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  1. Not everybody can strictly follow the words of the scriptures. I cant change my inborn character. Just like God has created both light and darkness, so also he created good and bad people. A true God has to upift and respond to both his good and bad children, if they are honest towards him. But I dont know, why he is silent in my case.
  2. He has created everybeing(faithless or faithful). It is his responsibility to take care of them. People turn doubtful when god doesnt answer them when asked, esp in hard situations. Nobody is born good or wicked, doubtful or faithful person, situations make them what they are.
  3. As you said god is all powerful. The same scriptures say that he can turn wicked to good, doubtful person to person of faith, there is nothing which is not possible for him. But he remains silent allowing his children(who won't follow his rules) to suffer. A true father wont forsake his dirty spoilt child, rather he will be with him more to understand him.
  4. Scriptures say god is our own father, the creator of our soul. Then why does he keeps silent when I ask him something. Some people say that god speaks but we dont hear him. If that is so,as a father, cant he make his voice audible for his child to hear him.
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