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Everything posted by Mishael

  1. قَالَ رَبِّي يَعْلَمُ الْقَوْلَ فِي السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ 21:4 In Warsh the Surah begins with قل not قال notice the difference is more then just dialect, the whole meaning has changed now.
  2. Does that change the meaning of the verse or the theology of Christianity?
  3. Then please don't make baseless claims without understanding the Bible or the context of its words.
  4. https://www.catholic.com/tract/whats-your-authority Since you seem to claim your interpretation is correct then I'd urge you to read this first.
  5. Is that why there's 40000 Protestant sects and reformed Churches all claiming to understand the Bible as the true authority yet they keep moving further into apostasy and they all disagree with each other.
  6. Cherubim is a depiction ad is technically an icon so God is going to order something that violates his own commandments (according to you). Read this aswell: https://blogs.ancientfaith.com/orthodoxbridge/is-there-a-biblical-basis-for-icons/
  7. Hey if you don't know your own book then I'd say to study it more before coming here claiming it's true while the Bible is wrong.
  8. Christ didn't say it doesn't mean it's idolatry the words of the early Church fathers and Church traditions coupled with the orders God told Moses proves Icons aren't idols.
  9. For starters the Hafs Quran says قال in verse 21:4 while the Warsh one says قل. This has changed the text from He said to say. We still have the original copies of the Bible in Greek so even if a anything is revised we can go back to the original copies and check for errors.
  10. Christ made visible the invisible God, and thus it is allowed that images of Him be depicted. The second commandment protects us from creating fantastical creatures that replace the true God. Icons depict real people and events that draw us to the true God. Worshiping an idol is the equivalent of replacing God with a created thing (or ideology or passion). Venerating an icon is an act of respect and love that glorifies the Creator (sort of like saluting to a soldier is an act of respect and honor that shows your loyalty to your country). Just in case anyone thought God’s commandment to Moses excluded all visual images of anything as idols, check out Exodus 36:35-37:9 where, per the instructions of God, Moses has images of cherubim embroidered into the curtains of the tabernacle and statues of the same cast for the Ark of the Covenant.
  11. Aslong as the meaning is the same it doesn't matter. However I can show you differences in the Warsh and Hafs Quran that contradict its own meaning.
  12. First learn grammar and second do you have the Quran of Mohammed or the one Uthman complied many years after his death and do you even have a complete Quran from Uthman's time? Also your prophet seemed to have no problem with according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  13. I was born Muslim but never bothered believing in Islam or the claims of Islam since its own history betrays it.
  14. By the way if the Bible is corrupt then why did Mohammed say he came to affirm the Gospel and Torah. Muslims say no it means he came to affirm the original Gospel and Torah as revealed to Jesus and Moses, but a few questions to Muslims where is the word original Gospel and Torah in the Quran, it just says the Gospel and Torah? Mohammed said to the Ahl Al Kitab to judge by their own books and to look to their own books if they have any doubt about his message, but how could they do this if their books were corrupted? If Mohammed said all this then this means the scriptures at Mohammed's time were yet uncorrupted and if that's true then why is there a need for the Quran?
  15. The number of books depends on wheather to include the apocrypha or not, it never effects the actual theology of Christianity or the basic meaning of the Bible.
  16. That's a common Islamic myth the Islamic version of Jesus is not the same as the Christian jesus even the names aren't the same Jesus in Arabic is Yasue yet in the Quran he's called Isa. Funny the Quran says Jesus will descend with Imam Al Mahdi to kill the dajjal who claims to be the king of kings yet we believe Jesus is the king of kings will kill the Anti Christ and false prophet when they try to annihilate Israel and the believers. Our villains are your heroes our hero is your villain.
  17. http://www.ocf.net/icons-are-not-idols/ https://www.catholiceducation.org/en/religion-and-philosophy/apologetics/so-catholics-worship-statues.html The Bible defines idol worship as taking another god besides the true God while making sacrifices to a false idol. Having icons and statues of Jesus Christ and Saints doesn't fit this criteria. I'd urge you to read these articles and the words of the early Church Fathers well before blindly accusing others of idolatry.
  18. I've already shared this piece information on the reality of Muslim apologists like Deedat with many Christians and now I will share it with my Orthodox brothers. Muslims always try to quote their prized scholar, their big winner Ahmed Deedat whenever Christianity seems to snuff out Islam in all forms of theology. I even happen to have the book of Ahmed Deedat (The Choice Islam and Christianity) which seems to mock Christianity and Judaism more then actually prove it wrong. The shamelessness of Ahmed Deedat it seems has no bounds when he called the Bible a book of incest and other horrendous words and would quote proudly from the Bible to prove Mohammed was prophecized in there yet at the same time preach the Bible was changed. But it seems the best of the Muslims was not the best Deedat could not explain one theory which until now shakes the very foundations of Islam the satanic verses, Mohammed according to all the great and ancient scholars of Islam (Al Tabari, Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Saad, Waqidi, Bukhari, and many more) preached that Allat, Manat and Al Uzza pagan goddess could intercede on behalf of Allah and as soon as Mohammeds pagan enemies heard this they reconciled with him for a brief while and prostrated with him. But as soon as Mohammed revealed this revelation Jebreil (Gabriel) came down and told Mohammed that he had made a grave mistake and Mohammed now corrected his earlier revelation by condemning the polytheism of his people. Many Muslims will say this is a fake account but let's go to the Quran don't Muslims always bring us the challenge to produce something like the Quran well no need to because if this is a fabricated event then that means someone was able to conjure up a false Quranic Surah which would technically mean Allah lied since he said no one can make something like the Quran. So Muslims will either have to choose one of the following: 1. Mohammed said the satanic verses and Islam is false since it kind of destroys the whole concept of Tawheed in Islam. 2. Mohammed did not say this and this is fabricated and the Quran is false since Allah lied when he said no one can produce something like the Quran So clearly we can conclude Muslims have no way out of this argument. PS sorry for the long piece of writing tried to shorten it as much as possible.
  19. I was born Muslim and am from a Muslim family. Islam is one of the most oppressive, destructive and hateful ideology on earth. All I ever saw in it was hate, even when I was 5 years old I knew Islam didn't seem right. I could feel something was wrong with it. I'm happy I left this barbaric ideology of hate. Ibn 'Abbas said: "The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.'"
  20. It makes sense to me the Jesus maintained two separate personalities one divine one human. It makes more sense to me than any other doctrine or denomination.
  21. Yes what about the branch of Nestorians in Arabia.
  22. Okay Nestorians belive in two separate personalities one divine one human not two people.
  23. I'm a Nestorian and I've had many Christians regard this part of Christianity as heresy what's your opinions on it.
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