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Green Darner

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Everything posted by Green Darner

  1. OneAccord, I feel like you just gave my testimony lol! I, too, was saved in 2001 and feel this is a time of preperation. It seems that I can't get enough of studying the bible. I'm also trying to overcome and become more bold verbally. Hang in there - it will happen! I agree with you that actions can speak much louder than words - especially when witnessing to the unbeliving. I became a Christian before my husband and came across this verse that seemed to leap off the page at me: "Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word , they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives." I Peter 3:1 At the time I remember thinking - Oh WOW, this is about my husband and me! That's when the bible became very personal for me. So, I would let my actions speak for me (besides I had so many questions myself - how could I speak with confidence?). As I changed, (and found out some answers ) he started to ask me questions and I would just smile and tell him I was studying the bible. Then one day (I guess curiosity got the best of him LOL) he mentioned he wanted to take a look at that bible. When I was getting me and the kids ready to go to the church for the first time, he asked where we were going all dressed up. I told him "to church" and then went about getting the kids ready and he said "I think I'll go with you next Sunday." before he went to bed. (He works the 7pm to 7am shift so sleeps during the day and is off every other weekend.) Well, he did go to church with us the next Sunday. He was saved shortly after and we were both baptised on the same day. Oh, sorry to ramble on like that Just my experience of trying to live out a godly life in front of others.
  2. I love this!! It's so nice to hear about a POSITIVE parenting experience! I'm glad to hear that ya'll and your kids are having such a good time with this. God works in many creative ways doesn't he Hope the Sunday school teacher will be able to keep up with them
  3. Arthur, I wish I could give you word-for-word specifics but I can't seem to remember that precisely. However, from what I've witnessed in her debates/arguements with others her basic reply goes something like this: I'm a decent person so why do I need God if his own people can't be decent therefore they must be making Him up. Perhaps, some background will help. This is what I have written about this in another thread: See - it's not rational, it's an emotional reponse to people whom she views as hypocrites. I really do wish that she could be won over rationally because would be so much easier than overcoming the irrational Thanks Godman. I never thought to tell her that I was praying for her.
  4. Arthur, I agree with you that we should definetly defend our faith when called. However, my mother is an atheist and I have watched many, many people over the years argue and debate with her and not one has moved her any closer to God. Many, in fact, seemed to have moved her farther away. I think my only hope for her lies in prayer to our Lord.
  5. Thank you Dad Ernie. This explains so much to me that I was confused about in the OT. :upsided:
  6. Dad Ernie: I think you made a good point about the comparison of Ham "observing the nakedness" of NOah and the pornagraphy issue. (Is this also another warning against homosexuality?) However, I still wonder why it is Canaan who is cursed? Is it a cultural thing with generational curses or is there something else in play?
  7. Hmmm....well my take on it is that there will not be any true and lasting peace in the Middle East until the coming of our Lord. Even if Islam is a peaceful religion, it is still a FALSE religion.
  8. Don't you find it amazing that the general public has such a short term memory when it comes to the media's rhetoric?
  9. Also, I've wondered was it Ham or Canaan who sinned? If it was Ham then why was Canaan cursed?
  10. IR: That makes sense. So what you're saying is that we have to choose the right perspective?
  11. Oops, forgot to put something in there. Although in a way I agree with him, I can't have him going 'round sayin' "Well, my momma says..." :x: so I told him that we were there to give an offering not to make money because God already provides enough. That seemed to satisfy him at that point but it got me to thinkin' about people who profit (monetarily) from the Word. When is it okay? not okay? Adstar: Thanks, I guess I just needed some kind of confirmation. I'm just a mom trying to guide these 2 little ones of mine in the ways of the Lord the best I can and boy do some of his questions make it hard sometimes
  12. This is one of those topics that reminds me of Paul talking about whether or not to eat meat sacrificed to the idols. In other words - does it become a stumbling block to you personally or not? For me the answer is: I do not listen to it because it brings back thoughts from my (secular) heavy metal days. Therefore it becomes a stumbling block to me. Maybe it's not to others. I just know that when I listen to Christian metal it makes me want to listen to some of the old secular music I used to listen to and to think of my old secular lifestyle. When I put on the new man I took off the old (and that included his music :music: )
  13. Exactly, Adstar (Whew, I'm glad someone was able to make sense of what I said - never can tell on this 'puter 'net thing) Unfortunately, my mom (who is an atheist) sees it as justification for her not becoming a believer. She sees them as hypocrites and that just really gets under her skin.
  14. My son (who is 6yrs) and I seem to be having a lot of interesting discussions about God lately. For instance: We have a Santa Rosa plum tree that had a bumper crop this past June. Now, I'm one of those people that has to pick every last plum (don't want them to go to waste ya know ) Anyway, my son was helping me pick and I was talking about giving God the first fruits and by way of example I took the first two bags we picked to church for whoever wanted them. Well, my son tells me about a plan he thought up to sell the plums at church. (Ever since we started an allowance he's become a little money-schemer LOL!) I explained to him that it wasn't right to charge people for what should be freely offered. Then I read to him in John 2:12-17 in which Jesus clears the temple and charges them not to turn it into a house of merchants. So, ater feeling quite proud of myself for doing a pretty good job of applying the word, my son retorts - so what about Brother so-and-so [an evangelist who was passing through] who was selling his books? :rofl: Well, outa the mouths of babes so they say. So I was wondering - what do you think about it? Or is it even the same thing?
  15. What are some specific things we can do to show our love? Also, how do we demonstrate our love and not be a doormat (or is being a doormat expected - you know turn the other cheek?)
  16. I often wonder why would Ham do such a wicked thing (whatever IT was) after being saved from the flood. And why in the world would Noah become drunk? These were supposed to be the righteous people! Actually this is one of the reasons that I believe the bible is true. In true-to-life form even the righteous are not perfect - it would be a fairy tale otherwise.
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