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Everything posted by creativemechanic

  1. i see it a bit differently. while we are to be willing to give of ourselves for others. we gotta be mindful of how much. Sometimes we can give so much unnecssarily that we ourselves have none for ourselves. This can relate to time, finances,energy etc. especially for christians because sometimes we can give so much of ourselves in our bid to be good servants that our lives suffer. eg pastors who spend so much time in ministry that their spiritual or family lives end up suffering dueto negligence
  2. Whatlife lesdon can u glean from this
  3. I think some men find it appealing because they think it will mean more /varied sex
  4. But how would you justify it via scripture
  5. How would you respond to this.
  6. Been readinga book on gossip. What it said is another reason we need to be mindful of what we say about others is because sometimes what we say to or about people can scare them so much about what they may become that it totally changes their behaviour because they then become obsessed with NOT being like that and take extreme measures I think this is especially important with children. Some parents or adults tend to forget children are far more observant or understanding than we think and can pick up on what we say to or about them. E.g. A man who is obsessed with succeeding regardless of who he steps over or what he achieved may do so because his parents said he'll never achieve anything in life. Really blew my mind when I read it
  7. how do you know? The statistics wont say whos a born again beleiver and a church goer
  8. It's been repeatedly commented on-divorce rates including among Christians have risen. Many explanation were given-more independent thinking, less willingness to fight for marriages etc. But a friend of mine pointed out another possible reason. She said in years of talking with older married women including Christians that what she gathered was that women from oldee generations were far more tolerant of the shenanigans their husband's would get up to and would stay through stuff that modern day women wouldn't -cheating,outside children etc. I've even heard of stories of older women telling younger women to stay with cheating husbands and tolerate it because hes a good provider. (Heard my grandmother say something to that extent myself). I've heard of stories of women cooking for their husband's children from other women in the village. Abuse in some cases would be an accepted part of life. So it may just in some cases people are just willing to stand for less than their predecessors would.
  9. An amusing thing I noticed in convos with different unsaved people over the years. Say what they might about waiting and abstaining, isnt it funny how while following the expected Godly standard is pretty straightforward, (especially noticeable )nowadays the order of events in different relationships that people practise can be very.......... variable.
  10. U assuming they are married or are living together
  11. Year ago beleive it or not. A co-worker suggested I look for women amongst the nursery class mother's at the school I taught at. Namely because ,that was the age alot of fathers ran off. I obviously didn't take it to heart but as time went on, being friendly with different parents I realised ... It actually happens. There were actually a few single mother's with 3/4 year olds. Other women i spoke to over the years spoke of being dumped while pregnant. Part of an explanation explanation i read was that when baby arrives, the child becomes the center of the mother's attention ( naturally). Some fathers cant take being replaced and look elsewhere or run off. Isn't it kinda sad how something so natural causes such disaster or how some people can become so self centres that they'd they'd that (the father's running off). It really kinda shows how far mankind can in some cases fall from God's plan
  12. Seeing this really strikes a chore with me. Something that people, especially Christians need to be mindful of. I've seen and experienced where persons confess to suffer from mental issues eg depression and people hearing of this dismiss their issues or berate them for it even asking-What they have to be depressed about etc. Depression can lead to suicide! I think especially as Christians we need to beat each others burdens more.
  13. Thats why i made a point to say- im not telling people how many kids to have. But the disparity is shocking though. as well as the shift in demographics(once mostly youth to now mostl elderly. All in about 10 or so years.
  14. That's good. With us it's the opposite. Its sad because children add a life and can energy to things . Sunday school,christmas programme,church picnics,youth groups etc that the elderly dont
  15. Beleive it or not i was talking to an older lady at my church and she basically said this happened not just in society but in our church. Simply,in her time,there were several families with at least 2 kids. So much so that women in the church would often be pregnant at the same time. This meant that along with the children who came in they'd always be kids at different ages who's free the different activities,Sunday school classes etc. NOW The young married adults there either have 1 or no children despite being married for years. Now mind you im in no way rushing anyone to get children or married (I beleive God sends in his time )but its so just weird how things have changed. So much so that the demographics of my church has changed significantly- a huge amount of elderly /middle aged ,very few teenagers, one or 2 children under 12. It's so impactful that some classes literally combined due to a lack of children to make complete classes. Makes me wonder. .... what happened. It's not contraceptive cause they were available back then. Maybe it's the cost of raising kids due to the economy?
  16. Isn't it hilarious when this happens. Basically how some people hold onto old traditions and place them on par with scripture so much so that breaking them would in their opinion equate to a sin. Using scripture to correct this won't help either since they've been so conditioned
  17. TBH. Some people are just misled by tradition and really dont realise what they are saying is wrong. Others are so cconditioned that they wont budge from what they are accustomed to
  18. So you honestly think a king of a middle eastern country would've been white?
  19. What amused me is how hidden or closeted some prejudiced people can be ,only for the right situation to reveal it. I know people who'd work and socialise with people of certain nationalities and be all friendy but let one of their friends or relatives want to marry one and the true feelings and opinions come to light. A similar thing happened when Obama got elected. Someone who wasin America when it happened said that they couldn't beleive the comments and attitudes they heard
  20. Referenced this before but in a sermon a pastor commented on if we're not careful we can use bible verses to say things that God doesnt. One of the funniest examples he gave and Ive heard before is on interracial marriage. Even today, persons have claimed that verses about not mixing different types of linen, planting different crops together or how the Israelites were commanded not to marry the people of the land, even that people should allow the ox and ass to plow together all as reasons why interracial marriages are sinful. Some of the people were even tutors at bible colleges whod have been deepply knowedgeable. Sad to say but some of us if not all actually possess prejudices probably from ours or upbringing and unfortunately rather than abandon these shameful beliefs, we can rather look for and cling to verses which , if stretched enough can justify what we already believe. On all sorts of topics We can all be guilty of this if were not careful. Which is why when we read the scripture, we must always be sure as i read, to clear our minds and see what God has placed there ,not what we want to see.
  21. not for animated movies in the U.s. When the princess and the frog flopped it pretty much killed hand drawn theatrical movies.
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