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choir loft

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Everything posted by choir loft

  1. It's a good idea to be aware of the traditions of others especially when one wants to impress them with our own. Most church types uphold traditions that are at least as hypocritical and illogical as other religions. They just assume their way is better without so much as a mild examination of what it is they're doing or saying or believing. This is the head-in-the-sand approach to church religion and its won't save anybody. Church traditions in the 21st century are at least as dangerous and empty as any held by Jews of Jesus' time. That being said..... I've submitted the information about Lillith BECAUSE the woman is mentioned later in the Bible by the prophet Isaiah (among others). What do you suppose Isaiah was intending to say when he mentioned Lillith? I suppose illiterate church types have no interest in considering the question - even if they knew who Isaiah was in the first place. Ignoring the Bible simply because miopic church tradition doesn't recognize her isn't going to teach us anything. Modern church literature is all about $elling or parroting worn out dogma that nobody really buys much any more. Its time to return to real Bible study, not just shallow Sunday School lessons on YouTube. Church types today ALWAYS 'go by tradition' and not much else. The gospel today has been betrayed by 'church tradition'. What makes anybody think these church traditions are better than any other religious traditions? They aren't, you know. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  2. In January 1991 Desert Storm US allied forces liberated Kuwait in a blindingly quick military action. The result was a doctrine of defense called the Medvedev Doctrine. American use of smart weapons during Desert Storm shocked every capital on the planet including the Kremlin. Prior to 1991 the Russians enjoyed superiority of military units in numbers. They'd believed their numerical superiority would be an advantage on the battlefield. After Desert Storm......not so much. The Medvedev Doctrine provided internal justification for a Kremlin response to any invasion of Russia by armies using smart weapons. The answer was the use of tactical nuclear weapons. The typical yield of a TNW is between .7 and 170 kilotons. The Hiroshima bomb by comparison was 15. The Medvedev Doctrine is based on the belief that the use of TNWs would eliminate troop concentrations and thus "deescalate" conflict. Mr. Putin's remarks of late have been almost verbatim quotations of the Medvedev Doctrine despite the situation being Russian aggression rather defense. In other words, Putin believes he's justified in rattling a nuclear saber at the west. To this someone will certainly respond by saying that all is in God's hands. Such people ignore the horror of WWII in which more than seventy-five MILLION people died, the entire European continent was bombed into ashes and millions of Jews and political dissidents were murdered. Such people seem to like to live with their heads buried in the proverbial sand without the slightest awareness of or consideration to world events. Putin has been listening to a fellow by the name of Alexander Dugin, a Russian political philosopher on the order of Rasputin. Rasputin, by the way, means 'debauched' in Russian. What sort of monstrous language has Dugin been whispering into Putin's ear? The future is uncertain and much of it will be determined by Vladimir Putin whether we like it or not. It's time to repent and seek peace with God. It's time to remind our friends and neighbors of that too. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  3. According to scholars, Elam was descended from Esau (Genesis 36:1-19) and dwelt either in the region surrounding the Dead Sea or east of the Euphrates. Sources disagree on locations. According to the Bible, as well as Jewish tradition, it's the former location that's accepted. Hebrew kingdoms and Edomites had always been disagreeable. When Jerusalem fell in the days of Jeremiah the Edomites rejoiced. History records that the inter-testamental rebellion of the Maccabees not only ejected Greek occupation of Israel but forced the Edomites who remained in the region to become Jews. The culmination of the Maccabean war is observed during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Additional prophecies against Edom may be found in: Ezekiel, Joel, Amos and Obadiah. It should also be noted that the eastern Empire of Parthia was predominant during Jesus' earthly ministry. When Jesus was born the wise men who came to pay homage traveled to Israel from the Empire of Parthia. Parthia is also known as Persia and the modern state of Iran. In Revelation 16:12 and 9:16 a curious story is related. The latter passage says that at some future time the waters of the Euphrates river will be dried up. The water will be dried up so as to allow the passage of an army of two hundred million to enter Parthia/Persia/Iran. Interpretations of the past hundred years or so all seem to agree that the huge army will have its point of origin in China. (Additional Biblical references may apply...) Thirty years or so ago, the Communist Chinese government began plans to establish what they called a trade route to the west - to rebuild the ancient Silk Road. (Google: Silk Road) The project was called the Belt and Road Initiative (Google: Belt & Road Initiative) and was the largest construction project undertaken by the Chinese since the Great Wall. The belt was planned as a series of sea lanes that hugged the coast of southeastern and southern Asia from China to the Persian Gulf (Ports of Iran) and the Suez Canal. The road was a highway and rail line cut through the massive Himalaya mountains from western China to a termination point in eastern Iran. Western experts said it couldn't be done and few western media sources recorded its construction or progress. As of this writing the road has been completed. In addition, it is well known that a global drought is being experienced in every nation. In Iran it's been reported that the Euphrates River is drying up. (Google it) Whether or not one accepts Biblical predictions of the political alignment of nations prior to the 2nd coming of Christ it remains a fact that these matters have occurred. One can bury one's head in the sand and ignore them or one can REPENT of their SINs and make peace with God. The end of history as we've known it has already commenced. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  4. The quote is written in the past tense, meaning Jesus saw satan fall like lightning previously. As additional reference, the tempter appears in Genesis chapter 3 where it does its work upon Eve & Adam. Eternity doesn't seem to follow humanly contrived calendars. It touches in places and at times that people generally confuse. For instance, Jesus said "before Abraham was, I am." (John 8:58) This is a reference to approximately 4,000 years prior to the day Jesus spoke the words. During His ministry on earth, Jesus predicted to the Roman sack of Jerusalem some forty years in the future. John wrote his Revelation a few years beyond that in which events nearly 2,000 years in the future would happen. (Some have already taken place.) Much of what was predicted for the times prior to the 2nd coming have already happened. The head wound of the Beast in Revelation 13 has already been documented in history as has the dry bones prophecy of Ezekiel 37. 2 Thessalonians 2 speaks to the great falling away or Apostacy of the church. That event is happening NOW. Much more can be said and written and much more is expected of each of us. May God grant we do not fall into the same error as those before us. