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Everything posted by Joe@actsii

  1. "He is depending on feelings and feelings will always lie to you." Rustyangel I think I know what you meant when you said this, but feelings will not always lie to you. I know that we can't trust only our feelings but God gave them to us for a reason. I love to be in the presence of God during a service and feel His overwhelming love, joy, or forgiveness . Does this mean that He is not there when I feel nothing? No way! I can "feel" like I am not right with the Lord and sometimes this is some is because He is tugging on my heart for something. Another time I may "feel" like I am not right with Him and it could just be I am having a bad day and the enemy is attacking me with guilt or something. You can trust your feeling, but if you are not sure take it to the Jesus and His Word.
  2. It's funny you should mention the Walton's, because I am watching season one on DVD as I read these post. These are great, clean shows.
  3. I have heard some about this book, but have not read it myself. I believe my pastor is going to have our church listen to some kind of tape series version of the book. We will be listening to it in our small prayer groups of a few month period. It will be interesting to see what all the hype is about.
  4. I have to say that in the short time I have been around here I have enjoyed myself greatly. :)I am learning a lot through this board. Its must be hard to be a moderator here. Years ago I went to a pentecostal board, there was always fighting among people over many issues. I think you do a wonderful job here.
  5. How did the Belief-O-Matic do? 1. Orthodox Judaism (100%) 2. Eastern Orthodox (93%) 3. Roman Catholic (93%) 4. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (93%) 5. Islam (90%) 6. Seventh Day Adventist (83%) 7. Orthodox Quaker (77%) 8. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (74%) 9. Sikhism (73%) 10. Bah
  6. The following is take from the Focus on the Family web site. http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0000085.cfm
  7. "I was talking to my cousin last night and he said the weirdest thing. He said that no one knows if their saved or not until we're judged. He said that he is a christian, but doesn't feel any different then he did before he became a christian. I think thats really odd being that when I accepted Christ as Lord and Savior I felt really different in so many ways. Even the way I saw the world changed. I feel Him with me everyday and thank Him for it. Now may be some of you believe this, but I don't so if you have scripture to back it up please do so. He said that God do not want the races to mix. That He separated us for a reason. I think that is unbibical. God doesn't have a problem with races that is a human thing. The odd thing here is that he believe that he is Jewish because by accepting Jesus he was adopted into the family. Isn't that contradicting himself. If God has a problem with race mixing why would He adopt you into his family. " When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and invited him into my life, I repented of my sins, He filled my with His Spirit and I began to speak with another tongue that I never knew or learned. I was over welmed with His love and grace. I cried like a baby! At first it was tears of regreet and repentance, then after I was filled with the Holy Ghost the tears changed to tears of joy. After this I had so much love in my heart I could not help but wanting to share it with people. I prayed for many other people that night. When ever I saw someone that I knew I could not help but give them a bug hug. Over the years the change and growth in my life has been a great comfort in my life. Seeing different fruits of the Spirit in my life have been a wonderful blessing also. There is much more that the Lord has done in my life but I do not have the time to tell of all the signs, evidence and blessings that the Lord has given and shown me.
  8. My wife and I own the "Little House On The Prairie" TV Series. We have them on DVD, seasons 1-6, also the pilot movie. Very clean with good morals in the stories. We also have "The Waltons" TV Series Season 1. Again very clean with good morals in the stories plus strong family values. We also have the following, "Finding Nemo", "Toy Story 1 & 2", "Bug's Life", "Left Behind 1 & 2" although we don't agree with all of the doctrine in the movies. Try looking at the Focus on the Family web site they have a section where they review movies. They break it down by violence, sexuality, langauge and other areas, it is very informative.
  9. Pray in your head makes me think of a funny story. I can remember one time many years ago I had gotten up very early in the morning to pray, I was taking a shower (I like to pray in the shower). I was praying in my head and having a hard time keeping my thoughts focused. I guess sometime during this time I started to think about the old TV show Bonanza. Well next thing I know I was praying for the salvation of the character Hoss. Not for the actor (who I think is dead already) but for the part he played. The moral of this story is watch out for the rabbits!
  10. I pray both out loud and silently. When out loud sometimes it is formal and very respectful, other times I talk to Him like He is a friend sitting across the room from me. When praying silently or in my head, the only problem I run into sometimes is that I can let my mind wonder and go down rabbit trails.
  11. 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans Think of different sins in two categories (1) a huge wrecking ball and (2) a bullet. Now if you get hit in the head with a wrecking ball, what happens? You
  12. I think that you can have two basic problems with churches/christians (1) when there is to much emphases put only the spirit side of things. This is a major causes of a lot of the crazy stuff we see in some churches and on some of the "religious" TV shows. (2) the other is the flip side when everything is put on the word side of it. The word of God is great, I love it, but with out the Spirit its is dry and powerless. There needs to be both and in balance. I am Holy Ghost filled pentecostal christian, I believe in the gifts and have even been used in some of them, but if somethings is not in line with the word of God, flush it! We need to be in submission. God would never go and or lead against His own word. I think the key word is balance.
  13. Super Jew why do you think that Paul is only using symbolism? The Bible does not say that.
  14. Hello and good evening to everyone. My name is Joe and this is my first time posting. Actually I just found this site tonight. I have looked around and found it very interesting. I just wanted to say on the subject of salvation & baptism that there are many verses on the subject and too many people/churches read or quote just one or maybe a few. You can make the Word of God seem to say a lot of things if you do this. I think that some people/churches do this on purpose and many do it by accident. The Word can be like a puzzle. If you only use some of the pieces the picture will come out incorrect. We need to have all of the pieces to see the real picture. Also a lot of times we do things out of tradition and then try to find scripture to back it up, when we should go to the scriptures first and then let our doctrine and lives fall into line with the Word. This is an interesting forum and subject and I look forward to hopefully learning from each other.
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