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Mike Mclees

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Everything posted by Mike Mclees

  1. Mike Mclees Diamond Member Diamond Member 541 1,061 posts Report post Posted yesterday June 5 /2020 at 06:14 PM (edited) This anger may very well bring on a national revolt. This is going all the way to the white House. Generals are saying that our presidents need to be scrutinized more closely. They still don't understand the gravity as to what is happening. There won' be any more Republican or democrat. The next step now is globalism. You might say I am crazy. That OK Just wait. Edited yesterday at 06:15 PM by Mike Mclees
  2. What are you saying " blanket statements" Gods word has already said about what we see happening today This is not about good cops and bad cops. Can you divide the good from the bad so we can live safer. This is about sin and those who choose to live in darkness rather that the light. Can their be truth and honor in a corrupt world. The most honest and upright cop will stand with all the rest on that day.
  3. This anger may very well bring on a national revolt. This is going all the way to the white House. Generals are saying that our presidents need to be scrutinized more closely. They still don't understand the gravity as to what is happening. There won' be any more Republican or democrat. The next step now is globalism. You might say I am crazy. That OK Just wait.
  4. I may have to resign. I apologize Jason. When we stop and try to look into the complexity of creation it baffles the imagination. One thing I do know there is no greater fool than the one that says there is no God. There must be a key between the created human brain and the soul.
  5. We will see. I'm going to shift gears a little now. I'm going back to Geneses but only for Adam and Eve. God said he created man and women, but he did not say how he did it. In fact no one knows how we were made. One might say let there be man and there he was. In a sense that could be but it is far to complicated than that. Go to Harvard Medical and study our anatomy right down to the smallest molecule. Now lets think about how we see, and think. Our character and individual personality. The Good the evil. our motor skills that lets us do multiple tasks simultaneously. If we did not have a brain what would we be Nothing but useless trash. I'm tired now but here in the morning. Are we still on the samee wave length ?
  6. Now we are getting to my point, But not all of it. Bare with me .
  7. Thank you for that if I am misinformed. How ever I used it only for an example. Jesus said the poor would always be with us. He said that to defend a women for using very expensive oil to anoint Him. Jesus didn't even have a pillow to lay his head. The Pharisees thought they were blessed of God because they had wealth. It is our value system that is my question. Even the poor amongst us would be corrupted if they suddenly became wealthy Can you understand that. Why did Jesus tell the rich ruler to sell all he had to come and follow Him. Jesus taught that to follow him would cost them everything. Don't go away there is more. Because of the content many may move on.
  8. Understood except for one. Me! Actually this is not what I'm getting at. What motivates fleshly man with all the desires instilled in him since he was created as apposed to Christ who tells us to leave everything to follow Him so why then are we here.? I do understand that we are 0self motivate00d, Just want some feed back.
  9. In the world value is often measured by the price we put on it. It could be power of position or rank, importance. Possessions are symbols of pride and ambition. These are the things that give us a sense of reason or purpose. We value these things, but if we did not strive for these things why are we here? What reason do we have?. Jesus Told the rich young ruler sell all you have and follow me. Most gain wisdom with age. Lets say you have worked hard all your life and feel you earned all that you have. In the parable of the successful farmer who gain so much goods he had to tare down his all his old barns so to make bigger ones. One day sitting on his porch with his feet kicked up he said to himself I finally have enough to retire and live out my life in comfort. Then and angel came to him seeing the pride in himself. He told the farmer you are a fool because this day your soul is required of thee. What was wrong. All that he had was now worthless. Was it because he worked hard and was successful ? It says that God the Father owns the cattle of a thousand hills. This was just a way of saying he had no need for wealth for he made all that we see. Why couldn't the rich Ruler sell all and follow Christ. Security is the word that comes to my mind. Isn't that what the world seeks after? This is a loaded question. Here is where the rubber meets the road. First look to the great poverty in the world. I watch a documentary last night about Seattle Washington. I have never been there but thought what a great place to vacation. I thought of all he beauty but it was all a nightmare. What I saw turned my stomach. Streets lined with tents side by side and garbage everywhere. quit literally it was toilet. Police had a useless job. If they arrested someone he was only realest the next day to do it all over again. How can these things happen? Thw whole thing was out of control because city government would not spend the money to clean it up. Now see all this on a world scale. Mr Gates thinks he is the man of the hour. This is only the tip of the iceberg . Wealth, power and influence. Hmm! There is more to all this so hang out.
  10. Yes he has agendas, but I don't think that he see in the light, but hel will when his time comes. I have never felt I could see these day.s. I worry not about my self. The sun is going down downfore me Bu we have families and I pray for them. For those who don't know Christ it is time to find Him now. God bless you all.
  11. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, and because you rejected knowledge I also reject you as my priests because you have ignored the Lord your God I will reject you Hosea 4: 5,6 this is the hint and still is the highest commandment . re- read my post now.
  12. both of you have given good answers. However you missed the real message. Im not trying to be mysterious. The answer iare right, but can be prideful. Study closely the intent. These are not my answers but His. He is the one who gives them to me. The answer is an important one, for he has written more than once in the scriptures. I will give everyone an opportunity to answer.
  13. It is not the good things we do but its who we are. It's pretty much in the bag that we will get another stimulus check. What will we do with it?
  14. For the which cause I also suffer these things nevertheless I am no ashamed: for I know in whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.2nd Tim 1:2
  15. I havnt known Ravi unti a short time ago when I watched him on UTUBE. It did not take long to see he was a gifted Schaller. I did not know he was no well so I was shocked when they were making tribute to him. For those of you who might not know him you can listen to Him on Utube. You will not be disappointed.
  16. He went Home this mourning
  17. Hears one l . We have a breakthrough to kill the virus. We only need six more months to perfect it
  18. .Do you really no how hard it is to stay clean from this virus. Its impossible. Given the length this virus has been here already there is no cure any time soon. the job is overwhelming. You cannot be 100 & perfect. This leads to despair Yet we don't need to fear Because the Lord is with us always
  19. Can a believer still feel despair when he is overwhelmed?
  20. With out Gods grace is there any hope?
  21. If you have you would not be alone. This is one fight we cannot win despite 0ur best efforts. How many times do you feel that you are safe. or overwhelmed Can you say that you have not made not one mistake?. I find it to be impossible in spite of following all the guide line. Where does that take us? If it were not for grace we would have no hope. Prayer is our only comfort. They say they have a vaccine, but its months away. That's little come to us.
  22. Your comment is wise indeed. Words like unity and solidarity is full of deception with those wanting world religion. Jesus said " be as sheep but wise as serpents. This means we don't have be ignorant fools. True unity is to be one in Christ not one with a religious order.
  23. Controversy between Trump reopening and advisers who say it could be a desalter. A lot of promising along with a lot of if's sends confusing messages to a people who a desperate for an end to lock down. Could the truth be hidden behind vails by those who would profit by fear.. The ones who say (don't open ) could be also the very ones spreading it. This is manipulation to make them look good so when all looks black they suddenly have the answers. Who stands to win by this. Globalist's We are sheep being herded
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