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Laura W

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  1. I tried to explain once to someone of the amil persuasion that if ones theology is wrong it will lead them to mistreat Israel and open them self up to a curse. Did not go over well. so most wrong headed notions are because they do not interpret scripture in its ‘clearest’ sense. great topic
  2. This is scary. The us church is soft. I am seeing many Christians being transformed before our eyes. In those saints I would loosely call this a ‘souped up or divinely expedited sanctification’. Back in 2005 I had a few prophecies which seemed to be about ‘end time’ persecution in US. In that respect there is agreement. The difference is that the Lord seemed to be giving a two phase declaration. That was that the time of ‘prophetic voices’ that would not be silenced in the face of evil and corruption resulting in much persecution would be preceded by the beginning of a time of repentance, glorifying the Lord and generally a time of awakening. After not speaking to me in that way for a number of years, the focus as of 2015 and now seems to be getting us ready for that time. I do believe that repentence, increase in prayer and a change in focus from self to Christ and glorifying Him will precede...
  3. A huge topic which might be better addressed under ‘theology’. However if you really want a scholarly response I would suggest the works of Norman Geisler and RC Sproul. They represent the heavy hitters of the Calvinist and Armenian persuasions.
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