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About southrnbygrace

  • Birthday 09/16/1961

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    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Music, reading, professional wrestling fan

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  1. Exactly. Just because you are saved does not mean you stop being human. Jesus is the only perfect person to ever live....being a Christian does not mean you become perfect and as such, you can and sometimes do make wrong choices. The judgemental tone in this thread is off the charts. It saddens me that some feel the need to try and dig at those of us who admit to having failures in our Christian walk. That somehow we are 'less' or even not Christian at all because of our humanness.
  2. So basically ya'll are saying that once you're a Christian, you're perfect...you cease being human and making human mistakes. You cannot and will not ever do anything to disappoint God. I really do wish I was that perfect. But I'm not. Every day I make bad decisions, some times unknowlingly and sometimes I know it's wrong but in my humanness I still make the wrong decision. I guess all I can do is ask for prayers.
  3. Here is probably my favorite song in Christian music from the past 5 years. Beautiful song by Tenth Avenue North
  4. My problem with once saved, always saved is that it puts forth a teaching that once someone accepts Christ, they can live their life as a child killer, rapist, drunkard, etc etc and never have to worry because they'll still go to heaven since they were 'saved' when they were young. I fully believe that someone can willingly walk away from God after salvation has occurred and that if they die before repenting they will spend eternity in hell by their own choice. God will never be the one to turn his back on us, but He certainly gave us the free will to turn our backs on Him.
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