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Arthur Durnan

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Everything posted by Arthur Durnan

  1. The late (and excellent) homosexual playwright Truman Capote ('In Cold Blood') told a New York interviewer, "I don't know why they call it 'gay.' There's nothing 'gay' about it!" Right on, Tru! Our sentiments exactly. Ah, "rooted in nature", you think? A fundamental flaw in the "legitimate alternative lifestyle" argument......two-thirds of world's pop. is hungry. Famine & starvation are "rooted in nature." Are we prepared to accept them as "normal"? Sexual activity is and always will be a matter of personal choice. And for that striking reason we must never offer it equal place alongside "race" or "color" in debates re "rights." Zowie, a Canadian with understanding! God Bless America! Romney & Rubio For The USA 2012!
  2. Bottom-line: Simply because something may be thot to "work" doesn't mean it is within the permissive will of the Creator-God. And, of course, the terms "gay" (ask Truman Capote!) and "same-sex" invented by the UltraLibDem news media Elite are neither strong enuf nor precise enuf for this particular observer, ie, homosexual & homosexuality are the correct & fully explanatory terms re those who would decry the revealed law of God "from the beginning" (Matthew 19:4). And too, if "homosexual shacking-up," why in the interest of logical consistency denounce incest, pedophilia, necrophilia or polygamy? If two men, why not four men? If two men, why not two men & two boys? Homosexuals in all reality continue to nurse their inane rebellion against Judeo-Christianity into a galloping paralysis. Talk about social & moral Dunkirks! Bubble-gum mentality rides again....and falls off!
  3. Dear Lemminglord (rodent, mouse-like creature + "lord"?) Wherever You Are - You have constantly been answered with scriptural declaration which you evidently reject. Jesus & His disciples speak clearly in His settled Word of truth, You ride again and keep falling off! HALP! Yup, methinks your response staggers along on crutches & the kind of whistling one hears, late at night, around the walls of graveyards. Spending too much time with any horse-&-buggy doctor with sassafras solutions adds up to dull theater, therefore as they state on "Dragons' Den," I'm ou!. Have a tremendous day all day today! Meet me at McDonald's for breakfast & it's on me.
  4. One more time, God never made two men to procreate. Homosexuality amounts to generational death. Incapable of reproduction, how else can it replenish its numbers save via recruitment or seduction as avenues of increase? The homosexual cry re discrimination is essentially heterophobic - even "Kennedy for Lifeguard!" would have made far better sense - as well as Christophobic in that it rails against the very declaration of the Head of the Christian Church re the divine order of created humanness in Matthew's Gospel, Chapter 19. Why insist on playing D. & D.?
  5. Further to "God never made two men to procreate": Call homosexuality what you wish, but don't call it "Christian." Jesus Christ, the Head of the Christian Church, emphasized neither homosexuality or lesbianism when He declared in Matthew 19 re marital union - did you forget it? - "Male & female"; "man & wife"; and "mother & father." Sounds schoolroom-obvious here. Why knock it because you don't like it? To argue that homosexual sexual relations are a healthy & acceptable norm in human relations is purest sophistry and casuistry of malignant dimensions. Diversity is one thing. Bizarro-Land quite another. And yes, yes, of course, God's Holy Word might indeed be bound to still elicit a flinch or two in Beautiful Stockholm, who knows for sure? Isn't Sweden the ne plus ultra of the collective may-dance, ie, 'doing your own thing'? Anyways, it sure does produce top-flight hockey players. Item: Matts Sundin for one among many. What homosexuals call "gay marriage," I call homosexual "shacking-up." What they refer to as "gay," I call perversion, abnormal, a distinct sin based on Genesis 19:5; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9,10. Even the late homosexual playwright Truman Capote said: "I don't know why they call it 'gay.' There's nothing 'gay' about it!" Our sentiments precisely. Oh, cry me a river of Chateau Lafite Rothschild!
