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Scott Free

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Posts posted by Scott Free

  1. 12 hours ago, The Barbarian said:

    That's the key here.   Christians differ on this issue, but unless they make their particular understanding into an idol that is necessary for salvation, they are all Christians.

    It is sad to see Creationist fanaticism always angry and promoting hate in God's name putting a wall up before non-believers going to the Gospel.

  2. 1 hour ago, RV_Wizard said:

    Absolutely, you should put your faith in the Scriptures; not in the understanding of ancient Hebrews

    The creation stories predate the written word and are literally the beliefs of the ancient Hebrews. Their similarity to pagan mythos of the time seem to suggest they where meant to wean the early Hebrews off the beliefs created in Babel. Kind of like how we appropriated pagan holidays to serve Jesus Christ today.  

  3. 48 minutes ago, FJK said:

    This is actually important to me

    Put all your faith in the Gospel toward bearing fruit to God through the Holy Spirit. Trying to pin down a coherent teaching of creation to force others to comply to leads to the strife and resentment. Knowing the limits our understanding brings to the table, we should lighten up and treat the topic more causally for everyone's sake. 

  4. Just now, FJK said:

    That isn't making any sense to me as an answer to my question, I was wondering where I was picking and choosing and what, by implication, I was ignoring.

    Your intrinsic understanding of what the Bible says should make it obvious. I am regarding you as a scholar and should not have to write an essay to introduce you to these elementary principles. Anyway, I am too lazy, while not really concerned if you take this in or not.

  5. Just now, FJK said:

    Where are you saying I have done this, and what scripture am I ignoring when I do?

    This ancient Hebrew view of creation is consistent with Bible scripture as your literal interpretation dictates. A sound doctrine would not to pick and choose what it should believe. Leaving all this out of your teaching causes doubt on the validity of this approach. The Gospel of Jesus does not need extraneous information added to it.

     "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    I do not see the part where scripture is for learning natural theology to equip for works of contention.


  6. 52 minutes ago, FJK said:

    I've sort of noticed that, and always wondered why.

    The authority of God's Word is not in question. The problem is that literal interpretation of the English translation presents an inconsistent hermeneutics. Why should I give you a pass to only pick and choose scripture that agrees with your narrative?  

  7. 10 minutes ago, FJK said:

    To think that man can define something God has not already defined for us is ridiculous.  We're what was created, not that which created it.

    There is a line of thinking that is hundreds of years old called Natural Theology. I am not saying I support it, but it fulfills a causal need for revealing God's glory though observations in nature. The original tenet is to confront atheist only and refrain from internal bickering. I think it is a personal journey that need not be shared.

  8. On 9/24/2023 at 7:59 AM, Retrobyter said:

    One must be careful wherever one treads in the Scriptures.

    The Scripture does not teach that God created from nothing. That is demonstrably untrue. The word used for creation is "bara" in Genesis 1. This word is used for things created from preexisting material elsewhere in the Bible. This alone says "bara" does not mean creation from nothing.

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  9. On 9/24/2023 at 7:59 AM, Retrobyter said:

    If one thinks He was "mistaken" about Creation

    The ancient Hebrew view of creation you must offer to be consistent with Bible teaching as the literal interpretation dictates. A sound doctrine would not to pick and choose. Leaving it all out causes doubt on the validity of this approach. The Gospel of Jesus does not need extraneous information added to it.

     "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    I do not see the part where scripture is for learning natural theology to equip for works of contention.


  10. 25 minutes ago, Retrobyter said:

    Well, the simple answer is this: If one is going to believe Yeeshuwa` about faith and Justification, one must also believe what He said about Creation

    The problem is that literal interpretation of the English translation presents an inconsistent hermeneutics. If everything about nature in the Bible was taken literal you would be also promoting flat earth and the dome of water above. How about the misconception that God created from nothing. Why should we be allowed pick and choose. In that line of reason should it all be taught? The majority of Christians do not take this approach seriously.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Retrobyter said:

    What are you two going off about? The "leviathan" in the Tanakh was NOT a "multi-headed dragon!" It was a SPECIES of water animal, not a single creature! The word is found six times in the Scriptures: Job 3:8; Job 41:1; Psalm 74:14; Psalm 104:26 and twice in Isaiah

    I really do not care about this issue. This is just were the rabbit hole lead. The inquiry is if it is a good ideal to treat Creationism as a condition of Faith for Salvation or does promoting it further God's Kingdom by promoting the Holy Spirit of Jesus

  12. Just now, Sparks said:

    I see.  So you were there and can confirm the Leviathan didn't exist?  We have multi-headed people, and cats, and snakes and turtles, all kinds of creatures today.  But somehow you know there was no Leviathan. 

    How do you know?

    To prove a negative is no easy task. Global mega-fauna was completely wiped out multiple times since the Paleosaur last appeared in the fossil record. Also, having multiple heads would disrupt its ability to swim or eat given its unique physiology. 

  13. 39 minutes ago, Sparks said:

    Are you prepared to prove Leviathan never existed?

    The multi-headed Leviathan of the Old Testament was not literal. Today, Revelation has revealed it as the seven headed dragon. So, the scriptures appears to boast in God's ability of subjugate and desecrate the spirit that is building these empires on Earth, and the sea is humanity through with he must manifest. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Sparks said:

    What do you think you have already proven?

    I am simply stating well documented past belief systems about nature. I am not interested in writing a thesis for you on the subject. That is study you must have intrinsically in you for further discussion. And frankly, I do not know a lot on the topic and wish to navigate other subjects. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, Stan Murff said:

    You mean like not allowing Christianity and people being heterosexual?

    Kind of, I think that falls under the umbrella of "removing the bigotry of the past." The plan for Christianity specifically is for the Vatican and Eastern Orthodox to unite under the Pope as the official church. With the Pope joining with the counterfeit-christ as his right hand man, bringing the western hemisphere into the fold in the process.

  16. Just now, Stan Murff said:

    Yeah, and it mirrors communism... and the liberals are trying very hard to make the US a one party communist state following the CCP model

    The next system will be a mix. Dictatorial control globally with 12 democratic regional governments. Global Warning, universal healthcare, removal of bigotry and space exploration are some of the top global priorities he decrees.

  17. 16 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

    Ever hear of the 10 Region fable people push?

    Here is the map that really matters. Behold, the 10 nations and the last incarnation of the 7 empires/kingdoms. Every new empire was a foreign power incorporating their predecessor(Babylon/Med-Persia/Hellenistic Greece/Rome/Two Divisions of Rome/United Nations/S.C.O.).



  18. 16 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

    Conquering the whole world just makes zero sense

    The three most powerful nations at the time(Russia,China and India) will elect him as supreme leader. Their combined strength will compel the rest of the nations to join his new order that will be more progressive and community oriented than the current U.S. dominated self serving order that is projected through the U.N.  

  19. 37 minutes ago, Stan Murff said:

    Wow!  So who is wishing bad things upon you?

    Antisocial behavior and narcissistic groups. I see people cry over how they are treated. Only about 1 in 10 people are like that, some environments are higher. To be the object of wanton reputation destruction or derision and still offer kindness to them without toxic positivity can be difficult even when the Holy Spirit fills the heart. 

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