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ayin jade

Worthy Ministers
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Posts posted by ayin jade

  1. Really that is funny. I saw those lights just this weekend, for real. Many of you know I live in Arizona, where it is bright sun almost always. I saw 3 of those lights on the side of a building, only a few feet away. Here is the thing.....they were a reflection off the metalwork or windows across the street, that the sun hit and reflected onto the building as a cross like light, exactly like what the pictures here show. I could always go back and take a photo, unless the sun has shifted just enough to change that effect. There is no doubt though that it is a reflection, since it disappeared for a second when my car drove in between the lights and the reflection source.

  2. If we were to be perfect before accepting the Lord, then of what need would we have for Jesus? We come before the Lord, sinful broken people. He gives us forgiveness and salvation. We start the journey to becoming people living for the Lord, and not people living in wanton sin. He accepts you as you are, He will change you into a new creation in Christ. Chose Jesus.

  3. Im on my way out for a bit, but when I return, I will explain to you what someone once told me. It is an interesting view and reconciles both accounts.....it is also a complicated post for me, so it may take a bit of time.

    God bless

  4. I never thought a burning candle was a sin. After all electricity is fairly new... candles and oil lamps were used before that. Someone once told me that candles were, and their reasoning was a bit strange I thought. Im curious too, to see what others have to say on this subject.

  5. In my opinion, it isnt that He is turning us against them, but rather that our belief in Him will turn others against us. In the US so far we have not had much persecution for our beliefs, but elsewhere, families are turning against each other because one believes in Jesus. People in darkness are either drawn to the light wanting it for themselves, or resent the light. Jesus came to bring people to God, not to make all politically correct happiness and harmony to everyone on earth. Yes, there should be peace within all of us Christians, and peace within the body of Christ, His church. But there will not be true peace between believer and unbeliever. (This is not to say that we are to be antagonistic towards unbelievers, only that they will be that way to us.) Elsewhere He states that we will be persecuted for our beliefs. That is a small price to pay for what we gain from that. We gain a relationship with our Lord. There is nothing better than that.

  6. Yes, I think you are being given signs. You can recognize them now though, and that is good. Why is it so hard? Because we are human, flawed, sinful. We resist God. You clearly want Him. You clearly are seeking Him. It is time to let go with your human nature and accept Jesus. Faith can be hard at first, as we rebel against God. Talk to Him in prayer, accept the gift He is offering to you. It is not too late.

  7. OK, after rereading my post, it sounds a bit like I dont believe hell is a place of torment. That isnt so. I fully beleive it will be a horrible painful place. Being saved from that wasnt a priority for me. Being close to God is. That was the point of my prior post. My apologies for my inability to communicate well.

  8. He he he he he he

    I had no idea I enjoyed destruction so much.

    Earth is toast. I got earth and mars to leave their orbits in a matter of days and reset mercury and venus orbits.

    I will have to try many many scenarios. It is now saved among my favorite links.

    Oh this is just too much fun.

  9. Should I respond...or walk away?

    New Vaccines Dont Contain Fetus Cells

    From this site.

    The rubella vaccine was developed from a fetus obtained from a single termination of pregnancy carried out on medical grounds in 1966. The rubella virus used in the vaccine was isolated from a different fetus terminated in the 1960s in the United States because the fetus had congenital rubella. No further fetal material has ever been used for rubella vaccine manufacture.

    The rigorous purification process during manufacture removes all trace of the cells in which the vaccine was grown and so the rubella vaccine contains no human fetal tissue.

    There is no question of any new fetal tissue being used in making this vaccine, or of those involved in the termination profiting in any way.

    If you want or dont want vaccines, that is your choice. You should remember that epidemics still happen, and the medical community is still concerned. Something like the Spanish Influenza of 1918 is still a real possibility. That outbreak killed, at conservative estimates, 22 million people worldwide. Polio was a dreaded disease worldwide as was smallpox, until recently.

    Gladiator, if that is what happened to your son, I am sorry. Sadly, in rare cases, things like that happen. However, without vaccines, it is more likely that far more children would have been lost to these diseases. Everyone should please make decisions based on accurate information.

  10. You can make a great french onion soup for not a lot of money. Get several onions, grill them with a bit of garlic. Place them in a large pot with beef stock (Knorr's has a beef stock) and simmer for awhile. Serve with bread. Another favorite is tomato soup with tiny pasta in it (salad macaroni pasta). Cheap and filling. Egg salad is also cheap food. For cheap spices, look someplace other than the regular food stores. One middle eastern deli near us has dirt cheap prices on spices, pennies compared to grocery store prices. I hope this helps.

  11. Ok but then your going against one of the oldest laws this country is governed by.

    People should not be punished for the acts of their father's father's ect.

    That is TRULY "unamerican"

    I do not deserve to be punished for somthing that an ignorant society did a long time ago.

    "We" are not going against our country. We are living by God's laws, His terms. No amount of disbelief from anyone, anywhere, will change that. You are right, you do not deserve to be punished for what "an ignorant society" did years ago. You deserve to be punished for what YOU have done, for your sin. No amount of good deeds will ever erase your sin. You have chosen (so far) to reject His gift of salvation too, the only way to escape that condemnation.

    Do you know of Jesus?

  12. Why do you think that Cantstopintelligence? Do you know what it takes to be saved? It takes beleif in Jesus, in the Messiah. In the OT God counted some as righteous for their beleif in Him. Buddha, according to his beliefs, does not fit that. The way to God is not through personal enlightenment, but through seeking God, in Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of our sins, His gift.

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