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Everything posted by KittyBubbleFlowers

  1. Peter Popov! That's the name that came to mind reading your remarks. Have you seen the healing water he's got out now? These women are testifying as to its effects bringing them gobs of money after they used it by following Popov's instructions. He's quite old but his hair is jet black. Veneer's smiling like a $avage wolf. My take is they're atheists using the gullibility factor of those desperate to believe what they're selling and in order to get rich. Creflo A. Dollar is another one. There's something about a pastor with Dollar as a last name. He made news telling his congregation the amount of money they each needed to give in order for him to buy a state of the art jet. The millions for that private flight access would have saved the lives of countless people in his community. Shelters, food, clothing. But Creflo needs a jet! Because commercial is just not on his to-do list. It's Christ like though, right? When Jesus spread the good news he tallied countless miles on that Year 30 Bentley....
  2. I agree. There are those like Osteen that teach if you praise God he'll get ya paid. As if Jesus is a magic lamp. Rub the Bible, have faith, and money arrives. Osteen lives in a multi-million dollar mansion in a gated community. His dad was a prosperity pastor too but not anywhere near the caliber of congregant numbers his son is today. They were robbed some years ago, Lakewood church. The take for a weekends receipts? Though there was never any follow up that I've heard of, $600,000. In cash , checks , and CC's. WOW!
  3. Today I think Benny Hinn is the most obscene fake healer out there. Though his wife, or is she now an ex? , is fast trying to match his style. Did you catch Oral Roberts when he broadcast his own testimony that he was a greedy materialist fraud? And before his own congregation? http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2009/decemberweb-only/151-21.0.html
  4. Ew Kenyon initiated the Holiness movement as I remember. I don't believe I am mistaken as concerning the faith and healing movement of the 1940's.
  5. I'm just finding this discussion and I'd appreciate your two cents. I don't have the desire to read 12 pages of remarks that opine of the OP. I at first misread the title and thought it read a statement rather than a question. Yes, it's early here.
  6. If you value the future of your souls, you'll miss it. Joel Osteen-Preaching a False-Positive, with a Smile The Teaching When Joel Osteen was on Bill O'Reilly’s show, he was asked if he believed whether Jesus was the way, the truth and the life, the only way to God. Osteen ignored this question, saying he doesn't get into that. That evasive answer is indicative of his broad positive approach that attracts the masses. When interviewed by Larry King on June 20,2005, Osteen avoided a similar question and was non committal to Jesus being the only way. King asked Osteen where Jews or Muslims would go if they don't accept Christ. KING: “What if you're Jewish or Muslim, you don't accept Christ at all? OSTEEN: “You know, I'm very careful about saying who would and wouldn't go to heaven. I don't know ... KING: “If you believe you have to believe in Christ? They're wrong, aren't they? OSTEEN: “Well, I don't know if I believe they're wrong. I believe here's what the Bible teaches and from the Christian faith this is what I believe. But I just think that only God with judge a person's heart. ... I don't know all about their religion. But I know they love God. And I don't know. I've seen their sincerity. So I don't know. I know for me, and what the Bible teaches, I want to have a relationship with Jesus. Osteen posted the following letter of apology letter on his Web site: “Many of you have called, written or e-mailed" (regarding his Larry King Live appearance). "I appreciate your comments and value your words of correction and encouragement," he said. "It was never my desire or intention to leave any doubt as to what I believe and whom I serve. I believe with all my heart that it is only through Christ that we have hope in eternal life. I regret and sincerely apologize that I was unclear on the very thing in which I have dedicated my life.” He then said he believes that "Jesus Christ alone is the only way to salvation," referencing John 14.“It wasn't until I had the opportunity to review the transcript of the interview that I realize I had not clearly stated that having a personal relationship with Jesus is the only way to heaven,” he said. http://www.charismanow.com/a.php?ArticleID=11413 It seems to me that it wasn’t until people complained that he even looked to the transcript. The false ministry of Joel Osteen
  7. Hows that when you've seen the vivid depiction by your own admission on your television. Turn the channel. It's really easy to avoid seeing what evil other people are responsible for in making rescue dogs, one of which I have, and cats a reality.
  8. What a very troubled soul it is that makes such dark remarks that have no bearing in the reality of my post history in this thread. You revere Joel Osteen. I told you the history behind his teaching method. If you wish to educate yourself seek it out. Take the same amount of time to learn something as you do to make false accusations toward me. I never made a remark about satanists. And it is a false accusation that I ever said a thing to that effect concerning Hagen and Roberts.
  9. Lordy! Reminds me of those movies and TV shows wherein a villain is chasing the person they are trying to kill and while yelling, "come here!"