  6. God never meant for two men to procreate. What else is worthy of recall?
  7. Joel Osteen, ie,TV Osteenism, tends to belong to the Pop Psychology Team of TV luminaries...he pops on, pampers his listeners, glad-hands CNN, emphasizes blow-torch smiling on some seeming perpetual "personal quest for the silver unicorn", then is drop-dead-gone for another seven days' respite. Saved, yes, I think, I would surely hope so, but what precise book grips his heart & soul? If the Bible, why does he skip over practically all expository truth & doctrine? And why equate polygamist Joseph Smith's 19th-century Mormonism with Bible Christianity or refrain from denouncing sin as war against the Almighty God? Are we moved from feet to fathoms in Christ? No. Are precious souls emphatically called to repentance & faith in the world's only Savior? No. Does he warn of an impending eternity in either a literal heaven or a literal hell? I've yet to know it. Does he teach what that specific passage is saying based on context & other passages of related text? Hardly. Can we hear one testimony of God's saving grace wherein someone tells us he/ahe has passed from death unto life with all glory to the redeeming work of the Lamb? Are you kidding? Is Calvary front & center in his proclamations? If you think so, where, pray tell. I hear his speaking which seems on a par with the Whiffenpoof Song, yes, and there seems only one way out: Change Channels! Change Channels! Change Channels! Try David Jeremiah.
  8. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for perfectly fulfilled the entire law & its requirements and emphatically nailing the entire handcuffing lot to Your Cross of Calvary as recorded in Galatians 2:14-17...."Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross....triumphing over them in it....Let no man therefore judge you in food or in drink or in respect of a feast day, or of the new moon or of Sabbath days....which a shadow...." It's the biblical truth which Ellen Gould Harmon White of SDA tragically overlooked! Halleluja for the finished crosswork of our miracle-working Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!
  9. The dictates of both the Dis-United Nations & the Socialist E.U. Parliament carry as much weight with this particular observer as does anything by Joe Biden, leftist supreme! Israel is really its own best defender and both the hapless U.N. and the spineless E.U. know this. Come join Evangelicals for Israel & pray for a huge Presidential change in 2012 from Obama to Mitt Romney. Long ago, King David named Jerusalem as Israel's eternal capital...all of it! Palestine is essentially Jordan on the East Bank. Why does the UltraLibDem media insist on playing D. and D.?
  10. Mormons are great political conservatives but very poorl theologs intent on publicizing their own three nefarious volumes. Joseph Smith of Sharon, Vermont & his multiple "wives" set-up surely takes the cake! Weddings cakes perhaps? Arthur Durnan.
  11. "Golden calves" come in many versions! Yes, in silver cross-necklasses, in 48" HD & 3D TVs, in families, friends, what-have-you? Even Jesus is seen on huge crosses in Roman churches, yet He's no longer on any cross - Hallelujah! Why not accord Jesus Christ first place in all things & bow to His holy leadership in all situations? When He is in first place, all other persons & items are rendered powerless in our lives. Come,"Worship Him in spirit and in truth." AMEN! Arthur Durnan.
  12. No Christ? No salvation! Evangelical Christians are fleeing from Jesus & I.D. with Him; false cults & false world religions are gaining. "Youth For Christ" is now "Youth International". Next, "Campus Crusade For Christ" becomes "Cru." Soon, "XYZ Bible Church" will be "XYZ Church" or "XYZ Fellowship" minus its pulpit & any cross on top of the building! Zowie, sounds like a universal back-tracking from all things Jesus, the Word of God and salvation by the blood of Christ only! Why does the processing Church of Christ Jesus continue to run away from a hostile world? Isn't today with its abounding periods of madness, its festivals of fools, its own aberrant Saturnalias, its papier-mache politicians and ultraliberal denominational power-structures extremely ready & ripe for a fresh infusion of Bible-based, Christ-honoring & Spirit-filled preaching which unapologetically elevates the only Savior from sin, death & hell? Why be so shamefully taciturn? Onward (Evangelical) Christian Soldiers indeed!Arthur Durnan.
  13. Cain, in our books, is absolutely correct! Make any necessary change in law to prohibit the institution of any organization promoting despicable sharia law lest America become Islamic via default. Congrats, Mr. Cain! Romney-Rubio For The USA 2012!
  14. Socialism, whether in America or Australia, "loves" homosexual shacking-up. Why call a two-MAN shacking-up a Judaic/Christian marriage?
