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Everything posted by Radiant_Owl

  1. Just to update everyone following this report of the closed session meeting. Tomorrow is the day. Comey and Admiral Rogers will meet with the committee March 28th. I wonder if we'll be apprised of anything that occurred being it is a closed session. Hold America and our president in your prayers. The enemies of this nation are dedicated.
  2. America being founded on Christian principles with a secular government scares non-Christians I think. Because the fact that Christian principles dot the landscape of America, even in town and city names that are names or words taken from the Bible, proves that the non-Christian and particularly that ilk that is openly vocal now in publishing, the radical atheist, are then living in a country that's very fabric is grounded in everything they oppose.
  3. And yet, the Koran says they can lie about being Muslims when encountering hostile people or nations. They can also eat foods that are typically halal, forbidden, in order to survive themselves. Or pass under that false cloak they've donned when claiming they're other than Muslims. For appearances sake to pass in a nation of infidels. That's how Obama got over claiming he was a Christian. He's Muslim. But he knew he would never be able to help further the agenda if he was honest during the campaign. This is why he had no idea the "pastor" that was found for him to claim as his own spiritual "uncle" for over 20 years was openly racist. Because he didn't know the man! But astute reporting found out what the man was and that blew back on Obama who made the feeble excuse that he'd never heard Jeremiah Wright speak as he was caught on tape doing in those 20+ years Barack sat in his pew. Wright retired from the pulpit after Barack got elected and entered into a majority white gated community where he built his own multi-million dollar mansion as a new home among "whitey" that he hated when a pastor. Wonder where he got that million dollars golden parachute from. Hmmm, curiouser and curiouser. Where could millions of dollars come from to pay off a racist pastor? $10 Trillion Missing from Pentagon and No One — Not Even the DoD — Knows Where It Is
  4. Sure we do. It is illegal to enter the U.S in an unlawful manner. Transporting them back across the border does no good. Repeat offenders know that. They know we're soft when they learn there are illegal sanctuary cities in America. We're not as dedicated to enforcing our laws as is Mexico. They know that too. And how many American's need to be victimized by illegal aliens before we care to do something to stop illegal aliens from victimizing Americans?
  5. Wow, criminals don't have any respect for the law. Imagine that. Sentence: Life without parole. Or, being it's in Texas, death penalty. He's an illegal which means Constitutional protections don't apply. Send a message.
  6. After US Refused To Charge Them For Laundering Terrorist Money, Megabanks Busted AGAIN March 24, 2017 Ever get the feeling that "Terrorists" is the keyword used to get the people to react in fear? While for the crony governments around the world including our own it's business as usual?
  7. Great post. INVESTOPEDIA: How governments influence markets In the 1920s, very few people would have identified the government as the major player in the markets. Today, very few people would doubt that statement. In this article, we will look at how the government affects the markets and influences business in ways that often have unexpected consequences. More reading at Google links
  8. ISIS knows the west are bleeding hearts for those in trouble. The worlds police are the USA, the worlds open arms are the USA and western nations combined. What better vehicle to exploit and enter into countries ISIS wants to occupy and overcome than to take advantage of the open arms invitation for our own destruction. Allah is a demon, his prophet was a pervert, pedophile, murderer and thief. No good comes from messengers such as that.
  9. Sadly, clueless was one attribute our former VP demonstrated more than once. It's a shame to be elected to be a punchline.
  10. Probably a wise idea. It is a serious incentive to be a terrorist being the Koran promises the paradise where all things forbidden in this life are in abundance after. This pertains to Europe but it should warn America concerning the refugees some want to give safe refuge. LINK
  11. I think people who work in emergency care in any capacity are called by God to do so. I couldn't do it. Far too much heartbreak to suffer through hour upon hour every day. When Quayle first said that certain persons in the press tried to claim he was kidding. He wasn't. That was obvious.
  12. I wonder if voters in his area are paying attention? "But when I asked how many times ICE agents, with or without warrants, had entered New York City school buildings so far, de Blasio answered, “None.” He agreed that the measure is entirely prophylactic — political theater, in other words."
  13. Muslim terrorists give people reason to fear Islam. I wonder what the percentages are of people who are afraid of Muslims in their area? Muslims should be fired up and openly protesting against Muslim terrorism for all the bad image Muslim terrorists give the faith that compels them toward acts of terror.
  14. Is it wrong to read your remarks about learning Latin in school and then remembering VP Dan Quail? “I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn’t study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people.”
  15. I remember watching the news when Obamacare was just at the bill stage. A Senator spoke to the press and said that even among the trained lawyers among them they were having a hard time figuring out what the bill was saying. That should have been a clue this was not a good idea. That and the fact that Romney care had been a nightmare in Massachusetts for years prior. And in Canada the socialized medicine program was an example too of bad ideas. As was the one in Great Britain. But the bill passed anyway. But I think what's happening when we hear the working class, which is what this country is dividing into in a three part model of rich, working class, and government sustained, has to work to afford a mandated insurance that's premiums are so high because they're paying for those who are not working, that what's coming is a nightmare. Work harder because countless refugees, welfare recipients, depend on you to earn a living. When veterans are living on the streets outside our military bases where illegal aliens are housed as enlisted, there's a problem in this country that is needing fixing. And prayerfully president Trump is on the road to doing just that.
  16. The left demonstrates they've no concern for the law or the security of the U.S. . Being what was revealed about Hillary's behaviors as Secretary of State, and that she wasn't prosecuted for at least over 100 felonies . But also the tactics employed by the Democratic National Committee against one of their own, Bernie Sanders, the last opponent to Hillary's bid for the nomination is evidence they'll eat their own in order to serve the agenda of that which persuades them thus. Everything Hillary did criminally while SoS was under the orders of her boss. It's impossible to believe all that's being revealed about Trump-Tap was unknown to her boss.
  17. Team Obama Gets Caught Committing Political Espionage, Spying on Trump & His Team
  18. Fox News Military Analyst Gen McInerney: Obama Was Listening to Trump Campaign
  19. Click on the link here to watch Mr. Shaffer on Fox and Friends Shaffer: Trump Wiretap Case 'Worse Than Watergate' The excuse of listening in on Trump team phone calls like unto the excuse of, accidentally on purpose. As Mr. Shaffer said here, you don't have to tap Trump tower in order to get the information coming out of it.
  20. Now if only an investigation digs out the responsible parties for illegal wire tapping and from the highest to the lowest offices and then puts them on trial. I'd pay for the gas that would transport Obama to prison.
  21. Article "Incidental" collection of Trump transition team communications. That's so cute. Yes, we happened to be tapping Trump tower and incidentally somehow quite by shocking accident eavesdropped for no good nor lawful reason on the Trump teams calls. Oops! Incidental! Silly us.
  22. I agree . Trump is pro-America. I think that's why his detractors hate him. Because they're not.
  23. Soros or a Hillary stooge, as if there's a difference. And I agree with you. The level of buffoonery is great is big in that group of black clad protesters. They don't realize just how bad they make the left look. Just like the claim about Russia hacking our elections is ridiculous and only something left programmed people who don't care about Hillary's felonies believe. It's absurd of course to think Russia hacked elections when the voting isn't on-line. But also to think Russia would be invested in the Republican side when their national politics reflect our Democrat Left's point of view . But people who hate Trump don't see that. They just see another reason to hate Trump. Doesn't have to be reasonable, it's just Trump=Hate.
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