  10. They're also very expensive Sphinx cats. I couldn't own one because I'd be spending a fortune in kitty koats.
  11. If it is the commercials featuring dogs quivering and giving sad faces from inside of cages, at the end of chains in a snowstorm, those are videos taken by the rescuers and the animal they were saving from those conditions. They're heartbreaking videos, but those precious pups are rescues now.
  12. Just goes to show a terrorist doesn't need a gun to commit an act of terror. Islam apologists inevitably defend Islam against a reporting like this by claiming this nut was a minority member of Islam . Someone who isn't representative of the true Islam. But this guy and all those like him are acting out based on the tenets of Islam. So how is this not what is true Islam? When what compelled him was the holy book of Islam.
  13. I wonder if the former Muslim who's committed to warning western nations about Islam is worthy of being called an Islamophobe for his trouble? Isn't that the blanket pejorative that assails those with the eyes to see the truth of that terrorist geopolitical ideology? Years ago before then president Vincente Fox left office he made in one of his final speeches a plea to the Mexican people. He told them it was their duty to retake lands to the north that were stolen from them. Meaning , Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico. The 14th amendment being the vehicle for the sheer numbers overthrow planning. Illegals enter America , have a child, and they are entitled to stay. While the child is a born citizen entitled to all rights and benefits. This plan is why those who are now parents and heard the Fox speech those years ago are now sending their minor age children north without them. The most populace faith in Mexico and the south and central America's is Roman Catholic. Birthing sheer numbers is part of the tradition that in this case sustains the retaking of America agenda.
  14. Actually it is a matter of history. Today's so called prosperity gospel started in the 1940's as what was known as the Faith and Healing movement. Pioneered by Ken Hagin Sr. and Oral Roberts. You should check it out.
  15. Would you even want to know what scared the fur off those two?
  16. Muslims also don't believe Jesus is the son of God, they don't believe he was crucified or was raised from the dead.
  17. I think the biggest factor that overshadowed shock was that this guy was an adult, married, and had three sons. Three future generations of, "I don't hear it, I don't hear it blahblahblahblahblahblah! " Just goes to show, age really is just a number.
  18. The irony here is that Berkley is the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement back in the day. Who does it all profit? Don't you think that's the real question to ask of all these seeming spontaneous protests? The Berkley Chancellor made apologies for this demonstration. In the course of that he referred to the participants as performers . Rather than as protesters. Not something someone with the acumen to achieve Chancellor would tend to confuse. This is the same Chancellor that a few years ago angered campus students with a speech that included references to civility, when speaking of free speech rights. This protest shows why they were angry. Civility wasn't a consideration in the least for these performers. They beat one man into unconsciousness because he was opposed to their freely speaking as they were. He should have known better than to freely speak that way in rebuttal. These are the violent terroristic intolerant anarchist performers that are being trained to be the leaders of our future. When we're needing social security these type educated folk will be the ones deciding what we deserve. Oh goody, fun , fun, can't wait for that experience.
  19. Of course it isn't. But the new pejorative utilized against truth is readily available to the side that is opposed to truth, but advocates of anarchy. Reminds me of this guy I knew that was 45 years of age. But when he heard something that was not within his tolerance level, he covered his ears and blabbed, "I don't hear it, I don't hear it blahblahblahblahblahblah!" No, I am not kidding.
  20. We're not talking national leaders. We're talking one man who professes himself led by God to fill the office his father departed upon his death. And Joel Osteen blowing it on the answer to the question as to how one achieves Heaven isn't as easily dismissed as you imply. The answer is the foundation of the entire faith Joel Osteen espouses from a pulpit.
  21. If that were true it would be a horrible testimony for the future of the church. Joel Osteen lies in his sermons about people's stories that he tells in order to fold those into his sermon. He's a Humanist and a materialist. Watch him on Larry King when he's asked about salvation and how someone attains Heaven. Osteen tells you himself he's unfit for his posting in that interview.
  22. Well, now that we've identified a pattern. I thought it was just me. The upset that Hillary didn't gain office and the tactics the media and her supporters employ to revolt against a democratic process that fairly elected her opponent is telling. They hate Trump for any number of reasons. And yet what tactics do they employ in order to revolt and demonstrate intolerance for the American election process? If Hillary had gained the office she would have brought her top aid, Huma Albaden with her to the White house. Huma's mother Saleha is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood. The female branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/312211/huma-abedins-muslim-brotherhood-ties-andrew-c-mccarthy
  23. Living thirsty and in the dark would tend to turn the tide on this plan. I don't get what California's point is in this. It is illegal to enter America without proper authority. It then makes sense that so called sanctuary cities are violating the federal immigration laws. Because states with these cities are enabling a gross protection of unlawful aliens. I think this so called plan is bluster. California can't cut off funds from Sacramento to D.C. in protest while breaking federal immigration laws within the confines of their state borders.
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