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Katrina 2015

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Everything posted by Katrina 2015

  1. People don't believe this but yoga is satanic, it may be healthy but it comes from the hindu religion. There are plenty videos on Youtube regarding yoga being satanic. Just like Easter was created by catholics and is actually a satanic, pagan holiday but....that's another story....
  2. disciplehelovestoo, yes I am glad to share my joy here and yes all praises should be given to Jesus (whom I call YHWH), he is truly worthy to be praised and I'm glad to say I will never doubt him again. I have even downloaded some sermons that will encourage me when I'm feeling like he isn't with me and with my mother. And I feel like yesterday was a great learning lesson to me that he never fails and that he's the same god yesterday, today and forever more. Also, that every day as a christian is not going to be rosy but if I keep the faith, the trust and the hope, he will uphold me with his right hand I feel ready for the next testing so I can prove to Jesus that I will be and am loyal and won't let satan get the best of me.
  3. Well really his name to me and many other christians - is not even Jesus, it's YHWH but I used the quick abbreviation of J.C. because I was in a rush to write this original post before leaving work. but each time in prayer, I call him out by his full name YHWH and I did honor him - I did not choose to honor him on a forum but I chose to honor him in prayer, on my knees (for every knee shall bow) and in praises - both last night - before the blessings came and today after the blessings came.
  4. I just wanted to update with great news, since last night's post, God has performed a miracle for my mom and I, God allowed us to have all the money we needed to move into the place - AND we have a job interview on Monday!!!! i I am so happy....and I feel so guilty because I should've trusted J.C. and believed he would come through, I just needed to be patient, continue to trust and have faith in him, because I mean, it's just - utterly almost unbelievable, ALL day my mom and I have been receiving blessings left and right and it's just *sigh* I will never doubt him or get angry with him again....God blesses those who believe in him....Now when we get in our new place, I want to ask him for more so spiritual blessings, because as a new christian, I definitely need it.....All in all, J.C. is so awesome...Satan sucks, lol
  5. Well, wingnut-, Ezra, FresnoJoe, Kan and RustyAngel, everything you all have said has truly made me think, think, think and realize what you all were saying is true and correct. I also thought on how I have to have patience and continue to have faith, faith enough to believe that God will deliver and he will bless and I know this IS satan, trying to attack me seriously and bring me down, which is why I can't let him win - AT all. I will - tonight ask God for forgiveness for using the forbidden "GD" word (hopefully he will forgive me? Hopefully? lol) and tomorrow, I will be stronger in my faith, hope and patience and I will ask God to turn these enemies from sin to salvation, instead of asking for vengeance. I truly once again thank you for your replies because I felt SO tired and SO confused and discouraged that I didn't know what to do and I tried to talk about all this with my mother but she just likes to rebuke everything away as the devil - simply because I'm telling her my confusions and frustrations about God, ugh, so I can't talk to her about this stuff so that's why I came here....Anyway, thank you all so much. I truly appreciate it
  6. So ok I should be thankful that we're in a place where a tenant's drug smoking is so bad, it affects my mother to where she has to be hospitalized and there's NO heat in the house, sometimes - many times we go to bed hungry, we can't find a job which means we have to continue to call churches to get help with daily needs and churches refuse to help people so we're either in court for non payment of rent or soon to be homeless on the street - BUT asking God to help us through all this - ALONG with helping us with our spiritual needs is wrong? So If we become homeless or my mom goes in the hospital and dies from inhaling the drugs that tenant is smoking, I should be - THANKFUL?? WOW...ok
  7. I have a question because I don't understand, I don't understand, I do not understand God. I don't and here's why. I live with my mom and we live in Maryland and while I'm a new christian, my mother is truly a fire baptized, speaks in utterance, hot blooded christian and believer but despite her being that, we've been going through numerous trials after trials after trials and tribulations after tribulations after tribulations. We can't seem to find a job, we can't seem to find a stable place to live where we can remain there for years. Now we're living in a small rooming house where everyone in the house are sinners and when I say sinners, I mean, one has a demonic personality where he has multiple alter egos/demons residing in him, the other one does drugs and is living in fornication and the other one works with the landlord in selling and distributing drugs undercover. And the landlord only cares about money. And all four of these people have made our lives in this rooming house a living hell, they're true enemies to us and living there has just been terrible with housing violations that the landlord doesn't care to fix, with one of the tenants drug smoking that caused my mom (who has Asthma and