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Sam Adams

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Everything posted by Sam Adams

  1. Shiloh: I get that Iran talks a lot of trash, but have their actions backed it up, ever? Talk is cheap, when your actions will bring about your death they are harder to do than to say.
  2. What has Iran done to the US? Does anyone find the stance of the US on atomic weapons a bit hypocritical? We are the only nation to ever use on against anyone else and over the last two decades we have been the most aggressive country on the planet, invading sovereign nations, sending troops to all parts of the world and more. what moral ground do we have to stand in?
  3. I am not talking about the destruction of the planet. I am speaking of doing damage to it to an extent it harms future generations. There is nothing in the bible that states we cannot do such a thing. It seems that mankind has already done it at least once since part of the reason for the flood was the state of not just the people but the earth as well.
  4. Shiloh: This morning I ate eggs and bacon for breakfast and have a nice big beef roast in the crock pot. Nobody is saying we will destroy the planet, but there is nothing in the bible that says God won't let us mess it up enough to make life miserable for future generations. Justin: Any verse posted by alone with no surrounding verses is posted out of context. This is not an insult, it is the fact of the matter. I have not said an ill word about Joe, just gave my opinion on what I see as an error in the way the bible is used by many today.
  5. Ncn: I do not question the motives or the heart of Joe. I struggle with that particular use of the God's word. Over time I have become convinced that man adding verse numbers to the bible was a great disservice to God's word. Random verses taken out of their context and used to reply to random statements is not what I see as the correct use for God's word. I do not believe the Bible was meant to be taken piecemeal, with a verse meaning one thing to you and another to me. I dislike Pastors who's sermon is 10 verses from all over the bible randomly brought together to support some idea or another. I do apologize for the rudeness of my comment to Joe, it was poorly worded and I knew it was not nice even as I posted it.
  6. Forgive me for my shortness, but I have never seen someone post so many words and say nothing.
  7. Justin: Each must choose their own path. I once thought as you do, then I saw the raw data and turned it into useable information. Now I know the truth.
  8. I need to make it clear, the beer was not the problem, it was a symptom of the problem. There were others that drank beer or wine, but only in secret and when nobody was looking. Same with everything, it was all about the "Sunday best". The way Facebook was used to show their "piety" and who spent time with who to show their popularity and more.
  9. Ayin jade: Earlier in this thread you ask what was acceptable to make a profit, now you ask what is acceptable to do our home. Those are answers we will probably never Agee on. One has to do a benefit/risk analysis and ask if the benefit is worth the risk. The benefit from Fracking is cheaper oil for a period of time. The risk are that areas become less stable and more prone to earthquakes. The risk is the the two to five million gallons of "Fracking fluid" leaks out of the wells and contaminates the ground water. Both are bad on their own, but when you add the first it makes the second much more likely to occur. The "seal" on the wells are susceptible to damage from earthquakes, and the more they pump in the more likely earthquakes are, thus increasing the chances of leakage. The proponents of Fracking like to call the mix "water"' to make it sound benign...but it is anything but.
  10. Justin: I am not trying to sway anyone, I am stating the fact of the matter. I didn't ask you to repeal anything, I asked why we had them since they decreased profit. If profit is king, why have laws that interfere with it? The long term effects of Fracking are just now starting to be understood. I recently did work for a study that will be published later this year and the data is pretty clear, we are giving away our future for cheap gas today.
  11. Butero: I drink a six beers a week roughly. I do not drink one every night and every now and then I will have two in one day, but never more. I had opened my house to a small group some months back. After the first week I received a call from the pastor telling me they were going to move the group because I had a 12 pack of beer in my fridge and people did not find that acceptable. The fact it was beer was an issue and the fact it was a 12 pack was an issue, I guess to them only people with drinking problems would buy such a thing. I tried to explain it was a "sampler pack" with 4 different types of Ale and that I liked the variety. After that point I was treated differently in and out of church.