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  5. Are you saying that God anointed Adolph Hitler to do His work in history? My example may be a bit extreme, but it does illustrate the fallacy in your logic. God does NOT condone the actions of such men. Indeed, He is not called King of Kings for nothing. He establishes and He removes world leaders as He sees fit. He certainly removed Adolph and Nebuchadnezzar did He not? In point of fact, I DO understand how God uses ungodly nations to accomplish His will on earth. In the Tanakh (OT) God continually warned His people Israel/Judah to cease and desist from SIN. Specifically God was angry with the adulterous religion they'd adopted. God was no longer foremost in their traditions and actions. Consequently he caused violent nations to arise to punish Israel and Judah. HOWEVER, following the execution of punishment the exact same nations that punished Israel/Judah were themselves wiped off the map and out of history. Today Israel stands firm among the family of nations. The Hittites, Assyrians and even Nazi Germany do not. They have become dusty footnotes in the pages of history. Please read the Old Testament. It provides a clear understanding of how God works in history. In particular it provides a template as to how Jesus rules the nations with a rod of iron. It is men who support evil men, evil men like Stalin, Caesar, Hideki Tojo, President Bush (both), Obama, Trump and Biden. God will deal with them if men cannot find it in their hearts to deal with them. Unfortunately when God's hand is shown there are a great many things lost forever. Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." -William Penn "Don't let anybody make you think that God chose America as His divine messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with justice and it seems that I can hear God saying to America, 'You are too arrogant. If you don't change your ways I will rise up and break the back bone of your power.'" - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (circa 1967) A nation gets what it deserves. Right now, America deserves the traitorous administration of Joe Biden and the seditious legacy of Donald Trump. Choose your favorite demon king as America has done and will do. Jesus isn't there at all, not with either one of them. As America has turned its back upon God so it will wither and writhe in its own foolishness and arrogance. The United States is circling the drain of history because we are acting foolishly and have denied the Almighty in all that we say and do. May God have mercy upon those few who still bow to His sovereign authority. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  6. Last line first - you claim Paul never wrote what is recorded in Romans 2:12. Here it is again, just in case you didn't read it the first time. This level of reading is Middle School stuff. Please pick up any Bible you can find and read what scripture says to us. All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. (Romans 2:12 NIV) You really need to read my post more carefully and really try to filter out presuppositions you may have encountered elsewhere. They do not serve you well at all. No further sacrifice for SIN is required after God died on the cross. This is a direct reference to animal sacrifice specificied in the LAW. We'll find out why - after we establish why the LAW requires blood for SIN. The LAW requires blood for SIN as in "the soul that SINs shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4b) and in Romans 6:23, "the wages of SIN is death." Why does the LAW require blood in payment for SIN? "The life of the creature is in its blood..." (Leviticus 17:11a) This is the LAW. It applies in the 21st century as well as 4,000 years ago when God graciously delivered His LAW to Moses. (*) Thus the spiritual principle that blood sacrifice is required for SIN is firmly established BOTH in the LAW (Torah) and in the Epistles (NT). It hasn't changed as Paul testifies in Romans and as Jesus is quoted as saying in Matthew 5:17 "I did not come to abolish the LAW. I came to fulfill it." Thus the LAW still stands. What does fulfill mean? Fulfill also means satisfy as per the requirement of the LAW. Jesus therefore SATISFIED the requirement of the LAW by giving His life's blood on the cross as required by LAW. When the LAW of Moses went into effect God specified the use of animals' blood as a substitute for the life of those who had SINNED against God's LAW (which is NOT impossible to keep, btw). However, the blood of animals, no matter how ceremonially clean they may be, is still temporary. Animals are mortal, meaning they have fixed life span upon the earth. This is why animal sacrifice had to be repeated over and over again. Jesus is immortal. Therefore the shedding of God's immortal life upon the cross is a permanent fulfillment of the requirement of the LAW. Not only is Christ ritually clean, but His blood is a perfectly continuous substitute for ours. Thus His sacrifice is effective one time for all time. This is also why Paul writes that those who SIN apart from the LAW will die by the LAW - BECAUSE the fulfillment of the LAW provides the sacrifice for our SIN. The LAW doesn't DO anything. It's rather like a roadmap to glory. It tells us we are SINNERS who need to accept the sacrificial payment for SIN that God has provided upon the cross. The LAW says WE are required to accept God's sacrificial death BY FAITH. If we do not do so we shall DIE IN OUR SINS. Church types are typically confused about law & grace simply because their leaders have chosen to refuse to preach lawful REPENTANCE which alone can lead to justification before God. REPENTANCE is a tough subject and many preachers prefer to preach happy talk to fill seats. Unfortunately happy talk is thin soup and doesn't satisfy, which is why so many are leaving the church today. Finally your first point last of all. You wrote, "you seem to think denominational churches represent the whole church." I never wrote that point at all. Please go back and reread the points of my post. Because you seem to be uninformed about what is happening in the world, my point bears repetition in that the Great Apostacy is upon us. It's upon us full force even as I write. Even non-denominational religious franchises (churches) are not immune. They have their shortcomings as well as the big box churches. Shall I continue with testimony of non-denominational pastors who have problems keeping their zippers shut or with their dabbling in church funds for their own aggrandizement? It happens, sir. It happens A LOT. Make no mistake about it. The result is that attendance is down significantly. Some estimates suggest 30% attendance has been lost due to COVID alone. Something is terribly wrong in Christendom. Ignoring it or calling the messenger a liar isn't going to make it go away. Please consider my words carefully. Avoid the typical knee-jerk response which does not serve you well. If you have further questions regarding the LAW or the state of Christendom today please ask. I'll be glad to illuminate. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (*) There are two LAWs being debated in the pages of the New Testament, by Jesus and by the apostles. The first LAW is the LAW of Grace, also called Torah/Pentateuch, which was delivered by God to Moses. It's authorship is GOD. The second law is the Law of Works, also called Talmud, which began to be developed by the Jewish rabbinate during their captivity in Babylon. It's authorship is a committee of men. The first law tells us how to be saved by grace through faith in God's promise/LAW to forgive our SINS. The second law tells us we don't need God's help at all. It says we can save ourselves by means of traditions; such as church membership, tithing and participation in religious duties. The second law, opposed by Jesus and the apostles, requires no faith at all. A typical Traditionalist Jew can claim to be an atheist and still be in good standing in his synagogue. Likewise a typical Traditionalist Christian can claim to be an agnostic and still be in good standing in his church.
