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Everything posted by dprprb

  1. Sometimes I am so overcome with love and respect for the Lord that I can do nothing else and certainly don't want to feel anything else. But I stepped back from that moment today and realized the minutia of me next to the awesomeness of God. The only absolute damnation I can imagine is God doing nothing at all, to have this feeling go completely and utterly unanswered.. Even at the extreme edges, the razor sharp line dividing line of salvation, I find Him to be unfeathered and full and unerringly true as anywhere else. The nature of His presence is the same no matter where I find myself. So I wasn't necessarily boo-hooing I was grasping for the means having only a bucket where a fountain is called for...
  2. Ok , I feel like stirring the pot. Yes scientists can be unwitting pawns. Being deaf, mute, and blind but somehow still able to sense His presence I feel bad that they are confined by the terms of their own making. If science is built upon successful models, then contact with the perfect model is inspirational. By that logic, art and science are both representative of Creation and thus circular in their potential extent. Artist have the joy of whatever thinking using Creation's media, scientists have the joy of using Creation's thinking using whatever media. If you don't believe that science is composed of circular reasoning then ...the explanation is simple but complicated to convey. Until that message is conveyed they have no hope of rescue because they are trapped by their own paradigm and the few who use science to do what they do will bring the buses back around...in short order.
  3. Sorry Joshua777 I stopping scanning right before you went that way! It does bear repeating ....How many times do we hear it different ways and don't get it or listen? And The Bible is full of reiterations for this purpose IMMostHO. It is composed for the reader's sake I think. How often I tell my wife she is beautiful and she doesn't listen! But let some neighbor three doors down compliment her and see what you get! So the harmonizing factor to the variegated stories is the reader. When I read about Jesus I see the leader, the king, the prophet, the rebel, the guy down the street, the brother etc. That the stories are preserved in this manner is a testament to the veracity and necessity of the Word in it's form, and we the reader receive not only the 'portions' that pertain to us but those that belong to others. where two are in agreement, but I getting off topic. thanks for your time.
  4. Hmm Im not saying NO, but I don't think the correlation is statistically strong enough to warrant any change in thinking- why would we anyway? Most of the emphasis is placed on the 1949 events and you cant extend that significance to the other dates whose events seem unrelated to Israel just to enforce a hypothesis. We are subject to this extension effect by virtue of the Word which mentions red moons ... I just think "Nothing more is required" and that if it was imperative that I anticipate these specific events the Bible wouldn't say, to paraphrase, be prepared any day. It's not a contradiction to say look for signs AND be prepared to not know at all. Why because one concept supercedes the other. Maybe the correct take away idea is that if you aren't prepared get that way TODAY and once you are maybe it will be helpful to look around and be wary for the sake of others, maybe you can help someone.
  5. Assuming that I can, should I explain, in obedience? SHOULD I tie my net tightly so that none escapes lest he willfully jumps out? Am I not 'lowering the bar' of faith? Or do we rejoice in every minnow? What does the instruction manual say? What is sacrificed by this act no matter how well intended?
  6. Not really. Using science today to prove something about the Bible merely removes the doubt that science itself created for the most part. I can create faith by providing a plausible account of Biblical events but I merely remove the magical mysterious aspects and faith is so much affected by self will that I don't think science is the problem. Post 327 clearly demonstrates the cantilever of faith in leaving room for alterior model explanations that no one has thought of yet. Having faith You would think nothing of the model that actually lays a stone under this beam of belief for all. It is not structurally required. But for others the instantaneous removal of all doubt would leave them bare as Adam and Eve to face the ego which is dangerous. Faith to me is belief coupled to obedience. One without the other is useless. Science might help my belief but I am, by nature , a completely unruly child. ref Achilles...Perhaps the scientific method can cure my discipline issues..
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