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Everything posted by arteaga

  1. Guys as true followers of Christ I wanted to tell you guys how important spiritual warfare is, not many are going to make it in our fathers army, so please give everything you've got to our father, and to read the Bible and really take what Jesus was teaching his disciples very serious, the physical world isn't meant for us to have fun, infact that's what satan wants from us to distract us from our father and his orders, spirit to another spirit please let other Christians know as we have more knowledge of what's really going on in the world and could really spread the message of how not many people are taking life extremely seriously as it should be, please share to other Christians as I've noticed not many actually follow what the Bible is trying to tell us which is to always obey God, life isn't meant to have fun or be easy, and Jesus basically tells you how to be a spiritual warrior from what he was teaching his disciples, but don't only go half way, commit to it! it's not going to be easy but we are talking about eternal life here. Share so that we can spread this message of importance to save us!
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