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  1. Hey, I have been pondering something- why does God use people? There is an answer, A good reason! I have been seeking God for the answer! If it does come I think it will be mind-blowing! I may have the answer. God has been using people from the very beginning! God uses people because He put mankind in charge of the earth, He gave mankind dominion over the earth, it is man's responsibility that the will of God is done on the earth. God does nothing on the earth without man's invitation, prayer. The earth belongs to God, but God has given man stewardship over the earth until Christ returns! There is a scripture- "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"-Luke 18:8 The bible says it is impossible to please God without faith. So this scripture means "will God be pleased with what man has done with His creation when He returns"? The Master of the house is away, on a journey, but He is coming back! He is going to repay his stewards what is due to each one for what they did with His property when He was gone!
  2. There was just word of this on the internet, apparently the government has done an investigation into the UFO phenomenon that has been going on for decades now, apparently there is absolutely no evidence that these UFOs are aliens! I would be willing to bet almost anything that these UFOs are just something that our government has and are not aliens! They have also done an investigation into the Roswell incident and there is strong evidence that it was not aliens but it was a Russian spy plane! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pentagon-study-finds-no-sign-of-alien-life-in-reported-ufo-sightings-going-back-decades/ar-BB1jzuoh?fbclid=IwAR0CZZKtuB2aNsEuBixdo2orIRuWeyU1xfbFcSVejSDOL1R7te49CU9aiBU
  3. A question- do you think it is both scriptural and the heart of God to pray that witchcraft coming against you is returned on their own head? I thought that I had heard people praying like this before but was not sure. I have been having a problem being targeted by witchcraft and I have already been doing spiritual warfare over the witchcraft people and praying for conviction and that they stop what they are doing, I also have been taking authority over the witchcraft and commanding it to stop in the name of Jesus and also breaking the power of the witchcraft people in the name of Jesus. All of this has had a strong effect and finally I have started praying that all witchcraft coming against me is returned to sender and that seems to have been the final blow, that has taken care of most of it. For the last several months I have felt the witchcraft coming back several times a day but I just rebuke witchcraft again and it stops.
  4. Something I have noticed- the atmosphere in almost all apartment buildings is absolutely terrible, the pit of hell, I have been in probably 20 apartment complexes in the area and they all have an extremely evil presence in them. I think the tenants are doing something behind closed doors that is letting this in! My current apartment complex, Stonebridge apartments, has an extremely evil presence here, I have been doing spiritual warfare over the complex every day and praying for the salvation of all tenants and for an end to drug and alcohol activity and for the evil presence to go. There is now still a very evil presence here but it is much improved from when I moved in! Most housing developments do not have this problem, most of the time I do not sense any evil presence in housing developments.
  5. dmdarapt


    Hey you might want to have a look at this, these guys are a riot! I have never met a Christian like them in my life! All of them go to Liberty University, when they start up their act I can feel the anointing of God! They are so funny they have supernatural power!
