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  1. Fascinating understanding. I need to mull this over...
  2. Fasting food,only consumed water. I felt it was an invitation from God but I did not have a God experience. I felt like he didn’t show up...
  3. With God’s grace all is possible. Please consider researching absolute fasts. Many have embarked and completed it.
  4. I’m sure in my salvation @Billiards Ball I’m also certain that i no longer want to continue in this relationship that feels like a fraud
  5. @1sheep What i response. Can you stay more about that... I love the distinction. AMAZING!!
  6. I don’t mean to be vague. I just feel like these last 10 years has just been one disappointment after another and I kept thinking I want maybe one Jubilee comes things will turn around or maybe when you know the fifth year Conser the seventh year and I keep looking for signs and wonders think that maybe he’ll turn around and honor my faithfulness. Just created new rock bottoms. I can be specific and I know that you didn’t come here to hear my personal issues. I just came to this form because I wanted to be a encouraged. I literally feel like walking off the face of the earth and never looking back. I feel like the cross has disappointed me.
  7. Thank you @SelahSong truth be told, i fell out of love with him. I’m so angry at him because he fails me
  8. I hear these preacher fast and get private jets and real estate. All i want is for God to walk with me, prosper my territory and make me into the person i am meant to me. I feel like i have been sifted like week for 10 year. I have no more energy to move forward. I feel like the cross has betrayed me and i have fasted and prayed and i have nothing left.
  9. Does anyone believe in the power of miracles? Care to share?
  10. I have felt and been silent for month because I feel Jesus has passed me by. I wonder if this feeling is because i have grieved the spirit. I literally just want to walk off the face of the earth because i dont think the cross has no power in my life. I am hallow.
  11. Does anyone believe in the power of prayer and fasting? I have gone on 3 40 day fast and God did not acknowledge me?
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