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Everything posted by AuntJenny

  1. Thanks everyone for your comments. I want to be clear that I'm not asking if it's important to eat healthy foods. Of course it is, and I've been doing it for years -- to the best of what I knew it at the time. My sugar intake already was very low (an occasional treat or piece of gifted pie put in front of me at a rare dinner party. What I didn't know that whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds contain phytic acid which robs the body of important minerals needed for healthy bones and teeth. Every morning, I ate my favorite breakfast of Trader Joe's Shredded Mini Wheats (100% whole wheat and nothing else) topped with several almonds and milk. And my beloved morning coffee without sugar or cream. We eat mostly organic chicken, fish, turkey, occasional beef, fruits and vegetables. I had no gut issues, nothing to complain about. Then along came my dental abscess that resulted from an old badly-done root canal, leading to extraction of that tooth. Pain meds and 3 rounds of antibiotics screwed up my gut. But during the aftermath I learned what Weston A. Price and Ramiel Nagel (the latter is the author of Cure Tooth Decay) say about phytic acid causing tooth decay. Out went my favorite morning cereal, oatmeal, any bread for that matter, coffee (caffeine can draw calcium from the bones), nuts and beans (unless soaked for long periods). In came bone broth (liquid gold!! But can be time-consuming to make), full-fat organic raw dairy (expensive), pastured/organic eggs (delicious and expensive), and dietary supplements including whole-food vitamins. I learned how important the fat-soluble vitamins are for teeth, bones and overall health. Vitamins A, D, and K (K2 is required for so many things including directing calcium into the bones instead of the arteries), the correct balance of each. I'm planning to purchase the cod liver / butter blend from Radiant Life for A and D, as it is claimed to reverse tooth decay by many who have used it. All of that to say --- It is not as simple as eating whole grains, lots of fruits and vegetables, and avoiding sugar. There needs to be a balance of nutrients and plenty of healthy whole fats (butter, coconut oil) in our diet to use the fat-soluble vitamins. My main question was NOT to ask if it's important to eat a healthy diet. I'm wondering how much time and attention we should give to these particulars, especially when it takes time away from serving others. Many times, my thoughts tell me "if you eat that bowl of oatmeal, or unless you take a lot of time to make bone broth and soak the beans and nuts etc., then God won't protect your health and your teeth will rot". We are not to put our trust in food or vitamins or nutrients, but only in God who created us and cares for us -- not because of what we do but because of who He is. We should put healthy foods into our body to care for it, but trust God alone to bless it to our nourishment. Of course, there are health issues that require eating or avoiding specific foods for the sake of one's general health and well-being, and that's not what I'm addressing here. I'm asking about issues like preventing (or reversing minor cases of) tooth decay. When I start feeling too neurotic about it all, and worried about every food that God provides me through a generous friend, that's when I begin to wonder if I'm going too far.
  2. Thank you for naming the products you use. I'm using Uncle Henry's toothpaste (cinnamon), and a rinse of essential-oil drops from OraWellness. Do you follow any dietary measures? I avoid sugar (99.9999999% of the time), whole grains, beans and nuts unless they're soaked first according to the WAPF guidelines. We eat grass-fed butter and ghee, organic pastured eggs (they contain much higher amounts of the retinol form of Vitamin A), and try to buy organic pastured meats when I can. I'm also taking a good vitamin supplement (Dr. Ron's) and dessicated liver powder which contains K2. When the liver capsules run out, I'm considering adding cod liver oil (either Rosita brand, or Green Pastures) for the blend of A, D, and K2. The fat-soluble vitamins eaten or taken in the correct ratio-- D3, A, K2, -- are very important for dental and bone health.
  3. Good morning, I am battling concerns about eating healthy foods for our good health, vs trusting God's will. I've changed our eating habits for the better, mostly following the Weston A. Price way of eating (avoiding foods with phytic acid, or preparing them before cooking) to prevent and reverse minor dental decay. I have numerous dental crowns and 3 old root canals and I want to preserve my teeth as best as I can to prevent further problems. I'm also dealing with gut issues (OK - serious constipation) following 3 rounds of antibiotics for a dental abscess in November leading to extraction of that tooth in December. I'm also following the guidelines and using some of the products offered at Cure Tooth Decay and Gut Sense. I bought their books, read their websites, taking their recommended supplements, and following their guidelines as best as I can to alleviate and these problems. All the while, I'm also worrying and wondering if I'm following "man's wisdom" rather than God's. Learning this information takes time to study and remember what I read -- time that takes away from getting on with my life to serve others. I sometimes wonder if I should just turn it all over to God, eat what my body wants (by that, I don't mean a lot of sugar and junk food) and leave the rest in God's hands, knowing that His perfect will will either allow or prevent these issues from recurring. What is the correct and balanced view of this? I am desperate for understanding and wisdom in this area. I think of others who have these issues but are getting on with living their lives, not consuming time reading and re-reading and researching. It's all a bit too much!
  4. I would like to introduce you to an excellent book I'm reading, called Overcoming Fear, Worry, & Anxiety by Elyse Fitzpatrick. It is Bible-based and full of Scripture references to look up, study, and memorize. Each chapter contains relevant Bible passages, and ends with questions to ask yourself. I'm reading it slowly and casually, but I intend to use it as an independent Bible study when I am finished. Through daily Bible reading, praying, Scripture memory, and learning to abide in Christ, I am learning that He really is there for me in every circumstance, that He cares deeply about me and upholds me, and I do not need to be anxious about anything.
  5. Thank you very much, that was very helpful and everything I need to know to get started. Blessings to you!
  6. What is your favorite devotional? I have a few: Drawing Near (John MacArthur) My Utmost for His Highest (Oswald Chambers) -- very challenging! Becoming a Woman Who Walks with God (Cynthia Heald) And I'm using a current book I'm reading as a devotional by looking up the many Scripture references to learn and memorize them: Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety (by Elyse Fitzpatrick -- an excellent Bible-based book). I'm interested in knowing what others use to enrich their Bible study and quiet times with the Lord.
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