  7. I do not agree with the post-modern protestant neo-gnostic interpretation of scripture with regard to tribulation period. In summary the tribulation period is supposed to be sent by God as a SECOND HOLOCAUST to inspire and threaten Jews to join a church. If 2,000 years of Christian persecution hasn't succeeded in rendering Judaism obsolete, then I seriously doubt another holocaust on the order of the German war against Jews would do so. If statistical polls are to be seriously concerned, then even admitted Christians are wandering away from the institutional church these days. The Great Apostacy of the church is upon us. In truth, there is a great deal of antisemitic ideology in present day post-modern neo-gnostic Protestant doctrine. To say that the situation is fulfillment of the prediction of a surge in 'doctrines of demons' in the last days would be no small statement. False doctrine has so permeated the church message that few understand what the gospel originally stated. Morals are corrupted, economic principles that made our civilization great are abandoned, the diety of Almighty God has been questioned and truth itself is subject to vacillating interpretation IN OUR CHURCHES. Is it any wonder then that secular society considers church to be a JOKE? For instance, years ago the Gay community hid in closets. To admit to being gay was to invite all sorts of restriction and persecution. Today the role of church and the gay community is reversed. Today the Gay Authority marches proudly in our city streets, asserts its principles in the textbooks of our children, insists upon Gay trade with businesses whose owners earnestly try to follow Biblical precepts, and even infiltrates our bedrooms and homes. Today the Gay Authority cannot be questioned - AT ALL. Today the church is a joke, littered as it is with sexual predators in the role of leadership, TV pitches that sound more like con artists selling religious snake oil and illiterate church types who cannot justify their beliefs amongst each other to say nothing of a total lack of ability to persuade the secular community of its need for Jesus. Today the Gay Authority is inviolate. The church is a standing joke for late night comedians. Underlining it all is the horrific <false> church doctrine of the Tribulation (*) - which hopes and presumes upon a future in which yet another episode of mass murder is executed upon innocent Jews. Does it matter that the German Nazi propaganda ministry promoted THE EXACT SAME DOGMA? No, it doesn't because American church types would rather believe doctrines of demons than to show even a modicum of consideration and love toward Jews WHO REMAIN GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (*) Eschatology currently embraced by the American protestant church was originally published in the late 16th century by Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera. Called FUTURISM, it was meant to oppose the assertions of the fathers of the Protestant Reformation and to present a fictitious myth of interpretations of the Bible that could not possibly happen in any imaginable future. Beneath it all was the middle ages' anti-semitic attitude of the Vatican, which murdered more Jews than ANY other nation or religion in history (a true and historically accurate fulfillment of the book of Revelation - the hands of the Vatican are stained with the blood of the martyrs and of Jews).
  8. For one who claims to KNOW all about the last book of the Bible you seem to be unaware of the root of post-modern neo-gnostic protestant interpretations of Daniel & Revelation. On one hand you admit you are totally unaware of RCC eschatology but on the other hand you claim to be an expert. How can you know it all if you don't know it all? One cannot be a KNOW IT ALL and confess to being uneducated at the same time. Which is it, sir? "I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught." - Winston Churchill "It hurts to think." - observation of the average American high school student AGAIN - present day protestant End Times interpretation (eschatology) is based upon Vatican FUTURISM which was published in the late 16th century by Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera. It was intended to be a counter argument to the Protestant Reformation. Apparently it worked because your words are evidence of its success. Have you heard of the Reformation? It's quite important if one wishes to understand the vacillations which have occurred in doctrine through the years. In the mid-19th century FUTURISM was dusted off and painted anew by John Nelson Darby, a consort of witches who published and preached his ideas as DISPENSATIONALISM. His ideology was widely accepted by such noteworthy figures as evangelist D.L. Moody and Cyrus Scofield who published his famous study Bible and filled it with chain link references to RCC theology. In the mid-19th century a wave of unprecedented spiritual activity swept over the world. It didn't stop at the shores of America but continued to inspire demonic doctrines in every facet of society. Most of the cults we are aware of today began in those days - including a vast number of aerial demonic activity known today as UFOs. Jewish Zionism began in those days too. Are you aware of any of these historic matters? They play a major role in understanding the course of Biblical prophecy. The Biblical phrase, "doctrines of demons" applies directly to the definitions of Biblical context as applied by the fathers of the protestant reformation and which have in recent years been totally abandoned. I doubt you are aware of these matters because, like many other protestants, you seem to despise and reject any idea or interpretation that disagrees with Ribera or Darby (even though you admit you don't know who those men were). You are a self-proclaimed expert without credentials. Where do you get Donald Trump in any of this? That seditious opportunistic liar doesn't even read the Bible. Please elaborate even if you step into a political swamp in which you may be completely unprepared to navigate. I don't doubt your spiritual inspiration. I question WHICH spirit you're consulting. Spiritual revelation is always the fall back position of the gullible, the lazy and those who rely upon undocumented opinion. PRIDE in 'special gifts/annointing' is also a doctrine of demons widely accepted by Protestants. If I seem to be overly critical of you, then I apologize for my vehemence. Theological pretentions have happened to Mohammad [pbuh], to Darby and to many Biblically illiterate Americans. The malady is as common today as the COVID virus. If a spiritual revelation disagrees with the context of scripture and the flow of history, then it may safely be determined to be demonic. I advise you to question the spirits who speak to you. Don't believe every whisper in the dark that speaks to you. