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Posts posted by Dabby26

  1. 13 hours ago, shiloh357 said:

    The modern Democrat party promotes values that are in complete rebellion to the values and teachings of Scripture.   You cannot promote gay marriage, LGBT values, Evolution, etc. and claim that you follow Christ.   The Democrat party is really the party of sin.

    So, if you believe they are misled and are walking in the path of sinners, how can they be committed followers of Jesus?  Your comments are self-contradictory in that regard.

    Furthermore, you clearly don't understand social justice.    Social justice is rooted in socialism, not in helping the poor.   In social justice, poverty is viewed as an injustice.   If you are rich and I am poor, my poverty places a moral obligation upon you  to alleviate it.    So your money is not your money.  It's my money, too.   In social justice, all property is shared property. 

    If you have 100 milk cows that you raised and fed so that you could profit from their milk production, social justice would demand that your cows are shared property and so the government will take 99 of your 100 cows and give them to 99 people who don't have a milk cow.   None of you can profit from having only one milk cow, but now everything is socially "just."  Social justice is about making everyone equal, even if it means that everyone is equally poor.  Poverty is only injustice if some people are not poor and others are.   If EVERYONE is equally poor, that's socially just.

    Social Justice and socialism don't provide incentive to create jobs or better wages, because everything you do and the money you make is given to someone else.   You make $20 an hour, but are only allowed to keep $5 an hour.   You may have a great wage, but you have to share it with me, even though I am not working and don't want to work.  In social justice, you pay for me.


    I can say that because I know these people personally and I know their hearts.  It sounds contradictory to me as well.  That is why I brought up the topic in the first place.  I cannot wrap my head around it.  Thank you for your lesson on social justice and socialism though. 

  2. 15 hours ago, JohnD said:

    This begs the question do you know what all a born again Christian is?

    Answer: one who believes in Jesus Christ.

    Just about everything else we do or say or think or feel or even believe usually ends up in the same category of stupidity.

    God had to make it that simple on account of us.

    Which doesn't mean he did not have to hold his nose to save us (certainly me).


    Of course, I do (know what a born-again Christian is), as you can see by my post above this one.  I know it is not a prerequisite for salvation, obviously! However, I do very much wonder what they are thinking.  If you think of everything the Democrat party stands for, it is mind-boggling to me.  I feel like they are standing on the wrong side of righteousness.  I feel frustrated that I am not able to get them to see that.  It is what it is, so I will just pray and hope they see the error of their ways!

  3. 2 minutes ago, shiloh357 said:

    Given the far left radical values the Democrat party now espouses, there is no way a person who is a committed follower of Jesus can be a Democrat.



    I know that is NOT true, because some very spirit-filled ladies in my Bible study are Democrat.  We have decided not to talk about politics because their views are far different than mine.  I think as some have said, a lot of it is because of "social justice" point of view.  But for the life of me, I cannot understand this point of view.  To me, social justice is teaching someone to fish or to own a fish market rather than to wait for their "portion" every day.  Less regulation in every aspect of our lives would free us up to start businesses, hire workers, pay better wages and give to charities and churches to truly help the needy without the waste of the government.  I do believe they are misled and are walking in the path of sinners.  We need to pray for the blinders to be removed from their eyes.

  4. 4 hours ago, Davida said:

      Christians  really need to be aware of the Policies and Platforms of their Political Party and not to chose a Party that is in direct contradiction to the moral conduct, values & ethics that GOD lays out to us in Bible scripture.  This is why the general public disrespects Christians, because of seeing their lack of consistent conduct, ethics and morals.  What is a Christian that supports abortion?  What is a Christian that supports Euthanasia and assisted suicide? What is a Christian that does not support traditional marriage between a man & a woman as GOD ordained? What is a Christian that accepts homosexuals being ordained as Pastors?  What is a Christian that agrees there are as many genders as anyone wants to declare?  What is a Christian that accepts sexual perversion as a norm?   What is a Christian that does not stand up for Israel? and on and on....THIS is the reason that Christians stopped garnering the respect of others- because they became just like others. No Salt - No Light.  


