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Everything posted by markdohle

  1. Ask and you shall receive I guess covers that. I think when we pray we begin to see things differently and relate to life and others on a deeper level. Prayer over time I believe becomes centered on simply being with the Lord, asking is no longer the center reason for prayer. Bad things happen to everyone, no matter one faith or lack of it. Though intervention could come more often that we realized, it is simply a part of the thread of our lives. I never heard it put that way either, so it is food for thought. Peace mark
  2. Yes James sounds like a Baptist preacher, he gets right to the point. I love St. Paul, but his letters to the Corinthians I have a hard time reading straight through; it is such a letter. Yes John is a great writer and I believe a mystic as well. His 1st letter is a masterpiece. When I feel dry and can't seem to focus, reading his letter gets me on track. Thanks for the mini-course. When people are having trouble with their church community or parish I have them read Acts and James to see that there is always struggle within the body of Christ......from the very beginning. Grace and peace to you as well my friend. Mark
  3. I do believe that the more we love God the deeper is our thirst, though with God the thirst leads to deeper life for our hearts expand to be able to receive more. Thank you.....good observation. Peace Mark
  4. I believe that when we make ourselves the 'center' and forget our relationship with God we worship ourselves and then try to take life from all around us for our benefit....greed is a good word. We suck the world dry, as we are now in how we abuse the environment and in many cases animals. Not to mention the awful crisis that is being opened up for all of us to see about human sexual trafficking and child abuse that seems to exist at all levels of society and in our churches. I am happy my Church is being sued, our leaders forgot what they are supposed to do and let their people down and caused great harm. In lust we want to make a child of God into an object for enjoyment and to then discard, perhaps an act of blasphemy. When I feel lust for a women that I see, I thank God for her beauty and to please allow me to see her as a person made in God's image and likeness......this helps, brings me back to reality. Thank you for your thoughtful response. Peace mark
  5. I believe that the reason the United States is its present space is because we fail to understand how Jesus 'related' to others. We are called to a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ, that in turn allows us to see others in a different light and to see Christ in the least, in that we get a small glimpse of God's love for us. I liked your examples, thank you ;-). Peace Mark
  6. I do love that hymn, only second to Amazing Grace. Peace Mark
  7. I love you posting missmuffet, thanks you! Peace Mark
  8. Yes riches can give a false sense of being in control and isolates us from the suffering of others. I do love the epistle of James, he has some rough edges LOL, but his point across. Peace mark
  9. 20 years ago! Let it go, it would have been spent long ago anyway even if he did pay you back on time. Or continue to get upset and you may never see the money owed you. Or go to the church and challenge him in front of the congregation.
  10. Blessed are the poor (in spirit) For example, suppose someone comes into your meeting dressed in fancy clothes and expensive jewelry, and another comes in who is poor and dressed in dirty clothes. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? --James 2:3-4 It is easy to forget that we find Christ Jesus where we often fail to look, or perhaps even desire not to see at all. We often speak of the love of God, yet just what is that all about? One way of looking at it is to meditate on how Jesus treated others. The deeper the look, the more incomprehensible it can become. My natural response to others is based on a foundation other than the love that Jesus tried to show us in the Gospel. He gravitated towards people who are overlooked, such behavior being considered as normal and even prudent. He ate with those who were a scandal to persons outside the circle of sinners. He saw something that I still do not see, for my tendency is to ignore certain types of people and to even unconsciously have contempt for them. The Holy Spirit is slowly making me aware of this ‘sin’ in me and slowly healing me of this normal though harmful way of dealing with others. When Christ Jesus said we are to love what we may consider unlovable is central to his message. I believe it is a hard lesson to learn, at least this is for me. One way the Holy Spirit wounds is to bring before our inner vision our very human limitations in our ability to love…..it is then that we learn what grace truly means and what we would be without it. Pope Francis--If we take the poor away from the Gospel, we won't be able to understand the whole message of Jesus Christ.