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  9. On the surface of things I'd agree with you. The purpose of my post is to expand upon paganized interpretations of God's Word, which are insinuating themselves into church dogma at an ever increasing rate. Knowing the source of some of this rubbish is useful to one who wishes to oppose its use. "Study to show yourself approved." -(2 Tim 2:15) Most church types don't understand there are three separate versions of the creation story in the first three chapters of Genesis. Each is slightly different from the other and each approaches the subject from a different point of view. For instance, the Bible tells us little about the actual machinations involved in creating our world/universe. Consequently many church types are confused or simply unable to respond to atheistic theories of creation, which simply state it happened all by itself. Such an event is a mathematical impossibility, but few recognize the truth of math. Throughout the Bible the narrative simply says 5 or 6 times 'God did it'. No specifics are provided - no blueprint as it were. According to recent polls nearly 75% of church types believe in evolution, thus denying God's Word. The idea of Adam having two wives comes from separate interpretations of the three versions of the Eden story in Genesis. It might interest the reader to know that some of these interpretations are based upon Gnostic heresy of the 2nd and 3rd centuries, which are enjoying a revival today. The book The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown and the feature movie that followed are liberally sprinkled with Gnostic ideology tradition and illogic. According to this same Gnostic ideology, Adam's wife (not named at all) sprung from Adam's flesh. Adam's flesh was sealed by angels after which the woman awoke Adam from his (surgical) sleep. (*) Therefore the woman is called the mother of Adam. It's makes no sense, but neither does a lot of Gnostic literature. It's wise to know one's enemy as well as it's lies so as to promote the truth of things. Hope this helps. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (*) The hypostasis of the Archons S.89
  10. You don't seem to be fully cognizant of the LAW. (Better than most, I must admit.). But no cigar as they say. As a consequence your retort to my post contains some major misinterpretations of the LAW and considerable mistaken doctrines of the post-modern neo-gnostic American Protestant church. The church today acts as though stupidity and SIN is a virtue. It isn't. Your statement is true in that Jesus' death on the cross fulfilled/satisfied the LAW of sacrifice. Exactly why it was necessary eludes most of the faithful today including perhaps your post here. It's elusive because they don't know the LAW that required it nor the spiritual reasons for it. (More on that later if anyone is interested.) Your statement is inaccurate in that the understanding of the church suggests that the LAW was destroyed the day God died. Quite the opposite, the LAW is further established in perfection. As Paul writes in Romans 2:12 "those who do not live by the LAW will die by the LAW." Is Paul suggesting the LAW makes one perfect/saves? Certainly not. Paul is saying the LAW is a measure of SIN and the those who continue to live apart from its precepts are subject to death. (Romans 6:23) You don't fully appreciate the nature of God's death on the cross when you wrote, "no more sacrifices for sin ... were acceptable before God". We may be picking at nits here, but the nature of Jesus' death made additional sacrifices, by the LAW, unnecessary. It's not a matter of being acceptable, which it was, but of being unnecessary. Why? Hebrews 8:13 testifies that the LAW (regarding sacrifice) was "becoming obsolete". Firstly we should understand that Hebrews was written before the Roman destruction of the temple. Hence, animal sacrifices were still being done - were 'becoming obsolete'. They were obsolete because animals are mortal. Despite being physically perfect they were mortal. Thus animal sacrifices had to be performed continually. Jesus is IMMORTAL. As a consequence God only had to personally fulfill/satisfy the LAW of sacrifice ONCE. That single act was sufficient for all time because the life of Christ IS timeless/immortal. This is further demonstrated by His ability to walk out of His own tomb a few days later. Thus the LAW of sacrifice isn't destroyed. Jesus' sacrifice IS acceptable unto God. The LAW is thus made perfect and complete. Additional sacrifices, animal or otherwise, are UNNECESSARY. FINALLY I wish to move into modern church debauchery. Unfortunately it IS being promoted from our pulpits that GRACE, which actually enables one to live a righteous life pleasing to God by the LAW, allows SIN. Let me reiterate, the doctrine of Hyper-Grace as it's called JUSTIFIES SIN. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A LICENSE TO SIN. I recently attended a Baptist sermon preached by Dean of a Bible college. The subject was Grace. At the end of his sermon the preacher told the congregation, "go out and SIN this week that GRACE may abound." I have not heard nor read anything as abominable at that in a very long time. The basis for the idea is that God will supposedly justify any wicked thing we put our hands to. This is demonic doctrine from the pit of satan's kingdom and entirely non-Biblical. You may believe my testimony or not as you wish, but it's just the tip of the iceberg in church these days. I left that place and went to a mega-church where I witnessed two lesbians engaged in heavy petting during the worship service. When I mentioned this to the pastor he said that it might be best if I went elsewhere to pray. As I see it your interpretations of sacrifice by the LAW are mostly correct. Unfortunately you seem to be unaware of the depth of debauchery our churches have welcomed. Many years ago I attempted to enter the priesthood of the Episcopal church. I was blocked from that effort by the Dean of the Committee of Ministry when he told me I had to reject Jesus Christ in order to be ordained. It's just that bad, sir. I wish it wasn't, but that's a fact of life these days. I submit these words for your prayerful consideration. God knows we need it. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  11. There was war in heaven.....if the book of Revelation is to be believed. Revelation is the last book of the Bible. Jesus said He saw satan "fall like lightning" in the gospel of Luke (written before Revelation). The gospels were written after the Tanach (OT) and before Revelation. In Genesis chapter 3 the Bible narrative introduces the serpent as the demonic temper of Eve. Genesis is the first book of Torah/Pentateuch. The writing of Genesis predates the writing of both Revelation and the gospel of Luke. The Eden story predates the chronicle of the Nephilim - described in Genesis chapter 6 and Numbers 13. Your statement "demons didn't come into being until Nephilim started to die" is incorrect for three reasons. First, the Bible suggests the existence of demons predated the placement of Eve and Adam in Eden. Why? Because Revelation describes war in heaven and Jesus testifies that He saw satan fall from heaven as a result of the victory of the war against it. Revelation says a third of the spirits of heaven fell with satan to the earth. Jesus saw it happen and satan first appears on earth in Genesis chapter 3. We are looking at a war in time-less eternity as described in temporal history on earth. Everything is backwards. At the end of the Bible we are told of a war that happened before Eve and Adam were created. We are told the demon army fell with satan bringing Woe unto the inhabitants of earth. Second, the Bible clearly states the Nephilim were descents of Anak (Numbers 13:33) a human. Whatever or whomever the Nephilim really were isn't clearly defined. What we DO know about them is that they were mortal and born of flesh. They may have acted wickedly (a reason for the flood), but they weren't the source of demonic authority nor were they demons themselves. Third, your statement regarding your personal demonic worship in the 70's CONTRADICTS THE BIBLICAL RECORD. You cannot use your personal experience to justify false interpretations of the Bible. You can't because your experience is in doubt. It's doubtful because demons are known to be liars and known to represent themselves as beings of light and truth. