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Everything posted by Dabby26

  1. I can say that because I know these people personally and I know their hearts. It sounds contradictory to me as well. That is why I brought up the topic in the first place. I cannot wrap my head around it. Thank you for your lesson on social justice and socialism though.
  2. Of course, I do (know what a born-again Christian is), as you can see by my post above this one. I know it is not a prerequisite for salvation, obviously! However, I do very much wonder what they are thinking. If you think of everything the Democrat party stands for, it is mind-boggling to me. I feel like they are standing on the wrong side of righteousness. I feel frustrated that I am not able to get them to see that. It is what it is, so I will just pray and hope they see the error of their ways!
  3. I know that is NOT true, because some very spirit-filled ladies in my Bible study are Democrat. We have decided not to talk about politics because their views are far different than mine. I think as some have said, a lot of it is because of "social justice" point of view. But for the life of me, I cannot understand this point of view. To me, social justice is teaching someone to fish or to own a fish market rather than to wait for their "portion" every day. Less regulation in every aspect of our lives would free us up to start businesses, hire workers, pay better wages and give to charities and churches to truly help the needy without the waste of the government. I do believe they are misled and are walking in the path of sinners. We need to pray for the blinders to be removed from their eyes.
  4. My intention was not to be judge and jury, but to wrap my head around their reasoning. If the Republican party no longer had a platform of being pro-life, and decided the Constitution really didn't matter anymore, and that I had to keep my religious faith in a closet, then I would leave that party. It is not the party I am wed to, it is the principles for which that party stands. As far as open borders is concerned, it does matter because those coming in illegally, for the most part, do not want to be American citizens. It seems to me that more and more of them want to "take back" what they perceive as their country. They desire anarchy and civil unrest to precipitate a civil war. They do not want to abide by our laws or Constitution. The underpinnings of our country are at stake which depend on being self-governed according to the laws enacted through our political process. "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." --John Adams wrote this on June 28, 1813, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson.
  5. That is very true, Jesus is not a member of party. He is the King of kings and he has declared what is evil in His sight. When we vote for and condone those things that Christ is against, then it seems to me we are on the wrong side of truth and standing with evil. I cannot judge a person's heart, only God can. I do believe they are misled, though. Doesn't the Bible say "Do not stand in the path of the wicked."
  6. My gut tells me this is a real possibility. They've worked too hard to fundamentally change America to release their grip willingly. This administration has not abided by the Constitution nor enforced our agreed-upon laws. Why would we think they would abide by our transfer of power traditions? We shall see, but the bussing in of protestors and the premade protest signs are a hint at what might be coming.
  7. I guess the question should be, "Why would a born-again Christian choose to align themselves with the Democrat party?" I know that some do, but to me, things are mostly black and white, right or wrong. I think the liberal media may have a lot to do with the far left-leaning news they hear much of the time or maybe it is family tradition when there were such things as conservative democrats, but those are long gone. I would love to hear from Christians who vote for the Democrats. I really want to understand their paradigm.
  8. My born-again Christian friend and I got into a disagreement about the election results. She is a lifelong Democrat. To me, the two do not go hand-in-hand, and I cannot wrap my mind around it. I really want to know what others think? Am I wrong?
  9. God bless all the men and women who served this great country! Thank you for your selfless service to preserve peace around the world and fight evil where and when necessary. I hope everyone gets to go out to see the Mel Gibson movie, "Hacksaw Ridge." It is an amazing true story of a man of faith, Desmond Doss, who became the first conscientious objector. He went into Battle of Okinawa in WWII to save lives as a medic. What he did was nothing short of miraculous.
  10. This seems crystal clear once we found out she did her State Department (monkey) business on a private server set up in the bathroom of her private residence. She obviously did this because she had planned from the get-go to use her position to barter and trade for money and influence. Thank God for Wikileaks! She has sold out this country for 30 pieces of silver.
  11. Yes, that the Almighty God who fills all in all, would condense His essence into a human body to relate to us so we can relate to Him, is mind-numbing.
