commend you for living in a mobile home the mobile home site would be quite far from my job and I would have to calculate in costs for gas which if I were to get a home closer I could possibly alleviate. And I'm not sure if both you and your wife were married but the extra income from a spouse is something I don't have at the moment. Also the place where I am at now does not have a kitchen (it is a dormitory since I'm still in college) so groceries and the occasional eating out has to be a possibility. At the end of the day my question isn't really about budgeting but if I am balancing the future (something I don't know) on my shoulders rather than place the burden on God? When you were going through your first home did you always feel your future was secure despite monetary troubles? OH...... I get it now.... Actually when we got married I was not a real Chirstian..... I was a believer so to say but I had not turned my life over to Jesus to run...... and no I wasn't secure about anything... I was a typical southern redneck husband that should have been beaten every day for the first two years of our marriage..... but that's a whole other story. The question you are asking about trusting God for furnishing your needs is a real tricky one from my point of view. He will furnish you for what you need..... trouble is in deciding if what we are attempting to do is a need or a want.... he does not always furnish what we want. I don't think I could even wager guess at whether or not the two thousand might be enough for I have no idea what you are looking for in an apartment, or a bed. I do understand that your apartment cost should not be more than about 25% of what you will be making 30% if your rent includes utilities.... I thought he meant a week or a fortnight. 2k a month here in Australia is just above poverty line because things are so expensive.
  8. Get rid of those ASAP and dont make the banks any richer. Your better off to be debt free as much as possible so you can enjoy a worry free life. 2 flashy cars a marriage based on careers paying off a huge mortgage with kids being raised in child care never seeing parents while you work long ours to pay interest is no utopia. Make debt eradication your priority for the rest of your life over expensive toys and big holidays. You have the right idea with the jobs now though, make hay while the sun shines.
  9. I suppose not everyones a christian. I want to see how its done. would they use a dark lord Darth Vader helmet with burning sulphur incense and Madonna background music?
  10. its good to see its not just me that takes them but whats it doing to other people unsuspecting of being damaged? Hey if there was airborn asbestos there it would be a big deal because its harmeful to respitory health so whats the difference with overly amplified sound induced hearing loss damage? Isnt our hearing one of the most important things we need to protect?
  11. One thing you need to remember is being a christian does not mean you cannot be assertive, fight and stand up for yourself in the face of adversary. Some people will never leave you alone until they respect you, and they wil never respect you untl you make it unpleasant to repeatedly confront you. The other more important thing before doing that is you must look really hard at your own actions to see if there is a reason your actions are causeing another person agrivation that leads to hararsment of yourself. If they are just being a jerk for the sake of it take em on and dont feel bad! putting up with constant verbal abuse is not evangelism. Sharing a message in love to a willing recipient is.
  12. That's different completely. Ignore them and talk to someone who likes you instead. Harassment without a reaction is a futile and boring exercise.
  13. One could always start by extraction of the logs in ones own eyes and set a good but humble example to follow. God is the guy who takes the specks out of others eyes, dont worry about it he will sort that out or not. We all leave this life alone and account only for our own lives. Share the good news of salvation by grace not the religious order of moral policing because adherence to the law wont save anyone. Hearing the message of salvation and trusting in it begins the desire to conform and change and sin less. If it does not come from the heart of a seeker of Jesus to please God it is worthless! I hope that helps anyway.
  14. Actually i am the same as i have some silly tinnitus thing and get ear pain from noise. I am sure I destroyed my hearing from loud noises at work and loud music. big ol speakers arent exactly old school at church like from when I grew up and I see a generation of deaf kids behind us unless we do something to help them. Wait till a church gets sued for negligence in a few years, which may happen if someone needs help and wasn't warned. we are relying on the churches not to hurt us arent we? We have sound level meters at work and i am going to t o check the levels at church next time i am there. If I find the sound is at 95-120 db where i think it is I am going to make the kids where ear plugs from now on. If you cant hold a conversation over it without yelling the sound system is damaging your hearing.
  15. Does anyone know if church services driven by loud music and amplified media have to conform to standards and if anyone regularly checks them? I have worked in industrial machine shops quieter than the music service part of many churches I have been to to and I was forced to wear hearing protection at work for my own safety or get in trouble. Are churches now damaging hearing in the congregation for the sake of entertainment and re the guys on the mixing desk taught how to amplify sounds safely so church members are not damaged in any way? Imagine if one day a church got sued for it just like at work..
  16. No can do as someone has to go to hell to make the scriptures true and valid. It is sad but not all can go to heaven if verses in the gospels are correct: Matthew 7 13"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. I do wish everyone could go and all deserve the opportunity to hear it to chose for themselves.
  17. I really do wonder about this as the bible has lots of condemnation of excess and gluttony. I think there is one verse that mentions it it together with sex sins etc. 1 Cor 6 vs 9-10. I got up today thinking as a christian i would avoid doing things condemned in the bible and i cant see why gluttony isnt as avoidable as any of them. Arent we as believers meant to strive to not do things condemned in the bible? It seems like it is one of the most overlooked and tolerated sin in our society. Also one of the reasons God destroyed Sodom was because of overeating and (inhospitality to needy people which relates to being greedy). In saying that. its about eating what you need to survive i guess. If your really skinny and you need to eat heaps to maintain your weight then no problem at all. My metabolism is one that sees me trying to not eat as much as I can because everything I eat my body doesn't need will turn to fat and I havea few meals in reserve i need to get rid of for sure.
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