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Be advised I'm not saying you didn't have an experience. I'm saying it wasn't a truthful one because of that which inspired it. (Do you believe everything you see on TV? The same principle applies with regard to demonic inspiration.) Demons cannot be trusted to interpret the Bible. Please refrain from using demonic experience as an interpretive tool for scripture. You do yourself and everyone else a disservice. It also promotes the demonic agenda to disqualify God's Honest Truth. (Genesis 3:4) Please consider my words. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  12. Sometimes those 'proper' translations result in strange passages in Holy Writ. For instance, open your KJV to the gospel of Matthew. It's been assumed in recent years that the books of the NT were translated from Greek. Indeed most were.....except for Matthew. Matthew was originally written in Hebrew and the KJV translation seems to prove it. (Other more 'modern' translations smooth out the rough edges and one doesn't see them so much in those versions.) We've been told the KJV was the second best effort of English translators to convert both the OT and NT to English. KJV did so, at least where Matthew is concerned, by way of a word for word translation. The problem with translation is that some of the passages are difficult to read in English. IDIOMS are methods of speaking and writing in a language that are unique to that culture. For instance, the American phrases "easy as pie" or "a piece of cake" are idioms that do not translate well into other languages. An idiomatic translation of the gospel of Matthew Hebrew into English may be clearly seen in the use of the word 'AND'. Many sentences in KJV's gospel of Matthew begin with AND. And this....and that....and something else. The use of AND is so prolific as to make reading of the gospel almost annoying to the English eye. This is because Hebrew grammar was typically constructed as an addition to the previous line. English uses a period to signify the end of one line and the beginning of another. Hebrew used the word AND to indicate the beginning of a new line or thought. This in no way detracts from the intent and 'spirit' of the information being conveyed. Idiomatic differences simply make the reading rather difficult for the English reader. Subsequent translations of Matthew attempted to smooth over the annoyance without losing the substance of what is written. That such translations did so quite well is testimony of the skill of modern wordsmiths. Some other variations in translation are not so simple and result in major false doctrines. This post does not intend to address those rabbit trails. Hope this helps a bit. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  13. There's always an easy way to explain away prophetic writings. You didn't mention a word about the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, which is key to future trade relations between Asia and Europe. It's a new Silk Road. Do you know what the old silk road was and what it's termination meant to western history? While it's true a modern army can cross rivers it's also true that in ancient times an army could also ford or ferry its men and material across a river. I don't see any point to your post except to justify outdated interpretations of ancient prophecy. (Hal Lindsey, author of Late Great Planet Earth, has the same problem. He's had to back-pedal considerably since the release of his first version because he made far too many extrapolations of the future that became implausible in the years that followed publication.) My intention is to provide news of current events regarding the building and operation of the Belt and Road Initiative - a major major accomplishment not mentioned at all in American media. Chinese expansionism is very real and is tied to trade relations. This is only the second time in Chinese history that such an intense effort has been made by them. We need to pay close attention to what they are doing. We need to pay close attention to what is going on in the world and how it relates to Biblical prophecy. End Times events are portrayed in a manner that allows one to understand landmarks in scripture as we move toward the fulfillment of time. Unfortunately too many faux-prophets today rely upon 500 year old RCC versions of the future rather than actual events and the scripture that explains them. I offer the news of the drying of the Euphrates River and the Belt and Road Initiative. Is it coincidence these two are taking place at the same time in history? I don't think so. You may continue in your fanciful interpretations which rely upon RCC dogma or tea leaves or whatever. I will continue to watch real events as they unfold - keeping a watchful eye on my Bible at the same time. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  14. Chill out man. Why the knee jerk response? Did I call you a fool or something? I didn't, though you act as if I did. Guilty conscience perhaps? You tell me..... You don't know what gnosticism means? I suggest a bit of googling on your part. The subject is interesting because modern society AS WELL AS the church has adopted a great deal of it as faux theology. I replied to your post with several gnostic quotes SO AS to enlighten you concerning your own formula for interpreting modern church myths and fantasies. If trying to enlighten another is something of an irritation, then I thank you for your remarks. In my early years I found school days something of an irritation too because I always wanted to go out and play ball or something. The serious matter of education is sometimes prickly especially when one is comfortable living a lie. How can I accuse you or anyone of being a gnostic when you don't know the meaning of the word? Seriously, I cannot. It would be a good idea, though, to do a bit of reading of that stuff. The early church swallowed it hook line and sinker and it appears to be doing so again. If one knows what gnostic references mean, then one can identify them when they are used by others ESPECIALLY FROM THE PULPIT. For example, the gospel of Thomas is frequently quoted by atheists and those of the Gay Authority. Do you know why they like it and why they use these quotes to flail the church? Knowledge is power sir and if you are unfamiliar with some of these terms and myths you have denuded yourself of quite a bit. One cannot continue parroting scripture like a religious slogan and expect anyone to buy it. Most do not. Paul said he became like those he wished to persuade of Christ. That's a good idea. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  15. Yours is an accurate observation. The church today is inebriated with corrupt traditions. All it seems one has to do is attend a church sermon to learn a few more. There is scarcely room here to even list them all. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  16. I like your joke about dirt and ribs. I find no reference in scripture which declares Lilith is a fallen angel. If you have one, please share it. If you have a traditional reference, please share its source. According to my limited investigation, Isaiah's reference to Lilith the night monster has something to do with a screech owl. Some people find the night calls of the owl somewhat disturbing. I can understand this sort of reference. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  17. "Be dry, I will dry up your rivers." - Isaiah 44:27 A drought is upon her waters, and they will be dried up. For it is a land of graven images, and the people go mad over idols." - Jeremiah 50:38-39 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. - Rev 16:12 Our governments and our media outlets tell us the global drought we're experiencing is a result of climate change which in turn is caused by human industrialization. Is it a coincidence these things were predicted millennia ago? Whether it be of the hand of God or of the consequences of human abuse of our home planet the truth remains to be seen. CONSIDER ALSO that decades ago the Communist Chinese government began the greatest building project since The Great Wall. It's called the Belt and Road Initiative. Google it. The project begun long ago HAS COMPLETED. It is now possible for Chinese road and rail transport to move men and material across the Himalaya mountain range from western China to the nation of Iran. It's also possible for them to ship the same by sea via a circuitous land hugging route along the coast of Southern Asia. its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East - Rev 16:12b Is all this a grand coincidence or is it the design of Almighty God for a time (not far away) when the armies of heaven will enter into combat with the armies of mankind? Is the great battle no longer a prediction of the distant future? CONSIDER ALSO that a general antisemitic attitude has arisen again throughout the earth. God's chosen people are once again being subjected to insane accusations and baseless hate. Like the pieces of a game of chess, all the parts of future events are now nearly in place. We await only commencement of the end ... for the beginning of it has already arrived. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  18. Nice rendition of Christian gnostic heresy. You've got it down to a fine art there, buddy. Here are a few gnostic quotes submitted to enlighten those who are unaware of this insidious philosophy. (The following are gnostic, heretical quotations. They are NOT considered canon/Word of God.) "what comes into existence in him is knowledge, which appeared in order that oblivion might vanish and the Father might be known. Since oblivion came into existence because the Father was not known, then if the Father comes to be known, oblivion will not exist from that moment on." - Gospel of Truth S.18 "Indeed, it is more fitting to say that the world is an illusion," - Treatise on the Resurrection S.48 "Not only do humans need redemption, but also the angels, too" - Tripartite Tractate S.25 "even the Son Himself needed redemption" - Tripartite Tractate S.30 "Light and darkness, life and death, right and left, are brothers of one another. They are inseparable. Because of this neither are the good good, nor the evil evil, nor is life life, nor neath death. Each one will dissolve into its earliest origin." - gospel of Philip S.53 As we sink further and further into gnostic heresy the American Protestant church wanders further and further from God's honest truth. As a result the Holy Spirit has departed from it (1 Samuel 4:21) and judgment is upon it. (1 Peter 4:17) Humans can deceive one another with lies, but God isn't persuaded by any of them. It is time to repent of our SINs and ignorance. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  19. According to some traditions Adam had two wives. The first one was Lilith. The creation of an unNamed woman is chronicled in Genesis 1:27. This person is also called “the night monster” in Isaiah 34:14. Lilith was supposedly evicted from Eden because of some infraction of God’s LAW. Tradition isn't too clear on the issue. Lilith is also identified with either a screech owl or some sort of errant demon spirit that bothers men in the evening (a succubus?). The Isaiah passage suggests two interpretations. Anyway, Adam’s first wife is supposed to have been Lilith or Lilit depending upon spelling and the version you read. The tradition of two wives and of the disparity in their creation may actually be due to the occurrence of three creation stories in the first two chapters of Genesis. Each of them is slightly different as are the gospels. 1st creation story: Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 1:9 2nd creation story: Genesis 1:10 - Genesis 2:3 3rd creation story: Genesis 2:4 - Genesis 2:25 Adam’s second wife was Eve. She was created in Genesis 2:22 and named in Genesis 3:20. In Genesis 3, Eve is the first person to yield to satanic temptation. She then proceeds to seduce her husband into following her into SIN. Consequently both are evicted from Eden and judged accordingly. Adam is forced to sweat and work for the rest of his life and Eve suffers pain when she brings children into the world because she also brought SIN into the world. So, the question arises: are women as great as they like to think they are? Also, shall we follow their lead (into SIN)? Are they daughters of Lilith or children of Eve? What’s the difference? What say you? that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  20. It puzzles me greatly when those who claim to be followers of Christ misrepresent His words, His ministry, His life and the meaning of His death. Jesus said, "I did NOT come to abolish the LAW. I came to fulfill it." (Matthew 5:17) There is ABSOLUTELY no interpretation of the Master's words which can assume the LAW is somehow replaced by godless GRACE. Indeed the first recorded words of satan in Genesis quote the temptor as saying God is a liar regarding His LAW and the consequences of breaking it. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A LICENSE TO SIN. God will not excuse or allow SIN at any time or on any occasion. SIN is defined by the LAW. Therefore the LAW still stands. No one can be saved apart from the LAW. The LAW of Moses gives us the formula by which God has established the way in which a man can be JUSTIFIED. Indeed it tells us the LAW doesn't justify anybody - any more than good deeds or pious appeals to baseless grace. (That doesn't seem to stop church folks who believe that religious repetition of certain ceremonies will give them a ticket to enter the pearly gates of heaven.) What righteousness comes from God? You quoted Gal 2:21 out of context. In verses 11-21 Paul confronts Cephas regarding the law. Do you not know the argument is between TWO JEWS? Jewish tradition of the time held TWO LAWS juxtaposed against one another. Jesus argued against the Law of Works as did the apostles, but Jesus lived, taught, died and walked out of His own tomb by the Law of Grace. Verse 17 says that if you seek to justify yourself in Christ BY THE LAW OF WORKS you will be found a sinner. (Except that churches justify their members by ceremonial works ALL THE TIME. They make the same mistake as the Jews except that the church has established its own traditions and laws.) What's the difference between the Law of Works and the Law of Grace? The LAW OF GRACE was given by God to Moses. The Law of Works