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Everything posted by Matt_FiF

  1. Hello and welcome, everseeking. A relationship with the LORD is not a guarantee of mental health any more than it is a guarantee of physical health. It does, however, give you an available and powerful outlet, when you can turn to the Most High with whatever is on your mind. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast our cares upon Him (Christ) because He cares for us. The great thing about prayer is that it's not a set, ritualized system guided by rules and regulations. It is open and honest conversation with the LORD. The LORD knows your thoughts (Psalm 139:4) and He can certainly begin a work in you that changes the pattern of those thoughts. However, I think ignoring the help available all around - i.e. counselors and the like - is a mistake. My suggestion would be to spend time in prayer and study to strengthen your relationship with Christ (because as RustyAngel said, hell shouldn't be a part of your mental equation), and in the meantime seek counseling from your pastor, or a Christian counseling center if you're not in a church. I think they would be able to help you with whatever this pattern is you find yourself in, while at the same time helping you on the path you walk with the LORD.
  2. I think this sums it up pretty well. As far as the specific reasons why GOD chose that location to give His people, who knows? This is one of those questions which pop up in the course of studying, where the answer basically boils down to "because GOD said so". That's not always a satisfying answer, but often it's the only one we get. I point people to Job quite often, where he questioned GOD and GOD's response was "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (38:4).
  3. Hello, biblerover. I see I'm late to this post, but sincerely hope there has been some sign of positive changes in your marriage since your last post. I was in your shoes just a few years ago, with my wife being the one looking at and talking to men on the internet. I can tell you a few things for certain. One - no matter what he calls it or how he justifies it, it's cheating. Two - regardless of how things proceed, it's going to be a battle in every sense of the word. It's going to be extremely difficult for you not to blame yourself. The tendency is to look at your appearance, your actions, even your thoughts to try and figure out where you went wrong. Three - you did not go wrong! This cannot be stressed enough. I dealt with that feeling for the better part of a decade before I finally accepted that I'm not responsible for the choices my wife made. Four - you are not responsible for your husband's choices. You can love him, talk to him, and pray for him until you run out of breath - and you should - but you cannot make him change his actions. Only the Lord can do that, and only if/when your husbands opens up and let's Him do so. I'm praying hard for you in this. Lean on the Lord and He will carry you through it.
  4. I know I'm a little late on this topic, but I think Rationaltheology gave sound advice. My suggestion would be to exhaust your medical options first. Continue to pray and study, certainly, but I would hesitate to jump right into a spiritual conclusion. There's nothing wrong with praying for healing, but I think it's important to keep in mind that the Lord uses doctors and medicines for our healing, as well. Seek help in the medical realm first. Praying for you.
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