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Everything posted by Chozen_23

  1. hello, everyone, I pray all is well when you get an opportunity check out my new blog. I went through a lot in life and lost myself in the process. later in life, I learned that it was apart of God plan because I lost myself to only truly find my self in God. I decided to start a blog to help others find themselves as well.
  2. Check out my new blog it's about knowing who we are in God.
  3. Sometimes I really feel like he doesn' but everyday I wake up with hope and faith that today would be better than yesterday and now all I can do is pray and be the best wife I could possibly be. What hurt the most is when we are at church are around others he pUT up a front and act like he is the best husband ever and people are like you are so lucky to have such a great husband, but we can't even make it home before her convert back to how he really act. Its to a point now to he don' what me to comment are say anything about anything he just want things to go the way he want with no questioned ask and he leave me out of everything... all he want me to do is agree and it's so hurtful sometimes I feel like he dont care how much he hurt me are make me feel worthless... Ive never felt so low in my entire life...
  4. We have reached a day and time where If you express how you feel it is counted as you complaing or it seems as if no cares that you are struggling. It's as If no one hears your silent cry. People can't ask for legit help for being judged or belittled giving their circumstances. Today if you encounter at least 7 peope at least 1 of them has a silent cry out for help, and don't know how to ask because they have been suppress for so long until they feel as if there feelings don't matter their struggles are ignored but, God is an all knowing God he is always there and us children of God listen today for a silent cry pray for them encourage them and most importantly show love to them jus your love and kindness can turn their day around.. Have a blessed day...
  5. Ive been having conversations with him about it for 2 years now... Now I can't even bring myself to bring up anymore... He is a good person he truly is and I love him Im just tired of feeling not valued and ignored. It make me feel like somethings wrong with me I try my best and beyond to be the best wife possible. I just feel like nothing I do is enough..
  6. We both are in ministry I am a minister and he is a minister and we both was in ministry when We got married ministry isn't the problem at all I will never complain nor stand in the way of his work when it comes to the Lord because I wouldn' want him to do that to me. That' not what I meant when I wrote the post what I meant was it' hard being married in ministry when you feel like you are married to yourself and feel unloved the loneliness because you have a partner who continues to break promises and makes little to no effort to make our relationship better. And it's nothing to do with ministry being a problem lack of commit while trying to work ministry is. WHILE working minitry you have to carry alot I love working ministry I just want to have a healthy relationship with my husband while doing so that' all..
  7. I'm sorry for your lost I cant imagine how you are feelings. I understand that's one way he show his love but he has time to play games and be on his phone alot and plus he is only the youth pastor trust me when I say he has multiple chances to make and effort and he doesnt. I pray for him I do everyday I wake up with hope that today is going to be better than yesterday. .
  8. You know I learned that years ago... when you go through so much it makes you very empathetic and definitely less judgmental...
  9. Truthfully all you need to do is ask God to forgive in whatever sin you feel like you have committed. Then you have to forgive yourself because the devil playground is self condemnation. He is attacking your mind he doesnt have power over your life are less God give you over to him and I doubt God has done so because if he had the enemy wouldn' be fighting so hard to take over your mind. Stand and rebuke the enemy and tell him who you are that you are a child of God and that you abide in God and God abides in you and that he has no place in your life.. keep your faith keep praying fasting and read your word because the more you read your word the more it purify your spirit.. God bless you... I hope this message isn' to late..
  10. I am the wife lol... and I will do that... sometimes I think he just don't care... I come last in his life period. True enough when it comes to ministry and that he has to work I understand that fully it's just at times I feel neglected. We might have spent about 30 mins are so together this week..
  11. The enemy play ground is condemnation when you ask God to forgive you for something it is cast into the sea of forgetfulness. And its no longer held against you as long as you repent... Satan don' want you to think that you are forgiven so he can attack your mind it's his gateway to your spirit. Be sure and confident of who you are in God and who God is in your life right now. Tell the enemy that Jesus was bruised for our iniquities and wounded for our transgression and the chastisement of our peace was upon him. It's not that God hasn't forgiven you you just have to forgive yourself.
  12. It's hard to stay married and keep the right mind frame in ministry especially if you have a difficult spouse. I thank God for a relationship with him because it's the only thing that keep me sane at times...
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