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  1. My boyfriend and his ex are in the same class. They're best of friends because theyp apparently realized that they're better off as friends than anything else. A few months back I found messages on his phone between them, she was feeling upset so he tried cheering her up and even went as far as to call her baby ?... Since then we have broken up nonstop and she was the cause of it. The fact that he didn't want to cut her out of his life keeps causing us to break up. He says they're just friends and he keeps making excuses for their friendship. I feel like she holds a higher level of importance in his life and that hurts me. He comes from a broken home and because of that whenever we break up he uses that as an excuse to guilt trip me by making me take him back. Our relationship has reached the point where we reply with just one word. I am so tired of hurting and worrying about his loyalty towards me. It's painful to go to bed every night wondering what he has been up to behind my back seeing as we're in a long distance relationship. Before she came into the picture I trusted him with my whole life. Now I can't say the same. I want to observe a spiritual fast for him and for him to have a change of heart and also for him to become a Godly Christian man, as well as for our future together. But I don't want to do it if it's all gonna be in vain later down the line. i am so confused. I really need someone to give me clearance from a Christian view. Please help me
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