  11. I do not consider myself a 'good' person, but perhaps one who struggles with being good and have never succeeded. Without Christ Jesus and his grace I would be not even close to someone who struggles to be good. His mercy and love is truly astounding and when pondered is overwhelming. I do believe that if a person who is outside of the faith shows true love for others, who does for others without thought of reward points to something deep going on that is grace at its root. In the Last Judgement scene in Matthew those who are invited into the kingdom because of what they did to Christ, did not understand what he was talking about, yet fact were invited into the kingdom. Not because of what they did, but because of their response to grace, by showing true compassion for others. I do believe that how Christ Jesus relates to all of his children is something that I have pondered all my life and how Infinite love as reveled in Christ draws others to the Father. I don't have it figured out, but yes, salvation is a gift can't be earned. In any-case I pray for the salvation of all, though I know that there are those who will not accept Gods mercy, so must enter through the gate of justice. I do believe that in the end there is a choice against God's grace for as it says in Timothy, God wills the salvation of all....to what length will the Lord go to save others I hope to learn one day. Like Jesus appearing in the dreams of Muslims and bringing them to faith in Him, he knows his own and who will respond. An open heart will respond to grace, a closed one will not.....makes me sad. In the 1st Epistle of John he talks about those are in love are in God. Those who hate are in darkness. I do believe that the love of God that we are to manifest has no boundaries, but we are to love all, even our enemies. To love those who love us is nothing really, but to love those who are 'outside' is a sign of God's grace, for I know from experience from my own inner struggles to forgive and love those 'others', that it is only grace that allows this to happen and the power of the Holy Spirit that brings the healing to bear so that it can be done.
  12. Thank you for taking so much time in responding. I read and am thankful for you clarity. One thing, the Catholic bible does not have the Mass in it, unless it is a Missal. Also I will be careful about sharing specifics about my faith. Bible only got it ;-).
  13. Language is the problem my friend. I do believe that Christ Jesus loves us all in a manner that if we experienced it we would die of joy. I also believe from experience that the Lord will not easily let go of someone who wanders, he brings them back, he seeks out the lost sheep, leaving the 99. I agree we are saved totally by Christ Jesus and we are called to a deep loving relationship with him. I do believe however that people can turn their backs on God and refuse to return. In my prayer I hope and pray for the salvation of men and woman, for just as Jesus loves me and has shown mercy to me, so he does with all, if only they would respond. Only God knows the heart I agree my friend. I am glad you are here, and you are a sister in Christ to me, even if you might think I am not ;-). I still think about your post when you spent the day in prayer, it was so pure, childlike and joyful. I found it healing and helpful in my own walk with Christ Jesus. Thank you for your patience with me. Peace mark
  14. God bless you! I am happy you had the courage to speak up.
  15. Thank you for sharing my friend. I am glad that you have found Jesus Christ and have a deep trusting relationship with him. However, being Catholic I have found that as well. There is no scriptural quote that states that those who don't believe in OSAS are lost, I know the New Testament and find it nowhere. I also know there are quotes that seem to state that, then others from St. Paul that state otherwise..... however it does say that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved. What you are saying is that people who don't have a certain understanding of salvation, OSAS even though they seek the Lord and love the Lord will at death find themselves in Hell.....I find that bizarre to say the least. Jesus came to save what was lost, yet you seem to want to come up ith all kinds of hoops for people to jump through before they are actually saved. We are saved by God's grace, his mercy, his love and those who seek are promised to find, you seem to be saying that those who seek but don't agree with you are lost for eternity, in a place of torture even though they love and God and seek his face. I am fine with you not agreeing with me, but telling me that I am going to hell is something you have no right to do, or to judge, because you are incapable of it. That is why the Lord told us not to judge. I am not judging you, for I know that you are a loving woman who loves the Lord, I believe you, but many Catholics, who were once non-catholic can say the same thing. Jesus is our Lord, he is our savior, it is by his grace and mercy we are saved.