COPD) to end up sick - and we told the landlord this and the landlord refuses to get rid of this drug usuing tenant - because sin/evil sticks with sin/evil - and the landlord uses drugs too and so we asked God to help us to move, move to a place where we can have peace and where we can be better christians than we are now. We made a vow to God that if he got us out of this place, we would be better christians because we truly would have peace and so we searched and searched and found this MUCH better place in a MUCH better neighborhood and we love it and love the landlord but since we don't have a job yet, we've been calling around to different churches trying to get help from them so we can get the funds to move into this new place. And we've been praying to God to ask and beg God to help us get the funds to get out of here. Well, we were able to get the first month's rent for the place but we're having a hard time trying to get the money for the securiy desposit for this place, let alone the money to get movers to help us get our stuff out of the place we're in. So we've been praying and praying for God to deliver us somehow, perform a miracle, help us, HELP US and yet for all our praying and asking and having the constant faith that God will deliver us and will help us - we have heard nothing - NOTHING but silence from him. We've heard unanswered prayers - that's it and I got so mad and so angry about it today that I did say a blasphemous "GD" out of anger but immediately felt guilty and apologized for it mentally. My mom got mad with me about it but then later stated she understood how I felt but, I was just SO angry because I feel like - for the last past two weeks, since I decided to start getting serious about being a christian, I've been doing just that, I got rid of my worldy music, my worldy films, I have prayed every day, I started listening to sermons and gospel songs and have really tried to be the best christian I could while living in a terrible place like this - and I made a vow to God (and so did my mom) that once we got into our new place, we would be even BETTER christians - so we've been doing ALL of this, especially me - I have been doing all this - not so God can bless us but because - well the thought of going to hell and the thought of being left behind or that the great tribulation might soon come - scared me into getting serious with God - anyway, despite doing all of this - ALL our prayers seem to be going unheard, it's as if God has turned a deaf ear on us or like he's not listening OR like we're praying to air. And I just DO NOT get it, I don't. I'm seriously thinking I'm ready to give up on being a christian and am ready to go back to being the way I was but then apart of me wants to hold on because I keep thinking, these problems are all of the devil and the devil is doing this so we - I CAN let go of God and forget God. And furthermore, since the time we began having problems with these tenants in the rooming house and the landlord, we constantly ask God to do vengance upon them, we even say "God you said vengenace is mine saith the lord, so we ask you to do vengance upon these four enemies of ours who are being mean and cruel to us. Because you said touch not my anointed and do them no harm." Well despite us constantly asking God this - NOTHING bad has happened to these four enemies, no venegance has come upon them - oh except one of them (the one who says he has alter egos/demons in him) claims their car was stolen but we believe he's lying because he's a pathological liar and we have caught him in many lies - but not one of them have had anything bad happen to them, in fact they're still getting blessed with money, they have their cars and they're enjoying life - meanwhile US - the ones whom they have done wrong to, we're suffering like hell. Some nights we go to bed hungry, some nights, I cry out of depression for the poverty we're living in. WHY? And I know the bible says "fret not thyself over evil doers who prosperth in their way" but still, you can't help BUT to fret when you see your ENEMIES being and getting blessed 24/7 and when you ask God to enact vengenace upon your enemies - God doesn't do THAT but what he does do is allow Satan to continue to let them have blessings after blessings after blessings? Furthermore, we have never truly enjoyed true happiness - my mom and I - NEVER. My mom's dream was always to have her own home, she's 64 and it looks like she's nowhere NEAR reaching that dream, I have dreams that I was sure by the age I am now - 30, God would allow me to have - they haven't happened, despite my prayers and requests to God - so what? Are we to just live a life of poverty, broken dreams, unhappiness and despair and then ONLY when we die and go to heaven, can we have the good life we SO much wanted here on Earth? How is that FAIR? When other so-called "christians" and even sinners are living their best life now (not to quote the ever so false prophetly Joel Osteen) but WE are suffering immensely and we're doing our extreme best to follow God's will, way and word.... I just - someone give me some answers on this because I'm confused and I truly believe God either - doesn't like us or hates us and that's why he's not answering our prayers and requests or God doesn't give a crap about us and that's why he's ignoring us or - maybe, just maybe - DOES he exist?? I don't know but....It makes me wonder whether I still want to continue with this christian walk or not because I'm tired and fed up of praying to someone and the prayers are not working AT ALL.