  12. Father in Heaven, I come into Your Presence boldly bringing cherubim's request. I ask that You would grant Her Your wisdom to discern this situation she is going through. You said You would give wisdom to those who ask. You are well aware of the spiritual attacks her and her family have been undergoing. You warned us of this in Your Word, in Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." And in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." We ask that you tear down cherubim's stronghold of unforgiveness. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, please show her how to truly forgive her sister for all the harm she has caused and release her sister from judgment so that she will repent of her sins and by Your Spirit receive Christ as her Savior. May there be reconciliation in all areas of family relationships. May what the devil desires to harm them, You turn around and use it for Your glory and their blessings. Give cherubim peace that surpasses human understanding. We thank You for what You are in the process of working out even now. We praise You for Your faithfulness and Your love for us. Amen. Blessings, Dabby26
  13. Thank you for the beautiful description of the soon coming King. The thronal picture got me to thinking a bit. In that picture, you only see the glory, so I am thinking this is Jesus glorified on the throne, correct? Then that got me to thinking about the Father. Will we be ever able to see the Father or will we only know Him through Christ in eternity? This may sound blasphemous, but it is not meant to be, do you think the Father will have a form or shape or do you think He is an unseen spirit?
  14. I am so sorry to hear of your family's trouble. This definitely sounds like a spiritual battle. Remember that we battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. Once you are able to see it as such, pray about it and take your spiritual authority that you have in Christ Jesus. Put the whole situation in God's hands because He said that "vengeance is His." He can work things out for your good so much better than taking matters into our own hands.
  15. There are truths to each of these statements. However, I think ThePatriot2016 gave the most helpful answer from my point of view. If we go with a heart of seeking others who may be hurting worse than ourselves, then in the process God seems to work healing in our own struggles. I attended church for years with basically the same mindset, judging the church because I thought it was going to be one big family and I would be accepted for who I am there. But I have found out that those kinds of relationships come more readily in the setting of home Bible study gatherings. I would say that the most important thing is to pick a person in whom you can readily see the fruits of the Spirit and who is consciously giving place to the Holy Spirit to take the lead. I have the fortune of being in a group like this. Sometimes you cannot share your heart of hearts with everyone, but there may be someone Spirit-filled who has or is going through the same things you are and there may be 1 or 2 people with whom you can share your deepest struggles with. Like as with Jesus, he had a group of 12, then he had a tighter knit group of 3, so I think this is a model. I have truly found a home in my small group and thank God for the fellowship and friendship I have come to know. Much blessings. Dabby26
  16. In the first place, you cannot keep yourself saved. I understand your meaning though. It sounds like you are saying that you have not been living in a way that would reflect the glory of the Lord, so you do not feel qualified to lead others to Christ (if this is not correct, please let me know). I have felt unqualified for as long as I can remember, but God is showing me I am really who He says I am and not what I have believed about myself (because I have tended to brand myself not good enough or less than others). I now realize that those are the thoughts satan whispers in our ear hoping we will believe it is truth and that is how so many wrong beliefs about ourselves get implanted into our hearts. Jesus has qualified us by His shed blood on the cross. He took our sinfulness and exchanged it for His righteousness. As soon as we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us. Practice that. Don't let satan browbeat you. Our spirits are holy and righteous, but our souls have scars that need to be healed. Give yourself grace because God does. When you find yourself in that situation again, whisper a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit who is with you for the right words and to "listen" to the heart of the person who is speaking. For instance, when Jesus met with the rich young ruler, he asked Jesus, "What should I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus told him the things that are in the law. He proudly announced that he kept those. But Jesus got to what was in his heart and his money was holding him back from following Jesus. The rich young ruler left Jesus feeling sad and grieving. Much blessings, Dabby26
  17. That is absolutely amazing. You see, I want to feel that kind of love for Jesus and God that you "feel". What I am realizing is that if you can't feel His love, then He will always feel distant and far away. For me, that is the frustrating part. I do walk by faith as someone else said, but honestly there must be more. It is a relationship and that is personal. I appreciate your input. Much blessings.