was created by the Jewish rabbinate during their captivity in Babylon. The Law of Works, partly adopted by the post-modern neo-gnostic Protestant church, now demands performance from its members. Salvation by grace is only a buzz word the truth of which (based upon the LAW of Moses) isn't taught at all. Simply put, one cannot DO anything to JUSTIFY themselves before the throne of God. So why is it the church teaches a false notion of grace whereby one can SIN like satan and still be acceptable by God? It's taught, but it isn't true. Many a preacher has had problems with sex or liquor or donations and has destroyed years of ministerial work. Why is it the church teaches against the LAW of Moses, but when offering time comes they appeal to the LAW and demand 10% religious tax/tithe? Tithing is not mentioned once in the NT, but it's demanded nonetheless. Which is it? Is the church apart from the LAW or is it not? If it isn't, then you dear reader do not owe one single penny when the offering basket is passed around next Sunday. This is nothing less than religious hypocrisy. Why is it the church embraces the Gay Authority when the LAW strictly forbids it? Is this grace or is it a desire for increased donation$? It IS hypocrisy of the worst sort. Shall I go on? I can if you invite my response. Today the church is dead because it has denied that which was its root - the LAW of God, which tells us how to REPENT, how to be SAVED and how to live lives pleasing to God as GRACE enables living BY THE LAW. 1 Samuel 4:21 "the spirit has departed." 1 Peter 4:17 "it is time for judgment to begin in the house of God." If God's word is to be believed the hypocrisy of the church will not endure - BY THE LAW. Indeed judgment is already working upon it. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  21. Apparently the lack of coherent interpretation has little credence with some..... Beginning from your last reference we look to Exodus 19:4. References to verse 4 are commonly accepted as being to the Griffin-Vulture, a native bird of Palestine at the time. Vultures, as well as eagles, are an unclean animal (see Leviticus) - seldom used as symbolic of a good scenario. Exodus 19:4 is a reference to SLAVERY from which Hebrews were delivered by God's own hand. The interpretation of the verse as well as the meaning of the descriptive term 'vulture' must be perverted in order to justify demonic doctrines of which rapture is a part. Additionally, there is no record whatsoever either in Jewish literature, historical records or common sense to suppose that God transported several hundred thousand people out of Egypt on the backs of birds. Hebrews walked out of Egypt. They did not fly. To assume such a thing is ludicrous. To expect others to accept it as fact is intellectually insulting. Exodus 19:4 is meant to convey divine deliverance from horrible circumstances of slavery, not airplane tickets on Vulture Airlines piloted by Old Nick. Luke 17:30-37 is quite clear despite deliberate attempts to confuse the nature and purpose of vultures. Jesus' disciples asked Him where the missing people were to be taken. Jesus' response is very clear when He says "where there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather." In the English language the word "carcass" refers to a dead body. The word "vulture" refers to a bird that eats carrion - dead meat. Therefore the correct spiritual interpretation of the passage implies that demons, not angels, are involved in some sort of feeding process upon those who are 'taken' - meaning the dead. Spiritually dead folks do not inherit the Kingdom of God. The passage here implies that they are consumed somehow by spiritual entities that devour physical flesh. Is not this what happens when a person walks in SIN? Paul writes in Romans 6:23 that "the wagers of SIN is death". Why are you defending the ways of satan? Why are you trying to make SIN attractive when it isn't? It's not a pretty picture at all. I'm not surprised that those who cherish a childish fantasy with RCC eschatology will be disheartened when they endeavor to undertake a clear and unprejudiced reading of the Bible. The truth is usually like that - a bit hard to swallow when one is used to eating food without substance. You have demonstrated that you've chosen to believe a lie forced upon the faithful by the RCC. Please try to understand what I'm writing here. Please read the Bible with a clear unprejudiced attitude. I can help you understand if you wish me to assist you. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  22. Let me be clear about this - I AM NOT ARGUING AGAINST THE 2ND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST. I am opposed to the undeniable origins and present acceptance of RCC eschatology by the post-modern neo-gnostic protestant church. EVEN the protestant fathers of the Reformation REJECTED RCC doctrines about the End Times. The church of the 21st century has betrayed not only the gospel of Jesus Christ but faith in His ability to save. It does so by promoting doctrines of demons - cowardice and faithlessness. I am specifically opposed to present acceptance of antiSemitic dogma of the RCC which is accepted by the Protestant church. If Jews haven't responded to two thousand years of persecution by the church they certainly won't respond to it during what Protestants hope will be a SECOND HOLOCAUST. Isn't one enough? Apparently it isn't if one is a rabid believer of non-Biblical tribulation interpretations. (*) I am specifically opposed to the altogether confused, clumsy, contradictory and mutually exclusive interpretations of the 2nd coming referred to as rapture. Even those who pretend to have a handle on it aren't in agreement with each other. Consider that even this site hosts those who cannot agree with one another. Is this indicative of certain reliable Biblical interpretation or demonic obfuscation? I am specifically opposed to the COWARDLY dogma of rapture that claims the church will be evacuated out of worldly trouble. Nowhere in the Bible has God EVER demonstrated the possibility of evacuation from trouble. God demonstrates in scripture and in testimony that His purpose is to see His people THROUGH trouble. God holds faith in Him during such times to be highly expressive of righteousness and love of Him. To hope for evacuation from trouble is not only cowardly but borders on SIN itself because it flies in the face of faith. It denies the God who promises to deliver us through it - to make us conquerors of it. Exactly WHAT do you find attractive about the current churchy dogmas of tribulation and rapture? It's neither Biblically oriented nor indicative of a living faith in Christ Jesus, the King of the Jews. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (*) Jeremiah 30:7 speaks to a "time of Jacob's trouble/distress/tribulation". THAT TIME happened during the German persecution of Jews from 1933 - 1945. It is called the Holocaust when six million Jews were murdered for no crime other than of being born Jewish. Those days are returning and the church is embracing their arrival with its inhuman doctrine of the tribulation. The church has long looked forward to a 2nd Holocaust by means of its claims that scripture indicates a 2nd holocaust. May God judge all those who profit preach and embrace such disgusting inhuman ideology. May HE who is the King of the Jews bring to repentance all who have previously accepted the idea as normal.