    Well said!

  5. 2 hours ago, GoldenEagle said:

    Think of how much the Democrat party has changed even in the last 20 years. 

    The short answer is yes you can be a Democrat and a born again Believer. 

    That is a different question all together. A much better question in fact. :thumbsup: 

    Understating why is a lot better than judging half the population in the USA. Don't you think? 

    God bless,


    My intention was not to be judge and jury, but to wrap my head around their reasoning.  If the Republican party no longer had a platform of being pro-life, and decided the Constitution really didn't matter anymore, and that I had to keep my religious faith in a closet, then I would leave that party.  It is not the party I am wed to, it is the principles for which that party stands.

    2 hours ago, ricky said:

    A lot of Christians who are Democrats look at the Democratic position on social programs and think they are more in line with Christs teachings on poverty. Here in the South there is still some older people who have never change from being Democrats since the 60s they may even vote Republican at the national level, but vote Democrats at the state and county level. 

    On another note I have noticed that some are saying that support for open borders is a reason that Christians should not support the Democratic Party. While I disagree with open borders from a law an order standpoint, I am struggling to see how it is applicable from a Christian standpoint.


    As far as open borders is concerned, it does matter because those coming in illegally, for the most part, do not want to be American citizens.  It seems to me that more and more of them want to "take back" what they perceive as their country.  They desire anarchy and civil unrest to precipitate a civil war.  They do not want to abide by our laws or Constitution.  The underpinnings of our country are at stake which depend on being self-governed according to the laws enacted through our political process. 

    "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." --John Adams wrote this on June 28, 1813, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson.



  6. 7 minutes ago, LadyKay said:

    Oh my goodness! I am so annoyed with people's faith and Christianity being judge by who they vote for. I have news for you. Jesus is not a member of the either party! 


    That is very true, Jesus is not a member of party.  He is the King of kings and he has declared what is evil in His sight.  When we vote for and condone those things that Christ is against, then it seems to me we are on the wrong side of truth and standing with evil.  I cannot judge a person's heart, only God can.  I do believe they are misled, though.  Doesn't the Bible say "Do not stand in the path of the wicked." 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Ezra said:

    No, you are not wrong at all. The Democrats have become more and more socialistic, ultra-liberal, and undemocratic, and stand for many political and social positions which are not Christian. The promotion of abortion, Planned Parenthood, same-sex marriage, transgender bathrooms, illegal immigration, funding and supporting terrorists, open borders, transfer of jobs to foreign countries are either plainly evil or detrimental to genuine citizens. 


    Wow! That's pretty much it in a nutshell.

  8. 4 hours ago, BacKaran said:


    Thanks to the protesters, I said two yrs ago that Obama will call martial law so he can be king until he ends martial law...... Trump's not IN IN and Obama can do alot if damage before he leaves.... It's getting interesting



    My gut tells me this is a real possibility.  They've worked too hard to fundamentally change America to release their grip willingly.  This administration has not abided by the Constitution nor enforced our agreed-upon laws.  Why would we think they would abide by our transfer of power traditions?  We shall see, but the bussing in of protestors and the premade protest signs are a hint at what might be coming. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Openly Curious said:

    Can a born-again Christian be a democrat?

    It is more like

    Can they be?  Or  Should they be?

    As individuals in the USA we each have the right to vote Republican, Democrat or other party of our choice.  It does not matter if we are or are not a born again Christian for it is simply our right to choose who we vote for.

    There are many things I personally cannot agree with being a Christian in the democratic party to where I can't vote democratic.


    I guess the question should be, "Why would a born-again Christian choose to align themselves with the Democrat party?"  I know that some do, but to me, things are mostly black and white, right or wrong.  I think the liberal media may have a lot to do with the far left-leaning news they hear much of the time or maybe it is family tradition when there were such things as conservative democrats, but those are long gone.  I would love to hear from Christians who vote for the Democrats.  I really want to understand their paradigm. 