  15. The Roman Catholic Pope - which is unheard of in Holy Writ! I mean which disciple attended which "Roman Catholic" parish where? - must now explain how any Big Bang or little bang or a medium bang for that matter anywhere at any time could produce an ordered universe. Bangs destroy, not create in orderly fashion! Pulleezz!! Even Humpty Dumpty would decry Benedict's surmising because "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Which made up for his lousy summer, yes?
  16. The rapture's purpose is to snatch believers away ("harpezo", Greek) to heaven as the Apostle Paul underscores it in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
  17. For two reasons: (1) Preachers don't wish to offend their parishioners; and (2) Many preachers are in the ministry mainly for their "bread and butter" (Romans 16:17,18).
  18. God never made two men to procreate. Call homosexuality what you may wish, but don't call it "Christian." Jesus Christ, the Head of the Christian Church emphasized neither homosexuality or lesbianism when He declared in Matthyew 19: re marital union, "male & female"; "man & wife"; and "mother & father." Sounds school-room obvious here. Why knock it? To argue that homosexual sexual relations are a healthy and acceptable norm in human relations is pure sophistry and casuistry of malignant dimensions. Diversity is one thing. Bizarro-Land quite another. What homosexuals call gay "marriage", I call homosexual shacking-up. What they refer to as "gay", I call perversion, deviation, abnormal, a distinct sin (Genesis 19:5; Romans 1:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:9,10). Even the late homosexual playwright, Truman Capote said: "I don't know why they call it 'gay.' There's nothing gay about it!" Yea, spot-on, Tru! Oh, cry me a river of Chateau Lafite Rothschild! Arthur Durnan.
  19. I love it! O, I love it! So "Three Cheers" for "moderate" Muslims, right? Next Question: Which parts of their "Holy Qur'an" do "moderate" Muslims omit in order to be rendered "moderate" Muslms? Didn't their "Allah" give the ENTIRE "Qur'an", all 114 Surahs? It's is therefore vitally important to this mastter to hear frommoderate" Muslims as to which sections of their "Qur'an" do they trash & obliterate? Among a long list of verses, what about such stirring passages from their "Allah" such as 9:123; 8:59; 9:5; 5:33; 3:33; etc. on into the night?! How dare "moderate" Muslims OMIT "Allah's" declarations!! How dare they!!!
  20. Pray tell, are there TWO Qur'ans and TWO Muhammads? A "moderate" Muslim is hardly a true Muslim. Muslims have & obey ONE Qur'an and its 114 Surahs. How can any professing follower of Muhammad be "moderate" in the light of ALL 114 Surahs "being given by their Allah"? Drop that heinous word "moderate" and replace it with all due haste with the term "accepter of the Qur'an, all 114 Surahs".
  21. I'd lovingly close down the "Episcopal Church" hesto-presto and urge any born-again parishioners to switch to any Bible-believing, Christ-honoring & Spirit-filled Church asap. In point of fact, I'd offer to help them so choose. Why associate with pagan leaders who deny the veracity of Holy Writ? And why put your hard-earned dollars into suporting heresy? THAT shuld be a fairly easy decision. BTW, which disciple of Jesus held membership in an "Episcopal Church"?
  22. The less Obama and his leftist cohorts say the better for Egypt lest Obama be known as the Prez who lost Egypt.
  23. My answer is yes. And a sax too. In conjunction with all the worshippers. Now Neb the question in return do we leave this one behind to follow our desires of worship? Love Steven You, too, are not answering the question. Put it this way - if you are in a conversation with someone who you find out is a drummer, and in the conversation he mentions desiring to worship the Lord through his drumming in church. Do you support him or tell him he can't? (The who style of music and volume is a separate question and not something I intend to promote.) Simply do you believe this man can play his drum in worship in church? Yes or no? Period. (I won't push anything beyond this. Please do the same)
  24. Now Neb the question in return do we leave this one behind to follow our desires of worship? Love Steven You, too, are not answering the question. Put it this way - if you are in a conversation with someone who you find out is a drummer, and in the conversation he mentions desiring to worship the Lord through his drumming in church. Do you support him or tell him he can't? (The who style of music and volume is a separate question and not something I intend to promote.) Simply do you believe this man can play his drum in worship in church? Yes or no? Period. (I won't push anything beyond this. Please do the same)
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