  23. The whole RAPTURE thing is rubbish - pre, mid, post, whatever. It is NOT based upon Biblical context nor is it logical. In order to believe this garbage, one must accept certain things to be true and others not true. One that isn't accepted as true is the origin of the lie in the first place. Roman Catholic Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera established what is commonly known as the End Times interpretation in his book FUTURISM. It was published near the end of the 16th century. FUTURISM was published as a response to the Protestant Reformation. Every single Protestant theologian of the time REJECTED IT. The false doctrine includes the identity of the beast, the rapture, a false interpretation of the Tribulation and the true nature of the global false religion (which the Bible identifies as Catholic). In the mid-19th century American opportunist John Nelson Darby dusted off the old RCC doctrine and added a new coat of American paint to it. Darby called his work of plagiarism DISPENSATIONALISM. It featured the same junk as the RCC version; rapture, antisemitic references to the tribulation and so on. Bible publisher Scofield and evangelist D.L. Moody loved the fiction and pushed it on the American people. One of the things that's true, but not even considered, is a quote from Jesus in Luke chapter 17. In verses 34-37 Jesus identifies both those who would be TAKEN, by which power they would be REMOVED and where they would GO. They will be TAKEN, not by Rapture, but by DEMONS. Where will they go, Jesus' disciples asked. They will be taken to DEATH. READ THE BIBLE. It speaks truth. Shall we painfully argue the point line by line thus anointing the post-modern neo-gnostic protestant church with its own venom and hate? Interpretations of the Tribulation now hope for a Second Holocaust of murder and persecution of Jews - theoretically convincing them of the love of Jesus. If the Nazi holocaust couldn't persuade Jews to be good Nazis, then how could a second one persuade them to join a church? The illogic and hate language used to interpret the Tribulation is beyond any sort of appropriate language. Bottom line here is to state the eschatology of the post-modern neo-gnostic church is full of deliberate misquotations and false assumptions. It ignores the context of the Bible WHICH STATES God doesn't evacuate anybody from Trouble. He sees the faithful THROUGH IT, thus establishing faith as that which God most approves. The rapture is a doctrine of fools and cowards - not that of Godly men and women who choose to live by faith in God's deliverance THROUGH any trouble. Did God deliver the Hebrews over the Red Sea or through it? Think about it..... that's me, hollering from the choir loft... PREV 168 169 170 171 172 173 Page 173 of 173 Your content will need to be approved by a moderator
  24. The whole RAPTURE thing is rubbish - pre, mid, post, whatever. It is NOT based upon Biblical context nor is it logical. In order to believe this garbage, one must accept certain things to be true and others not true. One that isn't accepted as true is the origin of the lie in the first place. Roman Catholic Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera established what is commonly known as the End Times interpretation in his book FUTURISM. It was published near the end of the 16th century. FUTURISM was published as a response to the Protestant Reformation. Every single Protestant theologian of the time REJECTED IT. The false doctrine includes the identity of the beast, the rapture, a false interpretation of the Tribulation and the true nature of the global false religion (which the Bible identifies as Catholic). In the mid-19th century American opportunist John Nelson Darby dusted off the old RCC doctrine and added a new coat of American paint to it. Darby called his work of plagiarism DISPENSATIONALISM. It featured the same junk as the RCC version; rapture, antisemitic references to the tribulation and so on. Bible publisher Scofield and evangelist D.L. Moody loved the fiction and pushed it on the American people. One of the things that's true, but not even considered, is a quote from Jesus in Luke chapter 17. In verses 34-37 Jesus identifies both those who would be TAKEN, by which power they would be REMOVED and where they would GO. They will be TAKEN, not by Rapture, but by DEMONS. Where will they go, Jesus' disciples asked. They will be taken to DEATH. READ THE BIBLE. It speaks truth. Shall we painfully argue the point line by line thus anointing the post-modern neo-gnostic protestant church with its own venom and hate? Interpretations of the Tribulation now hope for a Second Holocaust of murder and persecution of Jews - theoretically convincing them of the love of Jesus. If the Nazi holocaust couldn't persuade Jews to be good Nazis, then how could a second one persuade them to join a church? The illogic and hate language used to interpret the Tribulation is beyond any sort of appropriate language. Bottom line here is to state the eschatology of the post-modern neo-gnostic church is full of deliberate misquotations and false assumptions. It ignores the context of the Bible WHICH STATES God doesn't evacuate anybody from Trouble. He sees the faithful THROUGH IT, thus establishing faith as that which God most approves. The rapture is a doctrine of fools and cowards - not that of Godly men and women who choose to live by faith in God's deliverance THROUGH any trouble. Did God deliver the Hebrews over the Red Sea or through it? Think about it..... that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  25. "The initial success of the United States was largely accidental. A rich empty continent was exploited by rapacious Europeans who made slaves of Africans and corpses of Indians in the process." - GORE VIDAL The idea that God has blessed America because of a few righteous persons is ludicrous and largely based upon political propaganda. The nation was built on the graves of Native Americans from whom we stole the land. It was initially established on the backs of blacks, native american and asian slaves. That, sir, is established fact and history. The Civil War was, according to President Lincoln, a JUDGMENT upon us for the SIN of slavery. God blessed American participation in the European wars of the 20th century so as to prevent the expansion of German totalitarianism . US involvement in the Pacific war in WWII was a judgment of God upon the inhuman abuse forced upon the Pacific rim by Imperial Japan. God is no longer blessing America. Ask yourself why. America is not as noble a nation as we suppose ourselves to be. We are NOT the almighty good guys. "Christ does not vindicate a race or a nation. It is the sovereignty of God which is vindicated." - Reinhold Niebuhr Jesus did not come to establish a political kingdom upon the earth in His day. Indeed He refused every invitation to do so. He denied it most vehemently. America is NOT God's gift to the world - Jesus is. "Don't let anybody make you think that God chose America as His divine messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with justice and it seems that I can hear God saying to America, 'You are too arrogant. If you don't change your ways I will rise up and break the back bone of your power.'" - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. - (circa 1967) The backbone of American power is twofold: the dollar and its military. "On 16 September 1985, when the Commerce Department announced that the United States had become a debtor nation, the American Empire died." - Gore Vidal In Vietnam, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria and the shadow wars in Africa today the American military is being pummeled. How have these wars been going for us? Not well. In our churches Jesus Christ is denied - forsaken and replaced by liberal ideas and humanistic songs and sermons. Evangelism is a false moniker ascribed to those of the post-modern neo-gnostic church that still acknowledge a form of institutional religion that has long since lost any spiritual authority. (1 Samuel 4:21 "The spirit has departed.") The only standard expressed in our churches is that of financial and social debauchery. Most preachers have one hand on the Bible and the other in someone else's pocket (or pants as the case may be). The LAW of Moses, by which Jesus lived, preached, died and rose from the tomb, is denied. The ROOT of power which established and maintained the church for many years has been trampled upon and betrayed. Our churches are dying - as have the churches of Europe before them. The ONLY standard of righteousness is the LAW of Moses. The church, as well as the rest of America, has denied it. This is why the blood of our children flood their schools, why the blood of citizens flow in grocery stores and shopping malls, why violence of all sorts escalates and why the church is now a joke. Years ago, the gay community was held in contempt. Today the GAY AUTHORITY is respected and cannot be criticized. It is the church which is now held in contempt. All BECAUSE the church has denied the LAW. Scoffers may not like those who embrace GOD's LAW, but they will surely respect them for it. It is time for some LAW to be embraced again - else we will all die in lawLESSness and faithlessness. Look around you, dear reader. God is NOT blessing America. We are under judgment BECAUSE we have denied GOD's LAW and our own need of REPENTANCE. We are not as holy as we like to think we are. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
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