  16. I do understand, but like I have said, that is an opinion. I don't feel judged by you, you are a kind man, just speaking your mind. This is after all a non-catholic site ;-).....I am the alien here so to speak. Though I have been told I and all Catholics are going to hell....so I guess I am being judged by some, but not by you. Peace mark
  17. Actually I believe that the harsh judging that goes on about the RCC is from the flesh. It is as common as mud how people (myself included) judge those harshly who believe and worship differently. Your opinion on how the RCC got it wrong, is just that an opinion. Many non-Catholics after they do a through study of the Church becomes Catholics, that includes ministers and regular people. So they disagree with you. Scott Hahn is one of the most famous. A fundamentalist Calvinist who studied the church to prove it wrong and evil, yet got converted after seeking the historical development of the Christian faith. Thanks for responding ;-). Peace Mark
  18. Interior awareness When people take seriously their interior life, they slowly become aware of how quickly they can react to outside stimulation. In trying to become a more approachable human being we over time become aware how we can keep that from coming true. So that is when conversion begins in earnest, especially if we also seek a relationship with God making it important and central in our lives. For then we come to realize that we often just react, we see how unjust that can be towards others and how we can be controlled by past hurts and injustices. This does cause intense inner struggle, but it also makes us freer and our relationship with others can over time become more just and loving. Part of the wounding of the soul, comes when the Holy Spirit starts to bring forth the greatest gifts, higher than all Spiritual gifts, which is Love. It is a love that is stronger than death, and is willing to bear all for the sake of drawing closer to the Lord and growth in loving self and others. It is a slow journey, yet in the end a joyful one even in the midst of struggle. Once I am aware of the log, or logs in my own eye, I become more conscious when I fall into judging others when I may be (usually am) doing the same thing, or worse. Judging others and pointing fingers can be a way of seeking to escape form the humility that self knowledge brings.–Br.MD
  19. Jesus said in John 6:53 So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Jesus lost many disciples over this saying, they left him because the saying was too hard for them. This is why the Eucharist is central to not only Catholic worship but to all the older branches of Christianity. "Born again-ism" started in the 19th century and has little connection with the traditions of Christianity. As for the other sacraments, yes they are important for through them Christ does work in the world. Baptism, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony, the fact that 'Born Agains' don't take this seriously shows that you have cut yourself off from the living traditions of the Church. The sacraments are not obstacles to Christ but avenues of grace shown through redeemed matter. The church is needed for without it, you get what is so common here in this site, each becomes the ultimate authority of the scriptures, each thinks that they are led by the Holy Spirit even though there is disagreement on central issues. Salvation being one of them. Eucharist means thanksgiving, and the Eucharist is the "source and summit of the Christian life." St. Justin Martyr described the Eucharistic Liturgy in 155 AD in his First Apology. The Paschal mystery of Christ is celebrated in the liturgy of the Mass. The Mass (or Divine Liturgy in the East) is the Eucharist or principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of our salvation through participation in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished. The word "Mass" comes from the Latin missa, as it refers to the mission or sending forth of the faithful following the celebration, so that they may fulfill God's will in their daily lives. Jesus died once on the cross in sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 9:25-28). But Jesus is present for all time, as he is the eternal Son of God. What he did once in history also then exists for all eternity. What happened in time goes beyond time. In the heart of Jesus he is always giving himself to the Father for us, as he did on the Cross. When we celebrate the Mass, the sacrifice of the cross, that happened once in history but is present for all eternity, that same reality is made present in mystery. The bread and wine through Transubstantiation become the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and we receive the Real Presence of Jesus when we receive Holy Communion. Our soul is nourished, helping us to become like Christ. The Eucharist is the heart and source of community within the Church. Receiving Holy Communion with others during the Mass brings unity of the Church, the Body of Christ (I Corinthians 10:16-17). I believe that 'born agains' miss out on a very important aspect of the Eucharist, the receiving of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