  10. God bless all the men and women who served this great country!  Thank you for your selfless service to preserve peace around the world and fight evil where and when necessary. 

    I hope everyone gets to go out to see the Mel Gibson movie, "Hacksaw Ridge." It is an amazing true story of a man of faith, Desmond Doss, who became the first conscientious objector.  He went into Battle of Okinawa in WWII to save lives as a medic.  What he did was nothing short of miraculous. 

  11. On 11/7/2016 at 9:00 PM, bittermara said:

    I dont have words to describe the predicament I'm in right now.  I've had problems before but not to the extent of what we are facing now. I dont how to stress the urgency of my situation except to say that I live in a 3rd world moslem country, belonging to a marginalised section of society where help is scarce. 

    Our prayers seem to be falling on deafened ears. Maybe GOD will hear yours, I am only begging for sincere prayers and intercession on our behalf, nothing else.

    a. urgent need of shelter - home - 

    b. I need a job or some way of earning an income to support myself and mom

    c. We have subsidised medical in my country but as we belong to a minority group, the powers that be will not subisidise my moms knee operation.  We cant afford an operation in a private hospital.  Actually we cant afford anything.  My mom is 72 and blind.  We have no other family.

    If GOD will not intervene, the least he can do is end our suffering. 

    Thank you for allowing me to post.





    Bittermara, why do you give yourself that screen name?  You said you live in a Moslem country, have you received Jesus Christ as your Savior?  I am just wondering because that way I will know better how to pray for your and your situation.  I am very sorry you feel marginalized in your society.  I will lift you up before the Throne Room of the Almighty God.  He knows your heart and he knows your needs.  Blessings, Dabby26

  12. 1 hour ago, KPaulG said:

    How's everything going now?

    His hours are such that he sleeps during the day and we are like ships that pass in the night; however, I spoke to a Christian man who works where my son and I both work.  He told me that he spoke with my son last night and things were not going well.  He prayed for him and tried to encourage him.  Please continue to pray for him as he comes to your mind.  I am grateful for your prayers. 

  13. Please pray for my son.  He works at Amazon in the warehouse in logistics.  He is dealing with time-sensitive delivery trucks coming and going.  It is a highly stressful job. He has only been on the job for approximately 2 months or so.  I would ask that you pray for him to have wisdom, understanding, and peace.  I also ask for God's favor upon him in a certain situation.  I ask that the things being covered up would come to light and those at fault would take responsibility.  

  14. 2 hours ago, alien224 said:

    I need to make some difficult decisions. I want to do what is right. Please pray God will give me wisdom and clear judgement and the right things to say. This involves matters of the heart and is very difficult to see in which direction is the right path to go.Thank you all so much for your prayers!


    Just the fact that you have a tender heart and are seeking God's guidance and direction, He loves that from his kids and will show up on Your behalf and show off His goodness in this situation because He loves you. 

    Blessings, Dabby26

  15. 16 hours ago, other one said:


    Not signed in

    This seems crystal clear once we found out she did her State Department (monkey) business on a private server set up in the bathroom of her private residence.  She obviously did this because she had planned from the get-go to use her position to barter and trade for money and influence.  Thank God for Wikileaks!  She has sold out this country for 30 pieces of silver. 

  16. Praying Psalm 62 for your daughter. 

    My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.

    He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.

    In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

    Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.



  17. 18 hours ago, cherubim said:

    Thank you for caring - I've needed this forum - a body of believers. I agree that it is a spiritual battle. Although I've been through many battles I still have a difficult time knowing what our responsibility vs God's. Will you pray for wisdom? My husband & I are facing trial upon trial - and now have my sister - who I care about - betray my trust. Things in the world are going crazy and it seems the people in it! No one does right.