  8. I don't believe that. God does care about what we do, listen to and watch. How do people suppose Christians become involved with the occult if God doesn't care? That observation doesn't even make sense but typical of the 'don't judge' Christians who actually do not even judge themselves...or examine themselves in the light of God's word. We are not to judge the heart and people's motives, but let's call sin what it is...God certainly does! I think you know that you cannot do the things you mention. Our journey with our Lord BEGINS with faith...we are called, actually, to a life of holiness...holiness meaning not perfection, but separation TO God and FROM the world We are IN the world as the Bible states, but not OF the world. Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. I John 2:15 Anyway, kudoos to you...I don't see judgement here...just a thoughtful and inciteful and I believe biblical exposition of why Mr. Scott is as he is Thank you, as I stated, I thought I didn't say anything wrong. It's just a shame I erased the message I posted on Scott's FB page - because I felt I was in the wrong because God told me to tell him and I wrote it for him to see it and I feel like this Jim guy was just a demonic spirit trying to bash me so that I would remove it and feel like I'm in the wrong - thus keeping Scott going the wrong way in sin because satan and his demons love when people are doing the wrong things and going the wrong way as far as christianity is concerned.
  9. Well I tried to ask one of the "members" here a question regarding new christianity and such but - no such luck... I'm a new christian and I've been doing pretty well as a new christian because before I was quite like Paul, I was cursing profusely at my young age of 30, listening to all kinds of non-christian music. I was horrible to God but then I changed and became a born again christian - all the worldly, music and movies and shows I used to watch, I stopped watching and listening to - like horror movies once I die - is my spirit really going to heaven like I believe? I mean, how will I know that God has forgiven me for all the wrong that I've done in my 30 years - So I guess my question is, how do I know God has forgiven me of all my sins and accepts me as being a new born again christian - especially knowing all that I have done? Also do I wondered if lordship salvationists believe in the pre-tribulation rapture?
  10. I believe Gods Word & the Word was made Flesh,,,,,,,,,,Glory to God! With love-in Christ,Kwik I was told and read it means that upon you becoming saved, you drastically change your life and works and turn away from sin in all ways.
  11. Does anyone believe in and follow lordship salvation? Just curious? Are there any lordship salvation christians and ministers here on this forum? Again, just curious...
  12. Since you recognized Satanic practices and teachings and pointed them out to a fellow Christian you did the right thing (Jas 5:19,20). That is not judging but helping. And yes, repentance is a requirement for genuine salvation (Acts 17:30). We are commanded to repent and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21). You don't have to be confused or feel bad about what you felt was the right thing to do. That is Satan trying to intimidate you. Yes thank you, I thought I was doing the right thing but this Jim guy had me feeling like I was in the wrong and I knew I wasn't, but foolishly I removed the original post I made on the FB fan page. Anyway, I didn't even think about giving Scott this warning but that night, God told me to tell Scott this and so that is what I did. And as far as Scott being on drugs and alcohol, yes he was before as he admitted it but in the videos he made detailing about his misfortunes, he seemed to be very sober and I believe he was and is. However I do know from my previous times of being involved with the industry that it's a very satanic industry and in order to be known an even higher degree in the industry and have great industry success and wealth, you have to sell your soul and take part in satanic rituals which eventually leads to you having to make a satanic blood sacrifice - and you don't partake in any of the satanic rituals or make a blood sacrifice - or if you wish not to do so - and they'll freeze your account with the banking system, and ruin/blackball you within the industry and cause you to go through or suffer rather - through numerous financial problems (such as the ones Scott is suffering though) and eventually they'll end your life. This is not just rumor or theory, this is fact that I know - so that is what is happening with Scott. There was something the satanic industry wanted him to comply with and do, that Scott - as the christian he says he is, refused to do, so they decided to ruin him publicly and finacially and made threats - very legititmate threats on his life. Which is why I believe God told me to warn Scott, warn him to change his ways for the better and do away with that satanic industry and that satanic life - before he does lose his life and his soul and that was what I was trying to do, what I did.