  20. Jesus said in John 6:53 So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Jesus lost many disciples over this saying, they left him because the saying was too hard for them. This is why the Eucharist is central to not only Catholic worship but to all the older branches of Christianity. "Born again-ism" started in the 19th century and has little connection with the traditions of Christianity. As for the other sacraments, yes they are important for through them Christ does work in the world. Baptism, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Confirmation and Holy Matrimony, the fact that 'Born Agains' don't take this seriously shows that you have cut yourself off from the living traditions of the Church. The sacraments are not obstacles to Christ but avenues of grace shown through redeemed matter. The church is needed for without it, you get what is so common here in this site, each becomes the ultimate authority of the scriptures, each thinks that they are led by the Holy Spirit even though there is disagreement on central issues. Salvation being one of them. Eucharist means thanksgiving, and the Eucharist is the "source and summit of the Christian life." St. Justin Martyr described the Eucharistic Liturgy in 155 AD in his First Apology. The Paschal mystery of Christ is celebrated in the liturgy of the Mass. The Mass (or Divine Liturgy in the East) is the Eucharist or principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of our salvation through participation in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished. The word "Mass" comes from the Latin missa, as it refers to the mission or sending forth of the faithful following the celebration, so that they may fulfill God's will in their daily lives. Jesus died once on the cross in sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 9:25-28). But Jesus is present for all time, as he is the eternal Son of God. What he did once in history also then exists for all eternity. What happened in time goes beyond time. In the heart of Jesus he is always giving himself to the Father for us, as he did on the Cross. When we celebrate the Mass, the sacrifice of the cross, that happened once in history but is present for all eternity, that same reality is made present in mystery. The bread and wine through Transubstantiation become the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and we receive the Real Presence of Jesus when we receive Holy Communion. Our soul is nourished, helping us to become like Christ. The Eucharist is the heart and source of community within the Church. Receiving Holy Communion with others during the Mass brings unity of the Church, the Body of Christ (I Corinthians 10:16-17). I believe that 'born agains' miss out on a very important aspect of the Eucharist, the receiving of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
  21. Jesus Christ is God, so how could there be salvation apart from Him? The path towards God is narrow for we are to let go of sin, to love and to allow the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us. The Holy Spirit blows where he wills and none of us can put a limit on that. Jesus himself said that those who seek shall find. I think that points out that a seeking heart will find truth. In the Last Judgment scene in Matthew people were judged on how they loved and helped others. Why? Well because Jesus identifies with the suffering so in ignoring those in need, we ignore Christ. This brings out I believe Jesus’ intimacy with all of us, especially the suffering and outcast. "Born Agains" really are not together as a group when it comes to the question about salvation. The OSAS belief is not accepted by all and both sides use scriptures to back up their stance on this issue. I do believe that Billy Graham has matured enough in the faith that when he makes a statement which can be misunderstood easily, I believe he is merely saying that God does what he wills, give grace to whom he wills, and saves whom he wills. To speak of love is not 'fluff', but a hard truth. In the first Epistle of John he speaks that to hate is to be outside of the light, so what those who actually do love; or they outside of the light if they are from another faith. What about "Born Agains", who hate, are they still in the light? The OSAS approach states that the way is actually broad, for once saved in reality one can do what they want, so how is that a narrow way? We are told not to judge for a reason, yet we continue to seek out some simple way to point out who is dammed and who is not. I do believe that some here like to think that after death there is big surprise for most of us. What is it? Well SURPRISE, sorry son or daughter but you got it wrong, you believed too much in works, or not enough in works, or had the wrong idea about Jesus, so off to hell you go. So the paradox is that in hell are people who love God and others, while in heaven there are “Born Agains” who love no one, but because of one ‘work’ the prayer of salvation they can be in heaven even if they do not love God or others. I find this both amusing and horrifying at the same time. Love God, Love People, keep it simple allow God to sort it out, and I believe his sorting is not what we think or believe, quotes aside. Of course I am Catholic, so what can you expect, right ;-).
  22. Since Jesus is the Word of God, eternal, infinite and the creator of the Universe, perhaps as he go deeper into the Mystery of Christ, he sees his face in everyone, especially those who are seeking and at the same time growing in to loving human beings. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ, however that happens. Maybe not according to narrow interpretations of the bible.
  23. He is wrong about Bill Graham. I don't know too much about the other preachers on TV, don't like them when I did watch once in a while when young. Billy Graham however, I have always loved to listen to. A true man of Christ. Everyone seems to know who is a true christian and who isn't today, though those who know can't always agree who they are ;-).
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