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Everything posted by Goldenshark

  1. There is a tree (I believe in Canada but it may be somewhere else) that is actually older than many of you are claiming the Earth is (9000 yrs). Not to be rude, but to suggest the Earth is less than 10,000 years old is plainly ignorant.
  2. I couldn't agree more heartsearcher, but in responce to the picture posted by bopeep, the fleas can prove that the dog is ther by doing the DNA tests on where they live and can therefore conclude that it is indeed a dog. So a pretty poor analogy there. It may say in the bible that atheists are idiots, but I imagine in the Quran it could suggest Christians are idiots. Please show me a testable, observable difference between the two.
  3. Just to start up the convo again, there is such thing as an atheist because I am one, but it really depends on what gods you are talking about. I presume that most of you here are atheists about most of the gods humanity has believed in like Zeus, but some of us just go one god further.
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