    Father in Heaven, I come into Your Presence boldly bringing cherubim's request.  I ask that You would grant Her Your wisdom to discern this situation she is going through.  You said You would give wisdom to those who ask.  You are well aware of the spiritual attacks her and her family have been undergoing.  You warned us of this in Your Word, in Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."  And in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."  We ask that you tear down cherubim's stronghold of unforgiveness.  By the power of Your Holy Spirit, please show her how to truly forgive her sister for all the harm she has caused and release her sister from judgment so that she will repent of her sins and by Your Spirit receive Christ as her Savior.  May there be reconciliation in all areas of family relationships.  May what the devil desires to harm them, You turn around and use it for Your glory and their blessings.  Give cherubim peace that surpasses human understanding.  We thank You for what You are in the process of working out even now.  We praise You for Your faithfulness and Your love for us.  Amen.  Blessings, Dabby26


  18. I am so sorry to hear of your family's trouble.  This definitely sounds like a spiritual battle.  Remember that we battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Once you are able to see it as such, pray about it and take your spiritual authority that you have in Christ Jesus.  Put the whole situation in God's hands because He said that "vengeance is His." He can work things out for your good so much better than taking matters into our own hands. 

  19. There are truths to each of these statements.  However, I think ThePatriot2016 gave the most helpful answer from my point of view.   If we go with a heart of seeking others who may be hurting worse than ourselves, then in the process God seems to work healing in our own struggles.  I attended church for years with basically the same mindset, judging the church because I thought it was going to be one big family and I would be accepted for who I am there.  But I have found out that those kinds of relationships come more readily in the setting of home Bible study gatherings.  I would say that the most important thing is to pick a person in whom you can readily see the fruits of the Spirit and who is consciously giving place to the Holy Spirit to take the lead.  I have the fortune of being in a group like this.  Sometimes you cannot share your heart of hearts with everyone, but there may be someone Spirit-filled who has or is going through the same things you are and there may be 1 or 2 people with  whom you can share your deepest struggles with.  Like as with Jesus, he had a group of 12, then he had a tighter knit group of 3, so I think this is a model.  I have truly found a home in my small group and thank God for the fellowship and friendship I have come to know.  Much blessings.  Dabby26


  20. 7 hours ago, Sailingsoul said:

    ok yesterday I had a convo with a group of people about god. I didn't initiative it , it started out about something totally different and just led up to God . So one dude didnt believe in the spirit of god... And that amazed me..his thing was being more concerns with facts: Like what was the first book of the bible, the fact its been translated so many different times and theres missing books....


    but I asked, if all we have is a breathe in us-- what did Jesus come to save? And he couldn't answer that...


    anyway, I keep replaying it in my mind..bc this was sooo off guard for me, I wasn't prepared... I'm still healing myself from church hurt... And ..idk I just felt like ...could have been someone else, plus I wasn't there to convert anyone... In still trying to keep myself saved...basically I'm saying I'm not perfect... I just wish it hadn't occurred because I wasn't ready.


    In the first place, you cannot keep yourself saved.  I understand your meaning though.  It sounds like you are saying that you have not been living in a way that would reflect the glory of the Lord, so you do not feel qualified to lead others to Christ (if this is not correct, please let me know).  I have felt unqualified for as long as I can remember, but God is showing me I am really who He says I am and not what I have believed about myself (because I have tended to brand myself not good enough or less than others).  I now realize that those are the thoughts satan whispers in our ear hoping we will believe it is truth and that is how so many wrong beliefs about ourselves get implanted into our hearts.  Jesus has qualified us by His shed blood on the cross.  He took our sinfulness and exchanged it for His righteousness.  As soon as we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us.  Practice that.  Don't let satan browbeat you.  Our spirits are holy and righteous, but our souls have scars that need to be healed.  Give yourself grace because God does. 

    When you find yourself in that situation again, whisper a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit who is with you for the right words and to "listen" to the heart of the person who is speaking.  For instance, when Jesus met with the rich young ruler, he asked Jesus, "What should I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus told him the things that are in the law.  He proudly announced that he kept those.  But Jesus got to what was in his heart and his money was holding him back from following Jesus.  The rich young ruler left Jesus feeling sad and grieving. 

    Much blessings,


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