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Kevin Delacer

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Everything posted by Kevin Delacer

  1. There is always forgiveness. But the question is do we take responsibility for the forgiveness that is given to us? What i see that is wrong is that we always think that in every bad action that we do is that there is always forgiveness. If you do a certain action repeatedly then always ask for forgiveness, then the problem is within yourself. Make sometime for yourself and internalize all your doings and pray and talk to God. Or you should go to church and ask for advise and direction. Many can help you to lead in the right way. Godbless
  2. Rather that comparing his job with your job, i believe that you should be happy with him and pray for him always. Be thankful that you have your job because other people is struggling to find a decent job. Also, different individuals have different stories. Please dont judge him base on what happen. Know his story first before you come to a conclusion. Sometimes assumption with things make it a lot worst. Forgive him and pray for him. Godbless.
  3. I believe it is not a sin. As long you believe in God, maintaining a healthy relationship with him, pursuing or living with the teaching of the bible, sharing the word of God to others, doing good deeds and always praying then its all good. Hope this will helps. Godbless.
  4. Boxing is a sport. If you use it that way then I dont see any problem with that. It is a skill that was given to you. Use it wisely and know your limits. Use it in order to protect yourself and protect other people only. Dont use it for violence, you're making it worst. Plus doing boxing contribute a lot in your health. Hope it helps.
  5. Guys! Can I know your favorite Bible Verse? I am collecting a collection of bible verses to help others especially when they are in need of encouragement. My favorite bible verse is 1 Thesaloninas 5:17 - "Pray without ceasing" In every challenges of life I always pray and all my burdenwill become easier to face. Always Trust in the Lord our God.
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