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Posts posted by JacquelineDeane55

  1. Yeah, who doesn't like amazon? I find most of my material possessions on there. I can get things really cheaply on there, because I have next to no money, the cheap things I can buy there means I can afford some stuff.

    Ebay is OK, but I don't really like the bidding system, because someone mostly ALWAYS outbids me and that can be frustrating. My little sister used to think they were cheating and it got her all angry.

  2. OK so you do KNOW about skateboarding culture (which is not akin to pop culture and all its jazz).

    I was a fan of Ryan Sheckler when I was a teenager, but I have gotten away from the skateboarding scene altogether. I have not followed him in years.

    I was a fan of skateboarding back in the day, but I seem to have lost interest in it now. It was my favourite sport (to watch I mean), I am glad they are going to include it in the Olympics, I just might watch that.

  3. I have some pets too. My little sister used to foster cats and she was like, a temporary cat mother. We used to bring baby kitties home and take care of them.

    Eventually she got her own cat and named him panda, and he is just so cute! We all dote on him because we think he is cute.

    But she married and moved away and took the cat with her.

    And then my mother bought a cocker spaniel and she is the pet now. But sometimes she annoys me I admit. Like, she has several vices to her character: She is a glutton, she is not the smartest animal I have ever seen, and she constantly is under our feet. My mom almost tripped over her once, and that made my father very angry at our dog and he yelled at her.

    All of this makes the dog annoying be around.

  4. Growing up I was a kid who did love books and reading, I got into Pokemon when I probably should not have, I don't think it is biblical to get into books like this. Maybe GOD was displeased with me and he took those books away...you know, even though they are works of fiction, they still had a lot of fighting in them and maybe that is why GOD removed those books from my life?

  5. You know, it is OK not to know what GOD wants for your life. I myself am 32 years old, and I thought I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, but now I am not so sure. Maybe I will pray again and ask GOD about it.

    But you are not the first person who has ever felt like we did not know what to do with their lives. I feel that way as well. When I was young, I knew exactly what I wanted and I always went for it, but now I am not so sure who I am anymore or what GOD wants for me...

  6. So what this thread is about is forgiveness. I see.

    It is actually easier to forgive than you might think. I myself hold no grudges against people.

    As for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Yes, I was alive to see that. I woke up one morning, when I was a child, and turned the TV on and watched in disbelief as the two planes hit those two towers. Many people lost their lives that day, it is proof that the devil is still strong and active and he wants to hurt us...but causing pain and destruction and wanting to hurt others is evil...its all the Devil can do...but we have a GOD who is bigger than HE is in every way.

  7. You are asking me why I believe in Christ Jesus?

    I actually do not know why I do. One morning I just woke up and started to believe in him, and then the satanic forces came to me and they tried to stop me...

    You know, faith is nice. I have the ability to believe and I do believe in GOD, Jesus, the afterlife, etc. But my faith happened suddenly out of the blue one day. I really cannot explain it, but once I had it then supernatural experiences began happening to me, more than I can explain on here.

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  8. I can hear my mother up and in the kitchen cooking something, maybe I will go and find out what it is.

    Do any of you want to be friends? We can go to the mall together, or watch a movie, or we can go out to eat together, etc. If you guys actually lived anywhere near me we could go and do that.

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