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Everything posted by bropro

  1. It is quite a story of faithfulness to the work of the Lord in which his labor was not in vain. Gary
  2. I don't know if this belongs here because I did not see an evangelism forum. Back in 1969 after coming home from Vietnam, a woman gave me a chick tract entitled "This Was Your Life." After reading this tract I felt conviction of sin right away. I would like to say that I came to the Lord shortly thereafter, but it took 5 years before I actually repented of my sin and received Christ as my Savior. The sad thing is, that I experienced this conviction of sin off and on (mostly on) for the next 5 years. I can only guess as to why I waited so long, but I am very thankful to this woman who gave me this tract. The link below will tell of a man who passed out tracts everyday for over 40 year. It is only 9 minutes long, but in my opinion very inspiring. I'm sure you know why. I hope all who listen to this will also be inspired also. I don't think you were able to listen to the link on the effectiveness of tracts, because it was removed from here by admin. My fault. I moved it to the Video Forum under the title "Do Gospel Tracts Really Work?" in BIBLICAL TOPICS It is only 9 minutes long, but well worth the time. Please let me know what you think. Gary
  3. When people ask me whether I am Republican or Democrat, I simply tell them that as a Christian I try my best to view life through the lens of scripture. With the political climate being as it is, and has been for some years, if I identify with the Liberal party I lose the ability to witness to those who are conservative. If I identify with the Conservative party, I lose the ability to witness to those who are Liberal. My ability to witness to people about Christ, is more important than winning a political argument. And my ability to love the sinner and hate the sin is possible only by the grace of God. Gary
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