  13. I had a question to ask you because it's been bothering me and making me feel like I'm in the wrong when it comes to God. My name is Sasha and up until recently I was a fan of Creed and it's lead singer Scott Stapp and then I saw his youtube videos he made claiming that all his accounts were suddenly frozen, his wife and ex-wife were out to get him and those within the industry and he was now homeless and sleeping in a Holiday Inn - on the run because TPTB were out to kill him. I felt bad about his situation and when I went to sleep that night, my mom and I prayed to God for God to help Scott because Scott in his videos claimed to be a born again christian and all that and Scott stated he had no idea why what was happening to him was happening. Then that night God told me to warn Scott of why he was going through what he was going through and so I wrote Scott on his FB fan page this: Now upon me writing this, this other guy named Jim wrote me saying I was judging Scott and that "God" doesn't care whether we throw up the Baphomet, listen to satanic artists - as long as we have faith, that's all that matters. And I told him that first of all, the heavenly father is not named God, he's named God and that if we are to be apart of God and claim to be christians, we can't listen to satanic music, throw up the baphomet and other satanic signs, hang with satanic people and then be surprised when the devil starts attacking us and then think that God is going to save us. Well this Jim guy wasn't hearing it, calling me a judgmental hypocrite and that everything that happens in the world is not Satan and that I'm giving satan too much power and that the industry is not like I said - with it being satanic and that Scott didn't know he was throwing up the baphomet or else he would not have done such a thing and so I said but that's why I'm TELLING Scott - because he didn't know but you can't be a christian and a FOLLOWER of God and listen to Jay Z, listen to Rihanna, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, go to these Hollywood parties, go drink and party with those whom you KNOW are satanic, and throw up the baphomet and still call yourself a follower of God. So he kept on bashing what I was saying over and over and I just deleted the warning posts I made on Scott's page. I felt even though God told me to tell Scott and warn Scott about this, it wasn't worth it anymore trying to warn Scott because of this guy trying to make ME feel and think like I'm the wrong one. He just so discouraged me to the point where I began to believe "hmm, maybe I am wrong here". So my question is this, am I wrong here? Can you still be a follower and christian of God and listen to satanic, musical artists, drink and party with satanic stars, throw up the baphomet and the pyramid and just live this life WAY un-contrary to God's plan? Does it take more than just having faith to be a christian and follower of God? Please write me back and let me know because this Jim guy has me confused now. So I just want some confirmation, was I right with what I've said on Scott's FB page so far?
  14. I have a hard time concentrating on reading the bible by like actually reading it, so I read it via a visual, via seeing - via Youtube. If I hear people talking out the verses out aloud in a video, I can concentrate more on it than by me reading it to myself - I don't know why that is, but it just is. I have a hard time concentrating when I'm reading rather than when watching something visually.....I try to start out by reading Genesis and then go from chapter to chapter - just like any other book but ever two months, I'll read it all over again - like it's my instruction manual...which of course, I look at it like it is..
  15. I tend to believe - based on what I have read in the bible - not truly based off of my beliefs - but I believe that if a woman is sleeping around with man after man, an alcoholic and a drug addict and doesn't even believe in following God's word - and this woman is trying to preach about "getting right with God" before too late - yes I don't think she would be in any state to preach to anyone - the same goes with a man who's knowingly living in sin. Because in the bible it does say in Luke 6:42 to "take the beam out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take out the beam that is in your brother’s eye" So what the unrighteous should do before preaching to anyone, is to take the beam out of their own eye and then they're able to take the beam out of someone else's eye. Also, before they can put someone else's spirit in subjection with their flesh, he/she must first put their spirit in subjection with the spirit of God. So, now the unrighteous should not preach anything that they have no daily practice in themselves because preaching is no more than testimony of what you know, what you've been through and who brought you thought it and the God who brought you through it can bring others through their situation as well....
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