  18. I am in the process of reading a book by Christa Black Gifford called "Heart Made Whole: Turning your unhealed pain into your greatest strength". At the end of each chapter there are some questions she asks. I honestly am having a difficult time answering them. She asks "How do you see, feel, hear and experience your heavenly Father. Is He trustworthy or not; is He distant, cruel and angry; or loving, merciful and kind?" She says, "You will relate to God in the way that you perceive Him." I don't really have much of an imagination, so I don't really see Jesus so much. I have the feeling that the Father is very loving, and because I relate to Him as my Daddy-God, I feel secure in His presence. I had one vision, I guess, you'd say of Jesus where I was a little child and He was carrying me and He was laughing as we were looking up at the clouds and making pictures out of them. I do not remember what it was I read at that time that stimulated that vision, but I know it had to do with healing a neglectful childhood. I still remember it and it fills me with great joy and a wonder of His love. I do not have any picture of the Holy Spirit, because I am just beginning to be more aware of His presence, and so I have to remind myself to ask for His help or words or wisdom, etc. I was hoping some of you may enlighten me further or even share your struggles relating to God as well.
  19. Dear Redsteel, Oh, how I can relate to what you are saying. It has taken me (too many) years to only part way understand what is happening when these kinds of emotions come up in my flesh. I grew up with a spirit of rejection upon my life as a young child and abandonment issues. I did not have the love, affection, and nurture from parents who loved me and made me feel valued and accepted. That kind of upbringing brings about insecurity and with insecurity you tend to judge and compare yourself to others and in my case, it seems I believed I was never good enough. Even after receiving Christ many years ago, I believed God judged me when I did wrong and that He was mad at me. God is not mad at you. You were separated from His goodness because of your sin (and so was I and every human being). But He loved you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, who was sinless, to this world to bear our sins in His body as He suffered on the cross for us. He took our sin and in exchange Jesus gave us His righteousness. When this exchange takes place, then God sees us holy, covered in Jesus' righteousness. That enables us to come boldly into Father God's presence and talk to Him. He desires honesty from us. That is hard because sometimes it is difficult to be honest with ourselves. I say all this to get to this point, that you need to distinguish your own thoughts from those of satan who wants you to believe his thoughts are yours (which they are not); thoughts like, "They don't like me", "I'm too fat.", "I'll never measure up.", "I'll always be on the outside looking in." As you begin to read the Bible consistently you will learn that God's love for you is immeasurable and that he created you perfectly you. There is only one you in the whole world and there will never be another. When you learn to love this person (yourself) God created, you don't have to compare yourself with others. These feelings still will come up (because satan never ever gives up) but what is important is what you do with them. Confess them to God. Ask for forgiveness. Ask Him to teach you His thoughts about whatever you are feeling such as envy, jealousy, pride, etc. Then go to the Bible and look up those topics. Speak God's truth out loud and ask Him to help you change. Then make sure you pray that God will bless the person you were feeling envy or ill will about. Pray for their salvation. Jesus taught us to pray: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." That means it is important not to take offense and if we do to confess it and repent right away. I hope this helps somewhat. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all have these feelings, more often than a lot of us would like to admit. Much blessings and love in Christ, Dabby26
  20. Hello JustABitLost, I am a newbie as well and am unsure exactly where to go to post something that is on my heart. I did a lot of exploring and there are some tutorials on how to navigate this site. I think once you find the right place to share your issues, you will get the encouragement you so dearly need. I wanted to welcome you to Worthy Network (even though I am only hours new myself). Please let me know when you repost to the appropriate forum. I have some thoughts I would like to share with you, if you do not mind. I will be praying for you. Just know that God led you here because He loves you and is guiding you. Please do not give up. That is Satan's plan. As it says in God's Word, John 10:10: "The thief (which is satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they (that is you and me and people who receive Christ as Savior) may have life and have it abundantly." God has good things in store for you. God bless you richly. Dabby26
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