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Everything posted by Summer

  1. That really makes sense to me . Thank you so much. Even writing my thoughts on this forum and recieving feedback has clarified a lot for me. Thank you so much.
  2. I havn't read any books relating to edgy christians and fictional stuff by the way. I like truth not fiction.
  3. Plus when i started off with 'edgy christians' i was on about myself but i guess it kind of went into my position with my church going. Since i'm not attending church right now i can feel a bit lost and without guidande and direction although i know i can ask God for that still. I'm sure God is with me still while i'm going through a certain transition in my life. I havn't forgotten Him. Things are tough and i should pray more maybe just talk to Him more. I don't know. Thankful for your thoughts.
  4. The members of the congregration you mean? It's like they don't agree with any other place of church but their own. Forgive me if i'm wrong. The church has been great especially the new pastors but it makes it hard to move on. Yes, there is i suppose dodgy churches with dodgy pastors but i aim to seek out as good a church as the one i attended. It may not be exactly the same but so long as i see it is genuine. I do feel i need to make my life easier and go to church in my new area. We do move on . In the past i was reluctant to move away too far from the church i was going to and looking back now it feels like i was held back and restricted. I've mulled it over a little while, i think i need to do this.
  5. Is there such a thing as edgy christians? Sounds like christians on the edge. I love the Lord my God. I want a deeper relationship with Jesus. I was very committed to my church but moved quite a distance away but still managed to commit myself going very often and regularly throughout the week as well on the weekend. For quite a while though i unintentionally stopped going. I felt like i needed a break and felt extremely exhausted. I've had some thoughts of changing to a church nearer to me. Since i've had a break from the church i was used to i think a change could be naturally in order. It has felt a bit strange though, and really difficult actually. Members of the church i attended seem to really want me to go back and i feel pressured a lot into things , lately testifying. But my life is not clear cut and simple enough. Mentally what i've been through is hard. I have another pressing reason not to continue travelling to that church in that certain area because of personal problems that i had living there with a certain person. I have now moved on in life, in a different area , and i feel a new church is in order too.
  6. Hi Ladykay, shell fish? No, i'm not keen at all on the texture so i do stay away and won't even try them. I've tried prawns but still not quite used to the texture of them either. Curious as to why you ask ?
  7. Hi Justfaith. In a plain and simple way i'll explain how this verse , Luke 18:1-8 has related in my own life. I had an ongoing case in my life that was harsh and unfair. Like the widow i did not give up. I wanted justice and i wanted God to be my judge and decide my case for me. The widow, although kept being refused did not give up and wanted justice so the judge who was not even a man of God eventually avenged her case so the widow would no longer trouble or tire him. When we want something, justice according to God's will, we must not give up and we must be determined and keep fighting for what is right. This has nothing to do with revenge but making right what was wrong. I hope the way i've put this across makes sense. I was up against a situation in the natural where i could have failed in my case but i persevered and kept fighting and with God as my judge and praying for his help in my case He made me to come through. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" Matt 19:26.
  8. Thanks for the replies. I know it seems an old topic. But any advice is good. I have a young son who has talked of maybe getting a tattoo when he's older. All i can do is advise the best way in a non-judgemental way. The tattoo i had many years ago has been half lasered away , i never got to complete treatment at the time.
  9. Yea, her music is quite dark and depressing for me. I listen to christian radio now or faith based preaching. I like to know what's going on but don't let myself become consumed with the secular tv, music etc.
  10. I agree. I am fascinated although don't agree with everything about tattoos piercings that are extreme. It hurt me just watching rihanna getting that tribal hammer and chisel tattoo on her hand and forearm , i forgot what its called.
  11. No i'm not judging. Part of me likes that. It's just the paraphernalia i think. I did have a tattoo before i knew the Lord. It was actually a cover up but it was done quite bad. As soon as i got this cover up i was shocked when i looked at it at home. For quite sometime afterwards perhaps even a year i was having dreams that so clear i remember them clearly today. I was covered all over and this greatly distressed me . So i look at certain tattoo artists and admire that they are still beautiful and carry themselves well. Anyway i don't know..i did watch a thing on youtube about christianity and tattoos and that tattoos can be a portal. On the other hand i do believe that there are christians who do great work in evangelising and so on and their tattoos are a part of them and that is great that they can reach out to others and important. I didn't want to come across judgemental so i am sorry if i came across that way.
  12. If i didn't come to know Jesus as my Lord , i may very well have had a few tattoos. However, i no longer want to put markings on my body now . What do you think of all these tattoo reality shows? It is a lifestyle and a profession but as christians we should be seperate from it. I was very intrigued of these tattooists but felt bad that some collect crosses, rosaries and skulls and also collects some ungodly art etc. I would just love for these people to embrace Jesus and have an encounter with Him and leave those things that don't glorify Him alone. Any thoughts?
  13. Thank you so much Onelight. I am encouraged. This is quite a serious matter for me where i must take my relationship with the Lord not lightly so as to counterattack the enemy working in my life.
  14. Thank you MsWright..more and more strength i need from God to resist the enemy.
  15. That doesn't make sense at all to me. What difference does it make for a child to come into this world through a caesarean compared to a natural birth. I can see no effect on a child's mental state through this. I have had 3 caesareans and all my children are fine. I believe there is more danger in injecting our children with the numerous vaccinations that are pumped into their system from the moment they are born and that there is a very real risk of autism, adhd and other disorders through this.
  16. Thanks, that is really encouraging to hear. Every day is new and i think i need to humble myself before Jesus. I am just tired of making the same mistakes for instance instead of going to Him when i feel pain i turn to other things as a distraction when it is Jesus i need and to be constantly in His Word. Thank you again.
  17. Hi, i wonder if there is a solution that is immediate for me. Basically i have off days when i'm not as strong as i can be. Many emotions overwhelm me and instead of tackling them head on its like i give in to them. I can't stand to feel such negative emotions and self-pity. I feel depleted and every other negative emotion that there can be. I need God's continuing help for what i am struggling with. I know i should pray more, but everything seems like such an effort. I could do with a total transformation in myself which hasn't completely happened to me yet due to certain things in my life that i'm still dealing with. I havn't been totally set free and this is what i desire. I want to be closer to Jesus and please Him in everything i do but i just feel like i keep falling short. I need to be set on a new path with Him although i have been through the desert and wilderness on my journey with Him. Any suggestions ? Would be most appreciated.
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