  6. Hey, they just announced this- the Darkstar is real! This is a super secret US Government mach 6 spyplane, they just went public with this! However I would bet anything they already have something even more advanced than this, the reason why they went public was that they already have something better! The Darkstar is old technology! They have pictures of this thing on the internet. Here Are The First Images Of Lockheed Darkstar On Display At Edwards AFB
  7. Hey you might want to have a look at this- I found this little church in New York City on YouTube, this place is amazing! If I am ever in NYC I might want to pay them a visit! Link to one of their videos is here, there are many more on YouTube if you look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjux_dt9xVc
  8. An idea just came to me that will help missionaries in countries closed to the gospel to keep safe from government monitoring of internet access- it is below, you might want to send this out to missionaries that you know. I have a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in the Information Technology field and just recently a good idea came to me- this will help Christians in closed countries where there is persecution to them and also government monitoring and censorship of internet access. The idea is here: most websites out there now offer encrypted communication to the website. You can access this in the URL text bar up at the top of the web browser screen. a normal website will have a web address starting with http:// . However if you change this to https:// this will tell it to encrypt all communication with the website to a degree that it is unbreakable. This will help if the government of the country you are in is monitoring your internet activity. They will still be able to see the name of the website you are looking at but not what specifically you are accessing, it is highly encrypted. Another idea- the country Iran and probably other countries hostile to the gospel censor the internet access in the country and hundreds if not thousands of websites outside the country are banned. There are several ways to get around this but it is not foolproof. Someone in such a country could use something called a proxy server or also a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A proxy server will allow you to bypass the government restrictions. It works by receiving web requests from you in the hostile nation and then the proxy goes on the internet and gets the website content that you want and sends it back to you. Since your computer is accessing the proxy and not the banned website directly you can avoid the government restrictions. You can also use an encrypted proxy server and that will help even more. However I have heard that the government in Iran is pretty crafty and they are on to this trick, they will ban access to the proxy and then the proxy will have to switch IP addresses until the government also finds that one and bans it too, it is a chess match with the government. Another thing that is better is using a VPN (virtual private network). A VPN establishes a totally encrypted link with an external web server and it can also fool any eavesdropper into thinking you are accessing a different server that is legal and inside the country so it is even safer than a proxy. However I have heard that the government in Iran is also on to this and they are trying to stop VPNs but it may still work from a random internet cafe inside the country. Another idea came to me that might potentially help the underground church and missionaries- encrypted email. As long as your email service is web-based and accessed through a web browser (such as GMail) you can use the https:// trick to encrypt the email so it is unbreakable to the authorities in a closed country. The only problem is this is a bit scary to use for underground communications, if someone using the encrypted email got caught by the police and the police confiscated their computer they could potentially recover the emails. This is probably not a good idea but I thought I would get it out there anyway. Another thing that may help the underground church- it is called stenography. Stenography is a technology that lets you hide a secret message inside of another file, such as a picture. Someone could send their friends what appears to be pictures from their vacation and they look completely normal from the outside but they actually contain secret instructions. Using stenography could potentially help them coordinate secret activities hidden from a hostile government. Files with secret instructions are password protected and encrypted, my only concern about this is that the authorities might potentially get the password out of you (under duress) and it would blow your cover and they could view the secret instructions. The government authorities in Iran are trying their best to keep the gospel out of the country and many christian websites are banned, however a proxy or VPN could help people get around these restrictions and would open the door for the gospel into the country! People could go to an internet cafe and download the bible!
  9. An idea just came to me that will help missionaries in countries closed to the gospel to keep safe from government monitoring of internet access- it is below, you might want to send this out to missionaries that you know. I have a Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in the Information Technology field and just recently a good idea came to me- this will help Christians in closed countries where there is persecution to them and also government monitoring and censorship of internet access. The idea is here: most websites out there now offer encrypted communication to the website. You can access this in the URL text bar up at the top of the web browser screen. a normal website will have a web address starting with http:// . However if you change this to https:// this will tell it to encrypt all communication with the website to a degree that it is unbreakable. This will help if the government of the country you are in is monitoring your internet activity. They will still be able to see the name of the website you are looking at but not what specifically you are accessing, it is highly encrypted. Another idea- the country Iran and probably other countries hostile to the gospel censor the internet access in the country and hundreds if not thousands of websites outside the country are banned. There are several ways to get around this but it is not foolproof. Someone in such a country could use something called a proxy server or also a VPN (Virtual Private Network). A proxy server will allow you to bypass the government restrictions. It works by receiving web requests from you in the hostile nation and then the proxy goes on the internet and gets the website content that you want and sends it back to you. Since your computer is accessing the proxy and not the banned website directly you can avoid the government restrictions. You can also use an encrypted proxy server and that will help even more. However I have heard that the government in Iran is pretty crafty and they are on to this trick, they will ban access to the proxy and then the proxy will have to switch IP addresses until the government also finds that one and bans it too, it is a chess match with the government. Another thing that is better is using a VPN (virtual private network). A VPN establishes a totally encrypted link with an external web server and it can also fool any eavesdropper into thinking you are accessing a different server that is legal and inside the country so it is even safer than a proxy. However I have heard that the government in Iran is also on to this and they are trying to stop VPNs but it may still work from a random internet cafe inside the country. Another idea came to me that might potentially help the underground church and missionaries- encrypted email. As long as your email service is web-based and accessed through a web browser (such as GMail) you can use the https:// trick to encrypt the email so it is unbreakable to the authorities in a closed country. The only problem is this is a bit scary to use for underground communications, if someone using the encrypted email got caught by the police and the police confiscated their computer they could potentially recover the emails. This is probably not a good idea but I thought I would get it out there anyway. Another thing that may help the underground church- it is called stenography. Stenography is a technology that lets you hide a secret message inside of another file, such as a picture. Someone could send their friends what appears to be pictures from their vacation and they look completely normal from the outside but they actually contain secret instructions. Using stenography could potentially help them coordinate secret activities hidden from a hostile government. Files with secret instructions are password protected and encrypted, my only concern about this is that the authorities might potentially get the password out of you (under duress) and it would blow your cover and they could view the secret instructions. The government authorities in Iran are trying their best to keep the gospel out of the country and many christian websites are banned, however a proxy or VPN could help people get around these restrictions and would open the door for the gospel into the country! People could go to an internet cafe and download the bible!