  12. I am amazed that people think we can do anything and everything to the planet without any adverse consequences.
  13. Why do we have laws that limit what can be dumped into rivers and lakes and streams? Those laws hurt profits and it seems to you that profit trumps all. I have no problem with profit, I do have a problem with harming others to make your profit. It appears you and I differ in this view.
  14. Lady C: So you are telling me that a state that does not recognize same-sex marriage must give full marriage benefits and recognition to any same-sex couple that moves to that state? And the states didn't mind this? I seem to recall Kentucky refusing to do so
  15. The problem with each state defining marriage is it ignore the fact people move from state to state. One day a person might be married and the next you are going to tell them they are not? What happens if a couple legally married in one state is driving through another and one spouse gets sick? Is the other person denied hospital rights and privileges because the state they were driving through does not think they are married? Also the Federal tax code gives benefits for marriage so there has to be a national definition.
  16. Edited "Before clinking on the link below." Please be aware that some of the comments made at the foot of the article use offensive language ** *** link removed *** Obama has proposed tough new laws to try and curtail hacking. The problem of course is that as with most everything this administration has done, they are targeting the wrong group of people. Instead of going after the people doing the actual crimes and damage, they will be going after people who might click on a link already posted somewhere. They have added racketeering to the mix and if you happen to be in a chat room or even using a VPN you can be targeted. The new laws would make Google illegal had it been created today. In my own profession I download massive amounts of data to sift through, so I will be targeted by these new laws. We have become such a police state that even Orwell never imagined it could get this bad.
  17. We will just have to disagree about Bush, but that last paragraph I agree with 100% Good way to end the night!
  18. Lady C: What makes you think anyone you elect will be different than what we have had for the last few decades? There is no color to the fact that Bush II ran as a small government conservative and then grew the government in scope not seen since FDR. This is not biased opinion, this is fact. I am sure that GW Bush is a great guy, but he was a horrendous president. He was truly in over his head, it was a job that was beyond his ability. I believe that Obama is even worse, his problem is that his ego does not allow him to grasp the idea he is not the smartest guy in the room. I could not be more serious when I say that we as a country should be ashamed that is the best we can come up with. And looking at 2016 is even worse, do we really want another Clinton vs Bush
  19. I feel when our quest for profit harms others then we have gone wrong in the eyes of God. Everything I have read on Fracking leads me to believe it is not as harmless as many claim, I feel we are doing damage to our children's future, and for what? Cheaper gas so we can drive more? Does not seem a fair trade
  20. I hand not bashed anyone, I have only stated facts. You didn't answer my question, who was the last president to make the government smaller?
  21. Ayin jade: Yes I do, and I pray I will move past this current season. Let me ask everyone this. Is it not a problem that a person has to try dozens of churches to find one that teaches the truth and has people that are not so full of themselves it is possible to spend time with them.
  22. Lady C: You ask questions and get mad when I answer, I don't understand what you want. My whole point is that by the time anyone makes it to the White House they are no longer conservatives. This has been the case since Reagan at least. Ask yourself, who was the last president to actually make the government smaller and less intrusive. This is not about bashing Bush, though nothing I said about him was false, it is about pointing out that while lots of people talk about smaller government to get votes, nobody in my lifetime, this is my sixth decade, has followed through. If not for their view on abortion I would be a full fledged Libertarian.
  23. Lady C: My sincerest apologies, this thread has been moving very rapidly and I do not mean to ignore you. I do not like to attend church at this time because I do not like the people who fill most of them. I receive no edification at this time, I walk away feeling worse than when I walked in the door. It is truly that simple. I went to church and was myself, I found people preferred mask, it made things so much easier for them. If no one ever has any bumps in the road they didn't have to figure out what to do about them.
  24. That is a good question and one I am sure we won't agree on. Not long ago in our country a "lawful profit" allowed such things as child labor, sweat shops, dumping chemicals into our water ways and more. We have since decided thesis were not worth the price. I have hope that people will come to their senses about this as well...but not a lot
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