  10. Hi everyone, something interesting- apparently Iran, the islamic republic of Iran, has very high rates of clinical depression, something like 15%-20% of Iranians have symptoms ranging from mild to severe depression. In contrast rates of depression in the USA are around 8.3%, much lower. There is a good reason for this! I think a spiritual force may be responsible for this, Iran is one of the most evil places in the world, also they adhere to a very radical form of Islam and Islam is the official state religion and the country is something like 99.5% muslim, conversion from Islam to Christianity carries the death penalty. Also the Iranian government hates Israel and that also may be a cause for this!
  11. Hey, I just heard about this and I thought it would help with morale in this country and I thought I would share it- Apparently they are contemplating implementing this! They either want to implement 5-hour workdays or have 8-hour workdays but only 4 days per week, everyone would have 3 days off per week! They already have only 6-hour workdays in France and Sweden and their societies still manage to function, studies are showing people are much happier and more productive when they do this! French people get 6-hour workdays, a mandatory long lunch break, and a mandatory 30 days of paid vacation per year! They are able to do this without their society becoming completely unglued! If they do implement this we may have people snapping out of being depressed and suicidal! Our economy and GDP may take a hit from this but if it is saving people's lives it may be worth it! Japan is exactly the opposite to this, they nearly work people to death in Japan! Apparently it is considered a grave insult to leave the office before your boss in Japan, if your boss is working late you have to stay and keep working until they are done! They are rolling this out in California right now! There is a bill in the legislature that will transition the state to a 4-day work week, 3 days off per week for everyone! If it works they may do it everywhere else!
  12. Something small that came to me in church this morning- Unless we find the root of our problem and pull it our problem will grow back!
  13. Hey, something interesting- the bible says that the gospel must be preached in all nations and to all people groups in the world before the second coming of Christ, only then can Christ return to the earth. I got to thinking, what are the last un-reached nations and people groups on earth? I believe one is Iran, another is north Korea, also Japan is a bad one, and there are also unreached nations in the 10/40 window, plus there are un-contacted native tribes in the Amazon rainforest that have not been reached. European missionaries did a good job evangelizing many nations in the world in the last 100 years, they were able to reach probably hundreds of nations with the gospel, there are now only a few left that are un-reached! If we can reach these last few nations with the gospel Christ will be cleared to return quickly! The end is in sight!
  14. You need the baptism in the Holy Spirit! That will give you power to live as a disciple of Christ! You can't do it without power from God!
  15. Hi everyone, fantastic news! After several months of nationwide protests the Iranian government has buckled under the pressure and have just agreed to abolish the hated muslim morality police in the country! WOW!!! This is a major victory for human rights and also the gospel of Christ in the country, this is cause for celebration! With the morality police gone I believe Iranian woman can now choose not to wear the hijab (muslim head scarf) or burqua (total body covering) without fear of arrest! This is a major blow to the religious government in Iran, maybe after decades of theocratic muslim rule islam will start to loose it's grip on the country! If you want to see the video of this story the link is here:
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